
"Fate is a curse. All those marked by Fate are eternally cursed."

Uriel's palm aimed at the floor. At his Power's command, golden gates produced two more spear-wielding Angels. The winged creatures flew down the hall, slashing at him upon arriving at their target. Talen sighed, silently igniting his aura yet again to produce four more automatic hits that demolished the advancing foes.

By the time their mutilated bodies fell to the floor emanating steam, Tal's green eyes finished widening. The Prince dashed ahead to smash his fist into the Unconquerable's arm. Yet this strike was odd. For the first time in ten years, Talen felt the pain of a punch stabbing through his being.

Amit jumped back, landing on the platform before Nullspace's glowing gate. Looking down at Uriel with squinted eyes and his abnormal aura produced limitless questions.

'Fate-manipulation capable of nullifying the Unconquerable technique's aura trait. I'd say it was impossible but I can't deny it when the sting from the punch is still plaguing me. No matter. I can still come up on top regardless. Uriel was always weaker than me…'

Once more did Talen's palm point at his enemy, discharging an emerald ball of Fate that flew ahead at breakneck speeds. Uriel quickly withdrew a heavenly sword dripping with aura, slicing the ball right down the middle.

By the time he'd finished cutting, Talen appeared in front of him; disarming his old friend and starting to move his hands. Uriel couldn't even finish blinking before multiple palm strikes decimated the Prince's bones, launching him down the enclosed corridor. The lawyer sighed.

'He has attacks that can penetrate the Unconquerable technique's impregnable aura trait. But what are they? Only physical? Projectiles? There's no way for me to know. Either way, I can't stop moving now. I have to end this… without hesitation!'

Two Fate arrows shot toward Talen; the lawyer remained idle, allowing the projectiles to disperse upon grazing his aura. Uriel jumped ahead, enveloping his arm in pure golden Fate. Talen was cautious—casually dodging the fists the banished Prince continuously threw his way. Eventually, the lawyer's hand caught his knuckles, examining the flow of his enemy's unusual Fate.

A brow quirked up. "So, you managed to develop a Fate technique capable of breaking through the Unconquerable's aura trait. How'd you manage that, huh?"

Uriel grit his teeth, easily uppercutting the lawyer. Talen stumbled away, generating more Fate bolts out of his palm that flew toward the Prince. Just as he was about to open another portal, Uriel realized where the two of them were standing. He didn't have to advance at all. All he needed to was simply duck.

Talen's eyes widened. The bolt destroyed the mechanical gateway—effectively destabilizing Nullspace's portal.


Talen covered his head. Sacrificing mobility for protection—all of the Unconquerable Fate engulfed Amit's build once he was quickly enveloped by the imminent explosion.

Beneath his throne, Supreme King Barron felt the floor start heating up. His head raised from the slouch on his knuckles, Fate's Crown brightly shining once he raised one eyebrow.


His gaze shifted from the floor, sensing the familiarity of the aura walking toward him. White hair moving with the wind, Uriel glared at his father and summoned a golden blade.

"Nice to see you again, son. I assume this is purely business?" he queried.

"Your assumption is correct. Everything's gone according to plan. After fighting Talen for myself, I can undoubtedly say he's stronger than you, father. Though, that's not saying much. Talen might be stronger than you but I'm sure his father is stronger than him. You, him, and Talen are much too proactive, being in the way of my plans and all. However, I have a solution to that. I've just destroyed the gate to Nullspace. When the prisoners exit, they'll be met with one of my portals placed right in front of them. They'll join my team to prepare for the coming war. However, those pawns aren't who I was searching for. I'm sure you know what I mean, after all, you know who this is, right?"

Another portal opened behind the King. Exiting was none other than the Displacement tormenting the modern age, Apollo Moloch; free from his chains to tower over the King. In no time flat, his hand slid over the King's blonde head. It seemed there was no escape. The King chortled—opting to rest on his fist one last time while gazing upon his son below.

"Apollo Moloch, huh? Displacements aren't usually able to utilize Fate to the extremes, however, you managed to master it to the hilt and even create a Predestined Power capable of thieving others' techniques. How many Powers have you stolen?" He asked.

Apollo didn't answer. Instead, he looked to the Prince—awaiting his signal.

Uriel's smug expression was a sight to behold. Blue eyes reflected his father; he suppressed the urge to laugh.

"Goodbye, Divine Barron. Let us never meet again, you godforsaken excuse of a father."

Apollo's Power silently operated, instantly sucking the King's soul dry. Without any causality to empower his soul, the fallen King fell from the throne and rolled down the stairs. Once the kingly corpse reached his living son's feet, there were only dust and bones surrounding the almighty Fate's Crown glowing unfathomably bright.

Lifting the Crown from the floor, Uriel examined its intricate design; noting the comforting warmth enveloping his open hand. He strolled up the stairs, standing over the vacant royal throne—wielding the Crown in one hand.


The Displacement's head perked.

"What is your home like? Displacements like you and Monstrum come from other realms, don't you?"

Uriel sunk into the throne, the Crown having chosen its master—beauty embedded into Barron's skull. Slouching on one arm, he awaited his comrade's answer. Apollo's head lowered.

"Apologies, King, but I don't remember."

Uri nodded, slouching on his fist. "I see. Then it doesn't matter. Regardless of wherever anyone began, my new kingdom will become a paradise on earth equivalent to that of Heaven itself. That is the Barronia that always should've been. That is the Barronia I will reign…"

The duo outside the castle felt the ground rumble beneath them; Tony raised from Marie's bruised body, tall beside Alora. Though they were miles below the throne room where King Barron resided, the duo felt that godlike presence vanish. The pressure enveloping the extent of the Divine's aura had been replaced entirely by familiar angelic energy.

Alora looked at him. "Did you feel that?"

"Yeah. You think Talen's alright—?"

"I'm fine." Talen appeared behind them, kneeling at the boxer's build. He checked her pulse. "But we've failed. Not only will the war not be coming but Uriel's usurped the Crown. The escapees from Nullspace will overrun the capital. Uriel won't stop hunting us, no matter where we run. We should leave. Leave… and never come back."

As Talen and his allies prepared to escape with Marie Barron's unconscious body, Uriel warped to his palace's roof, watching their fleeing forms. In due time, a portal would open before them, and without a trace, the trio would instantly vanish. The New King grinned.

"Now—let us bring about the start of the new


Prologue: Fin.