Leonidas and the Spartan Knights

Before walking out that door upon being summoned by his Lord, memories of his past were recalled and he felt a bit nostalgic, 'Finally, after years of training confined in this temple, I will be able to see the light of a new world again...'

In his memories of the past, there was a beautiful woman with long black hair wearing a white dress and she was smiling gracefully among the lavender fields. They were a happy couple and were about to have their first child, but on a stormy day, demons of various species attacked their realm and they took from him everything he cared about most, his wife and his unborn child.

Burdened with hatred, he swore he would exterminate all forces of darkness, but he was alone and the strength of a single man could not accomplish what he craved. It was then that a purple door full of complex runic symbols appeared before him and, curiously, he walked through it and found himself in a temple where he had spent years training and gaining strength he had never before imagined reaching.

However, there was a high price to pay for obtaining this great strength, he would have to swear loyalty and serve his lord when the time came to be summoned. Even aware of this, he did not hesitate to accept such a deal, as he felt it was very fair. Furthermore, his lord would also carry the quest to annihilate the forces of darkness and that would be in accordance with his will, so he didn't care if he was swearing loyalty to the lord who summoned him.

After being summoned, he took a quick look around and then saw his lord who was still a young man and he felt strange, 'My lord is still a young man... Shouldn't he be a lord of the castle? Where are your castle and your knights?'

During his years of training, he had gained some information about the Lord he would serve and was aware of many things, but he was still in doubt as he saw that the environment he had been summoned to was different from what he had expected.

'Maybe he went out to an isolated environment to prevent others from seeing him summoning me.'

After some thought about his current situation, he took a step forward and knelt on one knee and his voice was firm as he took his oath.

"I, Leonidas, willing to cross laminated mountains, I follow the ancient holy oath of the Knight, and surrender my life to Young Lord Makai Collins with this blood pact."

'It is really Leonidas, one of the main commanders who was created by the developers of the game based on the King and General of Sparta from 491 BC until the date of his death in 480 BC, during the battle of Thermopylae...'

'Commander Leonidas belongs to Western Civilization and his countrymen are Greeks...'

'Now that I've summoned you, your troops will surely be Spartan warriors, one of the main troops in the Knights' World...'

Makai stepped forward and helped Leonidas to his feet with a smile he couldn't help but show, "Welcome to the world of Lazerorth, Leonidas!"

"I have waited a long time for this moment and serving the Young Lord will be my greatest pleasure as long as your goals are aligned with mine."

Hearing Leonidas' tone, Makai understood that he was investigating him, "Don't worry. When the time comes, I will personally lead you to reclaim the Haoran Continent and there will be no shortage of demons for you to slay..."

"Before that, I must continue to summon our troops now, as there are some..."

Makai hadn't finished his words when Leonidas interrupted him, "I know, Young Lord, I can feel an aura of death rapidly coming towards us..."

That said, Leonidas looked at the dense forest to the northwest as if he could see right through it and his voice was nonchalant as he said, "They are only a few wolves and I can take care of them alone. However, it will be troublesome if they surround the Young Lord."

Makai was surprised that Leonidas could sense the wolves' aura and even determine the direction that they are coming, as even he hadn't noticed anything and only knew after he received the mission.

Curious, he opened the panel and looked at his commander's information.

[Name: Leonidas]

[Age: 137 < ?]

[Kingdom: Gold Knight (Progress < Sealed)]

[Knight's Path: Spearman (Mastery: Master < Sealed)]

'I already had some expectation that my commander would be at least a Gold Knight, however, why is he sealed?'

Makai was wondering and, as if answering your questions, new data was processed just below.

[Being sealed means your strength is being suppressed as the host is only in a Bronze Knight realm and your commanders and troops cannot overtake you in two knight realms. However, as the host's strength has reached the strength of a Gold Knight, its commanders and troops can at most be two realms above the host's knight realm]

'So it's like this...'

'I should already know the reason he is sealed based on those who are titled commanders in this world, after all, Leonidas is not called commander for no reason...'

Makai realized he was about to get lost in his thoughts again, and he pushed them aside as he turned his attention to the troop summon cards.

'Now I can summon 50 troops...'

'As there are only 21 horses and one of them will temporarily serve Leonidas, there are still 20 of them left...'

'Although I can buy more horses in the cavalry system, summoning 20 troops will be enough for now.'

After making up his mind, Makai activated two cards.

[Are you sure you want to summon 20 troops?]

[Yea! No!]

[If your choice is yes, choose one of the following options]

[Option 1: Summon 20 random troops]

[Option 2: Summon 20 troops under Commander Leonidas' flag]

Makai quickly selected option 2 and, as before, ahead of him and Leonidas appeared a purple door filled with intricate golden rune patterns.

This time, it didn't take long and several knights came out in order and were positioning themselves in 4 ranks of 5.

All of them were completely covered by their silver armor holding large spears and their backs were covered by a red cloak.

As they positioned themselves, the clanking sound of their armor was uniform and not a single one of them was out of rhythm.

Makai had a glint of admiration in his eyes at the sight of such discipline and was proud of his troops.

When everyone was positioned neatly, they knelt evenly and their voices were strong as they took their oaths.


Very quickly, Makai accepted the 20 Spartan Knights and on his panel, he saw that they were all Silver Knights.

Makai wanted to say a few words to familiarize himself with each of the twenty Spartan Knights, but he had to leave that for later, for the wolves of the forest had finally arrived.