
"We'll laugh about this someday…"

The natural enemy of Fate-users who adhere to the laws of the Kingdom of Barronia is not otherworldly monsters or deities beyond comprehension. It was the exact opposite. Besides terrorist organizations formed to challenge the throne, the strongest threat was the existence of the individual.

There was no telling how twisted a mind an ordinary human could hold. The chaos they could sow was unpredictable to even Supreme King Barron. The peace he'd worked to achieve over the past millennium of his reign would undoubtedly crumble when faced with the embodiment of such disaster.

To avoid such despair, a secret police force, specially made of professional Fate-users who were trained under the guidance of Fate's greatest Masters, protected the weak from the evildoers of destiny. They were officially named 'Enforcers' and they get paid depending on the danger of the foe they face or the number of foes.

Walking down the street of the Kingdom's capital, the mastermind wore a hood over his recognizable white hair, watching through his peripheral as citizens ran past.

'Enforcers and Violators have their strength determined by a ranking system. If Talen were to join the Enforcers after he abandoned the Syndicate, he'd stand atop their food chain. From my evaluation of him and his family, the only ones who demonstrated their techniques were the latter. And despite my initial knowledge of his powers, I still want to learn if he has anything new I should be wary of when the proper time arrives. Then again, at this point and time, he's the least of my worries. Right now, I should be focused on—'

The mastermind raised his head, reflecting the sight of the warehouse above him; colorful blasts illuminating its abandoned insides and brightening his pale face.

Shoving his hands into his jacket, he shuffled across the street and made his way across, sneaking into the structure unbeknownst to the dueling forces.

On the upper floor of the rundown building, beings producing unsurpassable speed clashed their weapons together. Clad in raggedy clothing and a bandana, the vicious fighter threw his sickles forward, hooking his opponent's sword swiftly. Pulling her over his shoulder and onto the faulty floor below them, he manically giggled. Stomping where her face previously stood, he groaned, looking up to spot his retreating foe, drool leaking from his wettened fangs.

She vented one heavy breath, speaking into the comms implanted into her attire's sleeve. "Requesting backup and damage control. Will be returning shortly," she said.

"Ohh? You're leaving so soon? And without a goodbye..." The Violator snarled, licking away the blood staining his upper lip.

She snapped at him, flashing an arrogant smirk showing teeth. "The reason I requested damage control is obvious. I have a technique capable of decimating you with one stroke from this blessed blade."

"Ho? If you have more to show then don't be shy! Show me the extent of your power, Alora Illustrious!"

Just after he finished screaming, she dashed ahead, temporarily soaring through the air before her blessed blade slashed his cursed sickles. Tumbling right beside him after the initial stroke, she swept at his face, which he instantly hopped to dodge. Widening his bloodshot eyes to spot her imminent knee; he was quickly kneed in the chin, instantly sending him through the ceiling. Tumbling against the upper floor's ground, he skidded to a halt, wiping the blood from his nose with a giggle. Watching her blurry silhouette exit the shadow, he threw himself forward, slashing more at her incomprehensible form.

Thanks to the Fate-aura enveloping her, Alora was completely untouchable; ignoring the plentiful nicks her exposed arms suffered from the quickness of his deadly slashes.

'She's so much stronger than before! Thanks to the destructive Fate she summoned, she's capable of completely ignoring the properties of my weapons continuously scraping her!'


After enough time exchanging mutual blows with edged extensions, he kicked her in the bust--sending her flying across the room. Releasing the sickles from his grip, he clenched both hands into fists and evenly split his legs apart. Her back slammed into one of the faulty walls of the ignored infrastructure, leaving her disoriented and bloody.

'It's okay. I'm okay. I'll be able to deal with everything now. Because, thankfully, I've already--'

The Violator flickered forward. In no time flat, the forefront of his claws hovered over Alora's throat while she idly sat against the wall she was kicked in. Seconds before he could puncture her neck, her facial orifices unleashed a blinding white light that seemed to enter her pouncing foe.

"Area Empowerment—"

"I don't think so..."

Just in the nick of time, the Violator's shoulder was withdrawn from the range of Alora's technique. Watching with widened eyes, Alora attempted jerking forward, spotting the hooded mastermind holding her ragged enemy by the shoulder. Now standing flat on the floor, the Violator unknowingly stood beside the Angel, directing his crimson sight to the cowled person.

"Who... DARES?!"

Intending to behead the man in one fell swoop didn't work out, as the mastermind caught his falling arm by the wrist and crushed it between his fingers, leaving the Violator with numerous shattered bones. Instinctively retreating after suffering some damage, he loudly cried to the heavens. Holding his broken wrist in one hand, he turned toward the perpetrator... glaring at his covered body.

Instead of remaining stationary, the Angel extended his open palm, revealing the emotionless gaze of his bottomless blue orbs. Despite the dull shade of Uriel's barren pupils, they shot into his heart regardless, simultaneously sending him to a new location altogether.

Alora was left with nothing but her blood and confusion. Unfortunately for her, the numerous questions she had would have to wait to be answered, as she was slowly fading into the depths of unconsciousness.

Fallen onto his knees before the might of the Angelic mastermind, the white-haired orchestrated threw his hood aside, allowing the shaken Violator to gaze upon the beauty his face beheld. A scar marked his pink lips; an injury of a forgotten time. Nevertheless, he recognized that profile. More than anything.

"You're... you're Uriel Barron! B-but aren't you dead?!" he yelled.

"The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Plus, before I perish completely, I have a dream I wish to enact. Here, I'll be offering you, and many others, a choice." Uriel extended his cloaked hand and bent the knee to the vicious villain, politely smiling at the outlaw. "Fight beside me. Be my pawn and give yourself wholly to me and only me."

Notwithstanding the prince's heavenly beauty, another question piqued his interest. The suggestion to become his pawn was so overwhelmingly tempting it defied reason and even so, the itch of his curiosity urged to be scratched. Daring to raise his head to the Angel, the damned Violator spoke.

"What... are you fighting for?"

Uriel stood up and turned around, looking up to admire the sight of the planetary ceiling, etched with illustrations fit for a museum. "You see, I fight for something not many others can see. The truth behind the matter is that this world is distorted. I, more than anyone, glimpsed that distortion firsthand. I believe I'm the only one capable of thwarting such corruption and so I will, even if it costs me my own life. Unfortunately, normal Fate-users and professional Enforcers would disagree with my methods, so I will use the next best thing: demons in the form of man." He turned back to the Violator, smiling.

"I wish to change the world. Will you be my sword?"

There was something within him—something inexplicable. Maybe originated from beyond or perhaps the call of the forsaken gods? It sounded almost human. Despite all the superstitions that plagued him throughout his life, nothing more mattered than this present moment. Kneeling before the godlike Angel, his head bowed in his presence, obeying the calls of Uriel's otherworldly influence.

'If this were any normal situation, I'd ask myself what's happening. But, for some reason, with this guy I've just met, I feel nothing more than peace. I hear something, something piercing ringing continuously throughout my ears. The sounds are incomprehensible yet I know what to do. I know what I am. Maybe it's God speaking to me or maybe it's the devil. Whatever the case, a voice calls within me. An inescapable emboldened one that heralds the beginning of my true path. Of my… destiny.'

"What is your name, my blade?" The Angel queried.

"I have no name," he said.

"Is that so?" Uriel scratched his chin. "From what I've seen of you, you seem quite brutal in your methods. I'm sure even the forsaken God of Death would be quite proud of your violent methods. And courtesy of my lofty assumption, your name shall be Demise."

"O-of course, sir!"

Facing his pawn, he smirked. "December 25th, Kismet's Capital. Here in Barronia, by the end of this year, we'll have accumulated enough power to rival even the Supreme King himself. I'll set you up with quarters immediately and contact you when I have more information. How does that sound, my dear Demise?"

"Wonderful, my liege. Let's do this as subjects would. As rulers... would."

Trivia: Demise the Violator is currently 30 years old. He's 5'11 or 1.80 meters. He has long black hair that sits on his back. He previously wore raggedy clothes he'd been living in for months on the street but thanks to the Angel's kindness, he was able to find a simple button-up that suited his figure. However, it naturally became disheveled immediately upon touching him. The bangs covering his forehead usually cover his right eye only, illuminating his demonic red eye. He has an ear piercing, a beard without a mustache, and a scar over the right side of his lips.