The Past.

The instant Talen's body moved forward, he was forcibly transported to the roof. Recognizing his surroundings immediately, his right arm raised. Appearing from behind, King Barron's leg kicked Amit's defense, sending him skidding against the roof—barely dangling off the edge. After re-establishing his balance, Talen briefly looked over the edge and then back at his torn sleeve.

"And to think that was my favorite turtleneck…"

"I don't wanna have to do this, Talen!" said the King.

"Oh, please! We both know you've been intrigued by my technique from the beginning and this is the perfect excuse for you to test it. So, what're you waiting for?" Talen marched toward the Supreme King, uncaring of the infinite power Fate's Crown held. "Aren't you the one who always told me… not to run away?"

His advancement resounded shockwaves through the destiny of the world, for with each new step he took, he was inching ever closer to the infamous Supreme King. Instead of moving to clash with him, all Barron could do was stare in awe at the determination this man displayed. The only technique ever capable of rivaling the omnipotent strength of Fate's Crown was Talen Amit's Predestined Power.

'Inherited Technique: Unconquerable.'

The King moved first, attempting to dart forward and strike at his face with a closed fist. The attack was easily repelled, as Talen's technique allowed him to peer through it. Having caught the fist with his open palm, Amit connected his hand to the King's cheek, just watching as blood flew from his lips.

Momentarily stumbling back after sustaining such a hearty strike, King Barron wiped the blood from his mouth and glared ahead at his former subordinate.

Talen started sprinting ahead—arms dragging behind him as he ran toward his enemy. Fortunately, instead of allowing their fight to persist any further, King Barron summoned the all-powerful whimsy of Fate's Crown plastered over his head. Without wasting any time at all, Talen's technique had been deactivated.

Noticing the Fate aura surrounding him vanish, Tal jumped back just in time to dodge an overhead fist.

"It looks like your reflexes are good enough to last without the technique, too. Listen, don't forget who I am. I understand what happened with my son in the past traumatized you but—"

Amit's eyes widened. Somehow, despite the Crown's omnipotent negation, the Fate within him resurfaced! The King stepped back, extending his hand to prepare a shield for whatever came next. Talen shot a glare ahead, pointing his finger at the damned King who dared to name himself supreme.

"Don't you ever mention him again, YOU DEADBEAT PIECE OF TRASH!!!"

Two ankhs appeared within Talen's pupils, briefly shining bright blue. Then, an unavoidable beam of alterable Fate energy burst from his chest. Traveling through the air and obliterating everything in sight, the King only saw one option: retreat. And so, before the blast could even hit, King Barron vanished without explanation.

Cautious not to cause a commotion, Talen immediately noticed and watched as the beam vanished in mid-air. Searching his whereabouts for any trace of the fleeing King, Barron's voice echoed within the prison of his mind.

'Good. Very good. Take some time to think properly about your decision. Some are more fit to make judgments than you… Talen Amit.'

Left alone on his apartment rooftop, Talen sighed. Once the aura enveloping him dissipated, the Unconquerable technique was officially deactivated. Popping out a cigarette from the pack in his pocket, he shuffled over to the edge and dangled his feet, admiring the kingdom he was born into. Without skipping a beat, he lit the cigarette's end and pushed it between his newly-parted lips.

"What a pain…"

The city lights enlightened his caramel-skinned face, Tal inhaled the smoke from the stick. After removing the cig stuck in his mouth, grey mist exited his mouth, spiraling in the Destined Kingdom's cool winds. Without anything more to do here, Talen saw only one course of action left for him.

There was only one person in his life that was capable of making the right choices.

Revealing his phone from his pocket after taking another pull from the cigarette, he put the device to his ear and heard it dial. Almost immediately did it connect, as a black-haired woman picked up her phone at the same time her son had called.

"Talen?" Valentina asked. "It's so nice to hear from you again, it's been so long! How are you doing, my sweet boy?"

"Good, ma. Uh, just wanted to ask, but do you mind if I come over tomorrow?"

"Do you ever have to ask? Anything for my oldest son…"

May 11th, 2022.

Driving in a convertible beyond the confines of the Destined Kingdom, Talen felt the rushing airbrush past his spiky hair and leaned his head back against the driver's seat. Occasionally, he'd divert his gaze from the road ahead to briefly admire the bypassing sights of eternal greenery littering the surrounding plains.

The nearby cows chewing the grass below them momentarily raised their heads, spotting Talen from the car wave toward and watching ever further as the vehicle faded into the distance.

To any outsider, it would seem the man was strolling along the path leading outside the Kingdom just to get some fresh air. Unfortunately for Talen Amit, this wasn't a social call where he could relax on his childhood home's porch and gaze longly at the ever-moving bright blue sky.

At the top of the hill after another ten minutes of driving, there it was. The beloved home where the dear remnants of his wonderful family resided. Just seeing it sent a wave of nostalgia flying over him. Despite the euphoric sensation that sent a grin to his lips, the memories of the past caused his brain to ache. Holding his temples with two fingers while the other hand stood locked over the wheel, Talen groaned.

'I'll be okay. Just focus on the path ahead…'

Eventually, he pulled into his old home's driveway; his mother watching from the upstairs window smiling in delight at the sight of her returning child. From within the dining room near the front entrance, a straight-haired kid with gray hair and a scarf covering his mouth watched his mother sprint by.

The moment Valentina opened the door, there was her oldest son, towering over her and fitted with the welcoming smile he'd inherited from his father.

"Hey, old lady." Talen greeted his mother and went in for a hug. "Long time no see."

"Oh, it's so nice to see you!" She hugged her dear son back, pulling back and staring at his tan-skinned face. "My, how big you've grown."

"Yet, I'm still single," he said, stifling a chuckle; leaning down to peck his mother's cheek.

"Ah, don't worry about it." She pat him on the back and slowly took his jacket, standing behind him. "You're still young, you have time."

The young man entered, fixing the collar of his shirt and momentarily removing the spectacles over his eyes. The woman behind Talen watched as he placed his glasses back over his eyes, stumbling down the long corridor and noticing the numerous portraits neatly placed on a bureau to his right. His hand slid around one, lifting; unable to withhold any smiles as he gently reminisced his fond memories of the past.

"It hasn't changed a bit since I left."

"You know, you didn't have to leave. With your father gone, you know you're always welcome here, regardless of age," she said.

"I know, mom." His dark eyes reflected the image of their family. "I know…"

"Your brother's in the dining room. He missed you."

"Alright. What about Ava?" He asked, placing the portrait back onto the bureau and turning to Valentina.

"I told her you were coming. If we're lucky, she'll pull a surprise like usual and show up later tonight. Well, if you're staying long, that is," she said.

"I think I will. Do you still smoke?"

"Of course. Well—" Val sighed. "I stopped for a while but ever since Ava came back, she got me hooked again."

"'Course she did. Anyway… my old room occupied?" He asked.

"No. Go on ahead, I'll get ready down here. By the time you're done, I probably will be too so let's meet in the living room," she said, hands interlocked.

While Valentina was setting up the living room, Talen slipped down the stairs and entered the long corridor.

Within the many doorways embedded into the walls he bypassed, he would glimpse at the memories of the past play out in his peripheral vision until turning completely to realize he was only dreaming. Regardless, he continued walking down the hallway without a care in the world.

Unbeknownst to him, the memories remembered by this ancient home continued playing, uncaring if Talen was watching or not. The forgotten words of the past resounded inside his mind.

"Responsibility is all about entrusting the King in how he decides to lead this country forward. By doing that, Supreme King Barron intends to keep the strong in check and ensure the weak are protected. You see, Talen, we exist to protect non-Fate users' peace of mind," a masculine voice echoed.

"You sound exactly like the self-righteous King himself. I… hate that old bastard!" said Talen's past self.

By the time the flashback had ended, Talen's foot entered the confines of the kitchen. His blackened pupils momentarily scanned the surrounding area, halting upon noticing the familiar features of his dear younger brother leaned back on the chair seated at the dining table.


Removing the buds embedded into his ears, the scarfed man diverted his sight from the book he was reading—meeting the familial gaze of his elder brother.

From behind that which hid his mouth, the young man remained quiet, simply raising his hand to wave at his returning sibling. Talen hesitantly stepped back, warmly grinning in delight at the image of his healthy relative, beginning to step toward him. Without wasting any more time, Talen's arms wrapped around his brother, pulling him into a tight embrace.

At first, Archer was stunned. But, his widened eyes relaxed as Talen's softened voice reassuringly whispered the following words into his ears: "I'm glad you're okay."

'Thank you.'

Once the sunset on the Amit family house, familial laughter leaked from the living room's open entrances. Holding a spliff between her fingers, Valentina retracted in her seat, wiping tears from her eyes' corners. Pushing the joint back between her lips, the mother inhaled and removed it quickly after.

"Ahh… you know, we missed you around here. It's kinda lonely sometimes, especially with the other two growing up," she said.

His eyes closed, and Archer bit onto one of the cookies their mother had prepared.

"Yeah, I know how it must be. For all of you, I mean," Talen averted his gaze from his mother, intently staring at the carpeted floor. "But, I had to. Even still, I… I wish I had a better excuse than just that."

The eyes which Valentina used to look upon her son grew sadder; sight blinded by the instances of the past that tormented him. Opting against the stationary movement, she stood from the chair and sat beside her son, caressing his hair as she held him close.

"I know you still feel guilty over what happened with the King's son but that's the past now. You're strong, my boy. You'll get through it eventually," she reassured, gradually stroking her boy's black hair.

"Why doesn't it ever feel like it?"


The sound of Archer's vocals drove Talen and Valentina's eyes toward the younger man. Scarf still concealing his lips, he continued to speak after catching his sibling's attention.

"Ten years later without any communication and you show up today out of the blue, missing an explanation. Your voice betrays you. There's something wrong. What is it? What have you come here for?"

Talen looked away from his brother and nodded. "Right. Mom, can you get that?" he asked.

"Huh? What're you—?"

The doorbell rang seconds after he spoke. Quickly, she stood up, walked from the living room, and opened the house entrance, revealing none other than their beloved sister. Ava Amit, leaning against the doorframe, couldn't help but smile at the sight of her mother reflecting into her red pupils. Without skipping a beat, she threw herself onto Valentina and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Ma! It's so great to see you again!"

"Oh, it's so nice to see you again too, baby…" Valentina said, suffocating in her daughter's beefy arms.

She pulled back, gazing into her mother's eyes, allowing the stars in her crimson pupils to shine brighter than ever before. The grin plastered over her perfect lips was identical to Valentina's—even down to the dimples in her cheeks.

"So? Is he here?!" her daughter asked.

"Uh, if you mean your older brother then--"

"I'm right here."

Valentina moved aside, revealing her eldest son standing in the hallway behind her, sending that familiar grin to his sister's scarlet pupils. Without skipping a beat, she zipped from in front of the entrance, embracing her sibling the tightest she could.

"Thank god you're home!"'

As Talen and Ava reunited, Valentina momentarily glanced at them, smiling however briefly before returning her gaze to the open front door. Locking it behind her after shutting it completely, she stepped inward, muffledly chattering with her beloved children.

Unbeknownst to her, the Amit family home that sat atop a grassy hill wasn't alone. Hidden within the shrubbery surrounding the lone location, an armored member of the infamous Syndicate peered through binoculars as Ava began entering the living room. On command, they removed their gaze from the device, pushing two fingers against the comms ingrained into their mask.

"Everyone's arrived. Your orders, sir?" asked the member.

On the other side of the communications, there stood one man.

"Proceed as planned. Begin the farce."

Trivia: King Barron was born on May 18th, 1956. He's 5'11 or 1.80 meters tall. He has pale white skin and long blonde hair; eyes shaded gold. The King's robe he always wears is black. His old age is inhibited by the Crown's omnipotent power. Physically, he looks about 20 years old despite his actual old age so he ages internally.