Chapter 7

I take a moment to soak in his features. His dark tousled hair with sickle-shaped eyebrows and his patrician nose that rests on arched cheekbones. And those usually mirthful eyes are now clouded by the sorrow he bears.

"Adalia I—"

"You what?" I snap. "You're sorry? Clearly cycles worth of friendship means nothing to you or Eren or else you would have seen me. And where is Eren anyways?"

"Back at the farmstead, we both couldn't leave so Eren gifted me this moment for the both of us."

This dilutes my anger. "Wren." My brows furrow. "I will miss you, and Eren, and Macie. I will carry you three in my heart and I swear this is not the last of me. No, there will be more than enough time for Seliah and I to best you at different games."

He snickers, smiling at the ground bashfully. "Though I would like it to be so, your fate lies beyond the Prime. My only hope is that may your final destination be at the High King's Dominion. With a crown on your pretty head."

I move to coil my arms around his neck, and he wraps his arms around my waist. Tears sting behind my eyes, and I close them for just a few heartbeats. Wren's grip tightens with each second as if his will refuses to let me go. And he doesn't.


"Ah-hem." Captain Devwar loudly clears his throat, and the sound is like a knife that splits us apart.

"Go," Wren says and he sniffs. "Go, sail to the Pantheon and show them the face of their new Queen."

I offer him a half-hearted smile. "For that, I must pass the tests of the High King. And no one thinks to consider that I do not wish to rule. I believe someone who has the desire to rule and deserves to rule, should reign."

Wren lets out a hollow laugh. "Adalia, when someone desires the throne, they seldom deserve to sit on it. Worthy is the one that serves his people instead."

His words marinate in my mind. I go on the tip of my toes to plant a kiss on his one cheek. "For you." I peck the other. "And for Eren."

I rotate around, heading to the wooden plank. Devwar joins my side and together we both scale up the ramp. Once we reach the top, two crew boys are ready to haul the plank up and refasten the railing.

The ship is a triple decker. The top part being the primary level that is connected to the Devwar's quarters. Adjoined to that, separate but still in the same corridor are two other deluxe cabins. The second level is where all the crew members sleep, dance and drink. The last is where all the cargo is stored; supplies, sustenance, and ammunition in case one ever gets into trouble.

We saunter around the flank of the top structure.

"Shall I show you to your quarters?"

I shake my head. "No, I know the way."

We round the corner and I halt. Awe launches my gaze into the distance. The sky evolves right before me, ablaze with the fire of the setting sun. The horizon bleeds a blood orange into the infinite boundary that parts sky and sea.

"Though I pride myself in having a spick crew." He pauses. "Regardless, they are men. As you have seen in the past. They can become a tad bit rowdy after several or more bottles. And now, you do not have the Domina and Domus's presence to keep them proper."

I run my tongue over my bottom lip, smiling wryly. "What is it that you are trying to convey?"

He fumbles for the right words and sighs. "I think it best if you spend most of your time, especially at nightfall, in your cabin. No one will bother you there, I swear on their lives."

I swallow a laugh, glancing sideways at nothing. "Believe me, Captain. I can take care of myself, you needn't worry about my safety."

He snorts in disagreement. "Your safety is of concern. I care for your wellbeing. Your father will have me and my men slaughtered like swine if anything happens to you."

I thwart a retort. There is no point in arguing. For the sake of peace, I say, "As you wish."

He smiles with relief and bows to me. He then strides ahead to stand in the wooden gallery. The balcony that overlooks the entire main deck with a swarm of blue and white crew members, busying themselves below.

"Rekos la nua to, ken awas!" Devwar yells, roaring orders. His voice is like bottled thunder, a long measure of his vitality. "Kumpas erewen la, tumepe vas to na!"

The crew heed to the commands of their Captain. They disperse like smoke in the wind.

I, however, take my leave to my quarters.