| Slow Torture


If treason was the charge they levied against me, then I'd be executed. That was no reason for me to talk, though. Igor wouldn't come forward to claim me, not even if I exposed our off-the-books agency. One operative was nothing in the grand scheme of things.

When I remained silent, Busch sighed and leaned back in his seat. "All right, Milan Vladimir. If that's how you wish to play it." He snapped his fingers at the wall-wide mirror to the left of me. "We'll talk again soon."

He rose to his feet and walked to the door in the corner. Stopping in front of it, he looked back at me. "Think about what I said. This can go very badly for you if you don't cooperate."

I didn't respond. Instead, I looked down at my hands, which were handcuffed to the table in front of me. I heard the door open and shut as he walked out, and then I was alone, except for the people watching me through the mirror.

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