Triggered Mission

Makai concluded that his current strength is 900 kilograms, almost the strength of a Silver Knight at its peak.

As a Bronze Knight in his prime has the strength of 300 kilograms, naturally, Makai possesses 3x that strength due to his three vital paths.

'With all 3-star increments like 30% conceived by the vital rune integrated into the sword, 30% conceived by the vital rune integrated into the armor, 30% conceived by attribute gem integrated into the sword, and 30% conceived by attribute gem integrated into the armor, my strength will go up to about 2,570 kilograms. Even a Silver Knight must have a strength of 1690 kilograms if he is wearing 3-star runic equipment...'

After doing the math when analyzing his current strength, Makai realized that the increments of his two attributes gems make a terrible difference.

'If all my sworn knights are wearing a full set of equipment like this...'

His thoughts aside, he quickly bought a 3-star armor from the system store, and to match the sword, he also bought it with the Abyssal Dragon Skin. A set of black full-body armor.

Soon, he also bought two attributes gems and two 3-star runes, totaling 5,000 system points.

Unlike the round vital energy gems of this world, the attribute gem is red and it has a square crystal shape where its sides taper to a very sharp edge.

After placing the attributes gems and the vital runes in your equipment with the help of the system, Makai placed them by his bedside ready to be used when he departs on his journey tomorrow.

'I only have 4,700 system points left and I haven't even looked at the cavalry system...'

'I also need to equip Lionel and the other brothers...'

As Makai is now the lord of his sworn knights, he is responsible for equipping them. Duke Marvin allowed him to go to the weapons pavilion to retrieve some equipment and Makai intended to do that before he left, however now that he saw his equipment in the system store, he gave up, as it would be a waste.


In one of the many houses in the Crimson Fort...

The room was pitch black and occasionally only a small murmur could be heard, 'One Sword... One Sword... Now I am One Sword...'

'Hehe... I bet many swordsmen are jealous of my title...'

'A Sword, when I draw it before my enemies, I will only need one sword strike and he will be sent to rest in the eternal night...'

As the young man muttered, he tossed from side to side on his narrow wooden bed covered in various gray cotton fabrics. Clearly, he was trying to sleep, but to no avail.

'A Sword... A Sword...'


Suddenly, the young man's eyes widened and his sheets almost reached the ceiling of his small room as he sat up straight as he heard the cold voice of the system echoing in his mind.

[Please, Sworn Knight Arnold, open the gift package your lord sent you]

'My Lord sent me a gift?'

'Is it a congratulatory gift for choosing a good title? My Lord also intended to use it? It may be, after all, my Lord is also a swordsman...'

Soon Arnold opened his system panel curiously and there was a very pretty gift box in orange and yellow colors with a white silk bow flashing next to his name, and he quickly opened it.

[Are you sure you want to open your gift package now?]

[Yea! No!]

Arnold didn't hesitate to open it, and before his eyes, a black mist had condensed and was expanding at every turn.

When the black mist dispersed, Arnold was stunned, he had never seen any method of sending gifts like this before.

Luckily, the system panel was still open when he opened his gift box and it was bright enough to allow Arnold to see the set of black armor and a sword.

'What a beautiful set of equipment...'

Arnold could have sworn he had never seen such a beautiful set of equipment before.

At the same time, information was processed into green data on the dashboard of your system.

[Abyssal Dragon Sword: A 2-star sword integrated with a 2-star rune and a 2-star attribute gem]

[Abyssal Dragon Armor: A 2-star armor integrated with a 2-star rune and a 2-star attribute gem]

'An attribute gem? What is it?'

As if answering your question, a message appeared on the dashboard.

[2-Star Attribute Gem: Increases vital energy by 20%]


'This is amazing!'


Arnold was not the only one to receive such a set of 2-star gear, Lionel, Salazar, Rayane, Alexia, Skar, and Dahlia also received a set and his surprise was no less than Arnold's when he saw the attribute gems. They knew very well what that meant.



After sending 7 sets of equipment to his sworn knights, Makai sighed as he looked at the system panel.

'I only have 500 points left in the system...'

'At least Lionel and the others will be well equipped to follow me to the Mystic Valley...'

'While 2-star equipment is not rare, it is not cheap either. Each set sent cost me 600 points for a total of 4,200 system points, the same as 4,200 gold coins. However, it was worth it, after all, these sets are not common equipment, especially when they have the attribute gems...'

'As I don't have many points of the system left, it's no use looking at the cavalry system now, because I already have an idea of ​​what will be in it...'

'Looking now will only make me anxious...'

Soon, Makai put everything aside and decided to rest, because the next few days won't be as comfortable as this soft bed of yours.


Dawn is a cycle of arrival and departure, the sun comes and the night goes. However, no matter how many times this cycle is formed, every dawn is accompanied by the beautiful scenery of nature, and today's dawn could not be different.

Scattered orange clouds painted the blue sky. Occasionally, birds of various colors are seen being chased away by the roars of magical beasts that echo from far away through the mountains of the verdant forests. The breeze blows, and the leaves fall.

Amidst these vast verdant forests, there were many paths that branch off in various directions. As if lost among these paths, 10 large carriages pulled by green, muscular horses sped along the narrow, winding paths towards the northeast. Wherever they went, they left dust behind.

Escorting these carriages are 7 tall, muscular black horses ridden by 7 young men in black armor. Lionel led the way with his great abyssal dragon spear in his right hand pointed downward while his left hand gripped his horse's reins. Salazar, Skar, and the rest were divided into 3 to protect the sides where Alexia and Dahlia followed further behind by protecting both the sides and the rear.

Inside 7 of these carriages were their families and the last two carriages carried luggage and other necessities. As commoners, they didn't have much to bring, and most likely, Makai was bringing more luggage than all 7 families combined.

The 9 red wooden carriages looked plain, but each of them was large enough to accommodate a family of 4. However, there is one carriage very visible in the central position between them, and this is a large black wooden carriage with curtains of red fabric on its little windows. Inside that chariot, Makai is also wearing his Abyssal Dragon Armor while appearing to be distracted since he left the Crimson Fort several hours ago.

'The distance from the Crimson Fort to the Mystic Valley is about 500 kilometers and an ordinary horse-drawn carriage travels 35 kilometers a day with breaks every two hours for rest... If these carriages were driven by ordinary horses, this journey would take about two weeks...'

'However, these wind horses are 1-star horses and they travel up to 100 kilometers a day when pulling carriages and they also need breaks every two hours for rest...'

'At this rate, I should reach the Mystic Valley in 5 days and a maximum of 6 days...'

'When Wagner and the family of 1,500 young people arrive, their journey will take at least a month, as they will be coming on ordinary horses and a large number of carriages will delay further...'

Soon, Makai began to remember the atmosphere in which everyone sat at the table for the family breakfast at Crimson Castle today.

'Hehe... From my older brother's meaningful look at breakfast today, I'm afraid he won't allow me to have a smooth trip...'

Duke Marvin and his 3 wives didn't say much. His sister Jennifer seemed to want to say something as she glanced at him occasionally, but she couldn't open his mouth and sighed as if didn't know what to say.

The only one who spoke a few words was Jason, but he was just referring to the dishes on the table, which were 3-star magical beast meat, a dish that few nobles can afford to eat for their breakfasts.

Makai had also noticed that Ferdinand looked more excited as he looked at him with a look that was giving his condolences to a dead man.

Seeing that look of Ferdinand, Makai knew that his older brother was already up to something, after all, Ferdinand had not hesitated to poison his predecessor on the night of his birthday feast, now that he had become a child of fate and was leaving, his brother could act unscrupulously in making use of his influence.

Makai knew that Ferdinand had a great influence on the Collins family, as many believed he would be the Duke's heir and, naturally, the rest of the family who was unable to attend this latest Council are not satisfied with their status and seek strong support from those of higher status. Supporting the Duke's heir seemed very appealing to them.

Aware of all this, Makai resolved to prepare in advance and now he was looking at a purple summon card on the system panel.

[Commander's Random Summoning Card: Summons a Commander who served in the Knights' World after his old world was destroyed in the Dark Ages]

[Are you sure you want to activate this card?]

[Yea! No!]

Makai was hesitant about whether to summon now, as he didn't know what kind of commander he would summon and what unpredictable situations it might cause, but seeing how the space inside his carriage seemed to be big enough, he stopped hesitating.

However, the system's cold voice echoed in his mind again.

[Triggered Mission: Enemies despise the host and his few Sworn Knights. Kill them without the need to summon a commander and the rewards will be doubled]