
Morning. A few hours later.

30 minutes after the fighting had ended, the Syndicate arrived with a handful of professional Enforcers beside them. The same suspicions plagued the skeptical crowd. They were but ignorant; unaware of the truth of the burden Anthony was cursed with. Because he lived, people would die. He'd become special—but at what cost? And better yet, why him?

The three Agents were given identical dismissals. "We'll take of things from here. Just go home and rest up, okay?" But even Valentina Amit's loving voice wasn't enough to assure them.

The Amit Family House. Living room.

Bandages covering the length of his arms, Talen lit the joint sticking from his mouth. Removing it after inhaling let the smoke move, entering his lungs and remaining in his stomach before the mist exited his throat, infecting the air directly above them. He took another puff, wasting no time before extending the stick to hand it to Uriel.

"Hey. You okay?" Talen asked.

The Prince nodded. "Of course. Don't worry about me," he said, taking the joint from him.

"Are you sure? You're quieter than usual."

"You're one to talk." Uriel sighed. "Will everything we've done up until now mean anything in the end?"

Talen's head tilted. "Maybe. None of us can say for sure how the future will play out. Why do you ask?"

"Do you remember the promise we made the night we embarked on Arronsburg?"

Alora and Talen nodded.

"Then you what know ails me. The three of us declared we'd save Anthony Whitlock and give him a position with us as Agents. We thought that because he was a kid like us, he had a right to a normal life. But that's not true. It never was. We ignored the circumstances around us and acted like we had any hand in this matter at all. Despite our strength, we're all powerless. We always were." Uriel leaned forward, interlocking his fingers and staring over them at his comrades. "But we don't have to be."

Talen quirked a brow; Alora followed shortly.

"What are you talking about?" Amit asked.

"I'm talking about everything that's happened. This world is far crueler than we know and simple adherence won't grant us our freedoms. I say we rebel. We fight against the King and the Syndicate to free Anthony and give him his rights."

What Prince Uriel had described was undeniably treason. Despite that, Talen was unfazed; not a glimmer of resentment flickered through his eyes.

"I understand your anger. But think of what that would mean. If we stage a coup against the King and the Syndicate, there's a chance we might fail. We succeed and we hold the Crown, but what if we don't? What if the King regains control, banishes you, me, your sister, Alora, my brother, my sister, my mother… what if he slaughters every single person we care about right before our eyes? What would our betrayal be worth it if everyone is dead?"

"Talen's right! When Monstrum took over and… my father ambushed us, I couldn't do a thing. I couldn't even help my brother fight. So, I don't want to abandon everything yet. I want to get stronger and become a better person," Alora said.

"The King has the Crown. Even with the Unconquerable, it'd be difficult to fight against him and win. Though, with the new safeguards I developed, perhaps I have a stronger chance now."

The Prince nodded. "I see. So you two intend to let Anthony die?" he asked.

Talen chuckled, dismissing him with his hand. "Don't be ridiculous! I have a plan."

"A plan?" Uriel sat up. "What do you intend to do?"

The only response the Amit boy gave was a mischievous smirk.

One week later. Anthony Whitlock's Execution.

Today was the day. The time for the strongest Displacement's immediate execution had finally arrived. Malum Monstrum, the Disastrous Monster King, was an assured agent of chaos and sadistic warlord. It made no sense to keep either him or the vessel sustaining him alive any longer. And so, Anthony was brought to the King's throne room—suspended by a bloody ankh in the center of the room. Eventually, the poor boy checked his surroundings and even glanced at the ground. His eyes widened. Below him on the floor and positioned before the King; there they were.

The keys to Barronia's success were placed at the foot of King's throne. From this angle, he could make out their individual faces.

The Syndicate Head, Valentina Amit, the Amit House Head, Eros Amit, the Metropolitan Center Director, Moon Amati, the Chief of Research and Development, Zen Flaminia, and the Elite Guard Captain-General, Aella Raven.

Those responsible for the peace of the Capital's kingdom were here today to witness the execution. The only one left was the unpunctual executioner. Until then, Moon elbowed Eros beside him, looking straight ahead.

Amit glanced at him, both arms crossed. "What?" he asked.

"Do you seriously think after what your son did the King will allow you to stand beside us?" Moon glared at Eros. "Think hard next time before you raise another worthless runt," he said.

The older man smirked. "Worthless, huh? Talen is pretty strong but he probably wouldn't be able to beat you the way he is how. Luckily, I'm several degrees stronger than him. The next time you badmouth any of my children, I'll kill you."

"Is that a promise?"

Zen smirked, leaning over to Moon. "Must you quarrel over every little thing? At least wait until we're outside. It'd be interesting to watch how bloody it'd be. ♪" he said.

Aella giggled. "Don't encourage them, Flaminia. Amati over there is just jealous he's working for something the Amit family created. He's just too incompetent to have a job he made on his own," she said.

"Stop it, everyone." Valentina glared at them, scowling. "We are in the presence of Supreme King Barron. Have some dignity, please."

The King behind them chuckled. "Thank you, Valentina. Though, I must admit, their quarrels are entertaining. Amati, please curb your frustration until after the execution."

Moon nodded and turned, kneeling before the King. "Yes, my lord."

As Amati stood from his bent knee, the throne room doors pushed open, revealing a single man. Everyone's eyes widened. Instead of the executioner's expected arrival, it was none other than the prodigy of the Amit Family House: the Unconquerable boy himself.

The Elite Guard around the King prepared their weapons while the Syndicate agents and professional Enforcers moved quickly. Instantaneously, limitless swordsman appeared at his throat—ready to kill him at any given moment.

Talen smirked, leaning his head back with raised hands. "Relax, relax. I'm not here to fight. You can remove your sword, Sammy," he said sweetly.

Andras scowled, slowly retreating. "Why have you come here? We have no use for a failure in our midst," he said while sheathing his sword.

He chuckled. "That's true. I don't blame you all for resenting me. Because I summoned Disorder into Barronia's airspace, the secret about Fate would've been exposed to the public. If that happened, you insolent rats wouldn't have anyone to manipulate and you'd lose the fear that governs the kingdom. That's what this is all about. Control."

Prince Uriel beside the King watched with widened eyes; Alora behind Samael wearing the same shocked expression.

"Enough of this."

The entire room darkened at the sound of the King's voice. Everyone began kneeling once he stood from the throne, dragging his robe along the steps he walked down before finally reaching his Unconquerable target. The Crown on his head momentarily released a single golden shine. Talen scoffed, glaring at the King.

"Do you hate me?" asked the King.

The boy was silent. King Barron smirked.

The King's eyes closed. Grinning, his head lowered. "I see. Of course you don't. The only reason you're here is because something else pushes you, right? That's the Unconquerable Amit I know. You won't give up no matter what. Especially when it involves those you care about."

Talen squinted. He'd be lying if he said the things Barron was saying were untruths too. Outside the palace's domain, dark clouds started gathering. Thunder reigned across the heavens, bringing an unavoidable downpour alongside lightning briefly illuminating the vast black sky. For but a moment, the throne room was darkened completely until it abruptly regained light seconds following the storm. It was another rainy day. One the Unconquerable man would remember for years to come.

The King's hand extended. "So? What is it you want? I understand you, my son, and Illustrious all intended to protect Anthony Whitlock. Have you come to ask me to spare his life?"

"And?" Talen slowly began raising his hand. "What if I did? I'm not stupid, old man. I know the influence the Amits have in Barronia and the power I possess by inheriting the Unconquerable. My grandfather and father are unsurpassable figures in the Capital kingdom's history. I am the culmination of all their triumphs. If you deny me, you'll make an enemy of the strongest. Because make no mistake, King, I can eliminate everyone in this room without chipping so much as a nail. And I know my old man could too. That's why you must listen to what I have to say," he said.

The King furrowed his eyebrows. It was undeniable. This boy was surely part of the Amit's lineage. His unyielding determination was familiar. Barron's gaze softened while staring, remembering those eyes and the darkness shrouding the center.

'The resemblance is uncanny. He used to have those same eyes. How the mighty have fallen.'

King Barron sighed, throwing his hands into the air. "Well, you're not wrong about that."

Everyone in the room started confusedly muttering. Could this boy really dissuade the execution just by being of Amit blood? Even the executives stationed throne's foot couldn't help but question who exactly Talen thought he was. All except his silent mother and father.

Eros stroked his beard. "Y'know, we raised that boy pretty good, I'd say."

Val shook her head. "You mean I raised that boy pretty good." She turned and glared at him. "Right?"

The man started sweating. "R-right!" He said, sheepishly scratching his neck.

Talen chuckled aloud. He facepalmed. "Oh man! I didn't think that'd actually work!" He removed the hand from his head, glaring at the King through the cracks between his fingers. "Alright then. If I'm truly so valuable to you, yes. I've come to free Anthony from your hold. I want to give him basic human rights and a job here in Barronia."

"A job?" The King scratched his chin. "I see. Of course, he can't be allowed into normal society so he'd be given a job regarding Fate. Is that okay with you?" he asked.

"Of course. In fact, I already know what I want him to be. Instead of making my mother perpetuate your violence, I recommend him. Make Anthony Whitlock the new Syndicate of Dictation Head."

Talen's boisterous desire echoed across the throne room, entering Valentina's ears so her eyes could widen with tearful edges. She couldn't believe his words.


Amit winked at his mother and sent her a genuine smile, glancing back at the King before him while the swords started drawing. Mimicking the same scene as before, numerous blades pointed at Talen's body—especially his throat.

The King smirked. "That's your wish? You do realize I can disable your technique without even speaking, right?" he asked.

"Absolutely. But that doesn't make any difference. The aura around me and the Unconquerable within me are two different things. Even if you disable the Unconquerable's abilities, I'd still be untouchable to everyone around me. That's all I need. With just that ability, even killing you would be easy, King."

"I don't doubt it." The King turned around, dragging his robe across the floor. "Alright then. Anthony Whitlock will be released from our hold and be assigned the role as the Syndicate's new Head. We'll assign him the specific quarters and everything." He sunk into the throne and slouched on his fist, golden eyes piercing Talen's idle heart. "Make no mistake, Amit. This boy possesses Monstrum's abilities. Because he lives, innocent people will die. The next time that the Disastrous is released, not only will he die but you will too. Do you understand, boy?"

Talen dismissed him. "Yes, yes! You don't have to worry anymore about that. I'll ensure he obtains control of the beast. Release him please. I won't say it another time."

The King nodded. "As you wish," he said.

By simply waving his hand in front of the ankh imprisoning Anthony, the structure instantly diminished. Tony fell through the air, flailing his arms about and screaming until he'd been abruptly caught by Alora's bulky arms. She grinned at him. He was alive; he'd get to see her beautiful face for the rest of his life. Maybe that… was enough for him.

Talen pointed at Uriel beside the throne. "You too," he said.

The Prince nodded, slowly walking down the throne and discarding his heavenly-white robes. Now beside Alora and Anthony, Uriel dared to look back, glaring at the King uncaringly slouching on his fist. The cursed father and son shared that last glance until the youngling turned away, walking behind his friends as they carelessly left the throne room's chamber.

The King chuckled, closing his eyes and leaning back in his chair. "Leave us!!"

The subordinates temporarily set their skepticism aside, kneeling before King Barron before obeying his order and fleeing his quarters. The only ones remaining were the executives at the throne. Their postures finally relaxed; Amati venting a deep sigh of relief.

"Man, that was rough. I didn't think that kid had the balls to do that."

Zen chortled. "It was truly intriguing. Your boy has grown up to become a fine man, Mrs. Amit. Now, tell us what you plan on doing with your retirement," he said.

Val glanced at him. "I can't tell if you're being genuine but whatever. I don't plan on doing much. I have enough money to live out the rest of my life with my children at home until they grow old and leave me." She sighed. "I made myself sad…"

Moon nodded. "I agree. It's always difficult watching them leave the nest you made for them. I feel the same way about my twins."

"Hah!" Raven laughed. "Who'd let you ever have sex with them? I'd drop dead before I let your disgusting hands touch me!"

"What was that, bitch?" Moon pushed through Eros and Zen, towering over Aella with red glowing eyes. "Say it again."

Flaminia stepped in front of Raven, smirking. "Let's not fight. After all, we know she'd win in an all-out bout… don't we?"

Moon snatched him by the collar. "So what? That's meaningless! I'll have killed you BOTH before you'd even have the chance to summon your technique!!"

"Cut it out, Moon," Eros said, hand on his shoulder. "Control your temper."

From the unfathomable pressure of his aura alone, the five obeyed their King and knelt before him; lowered heads facing the floor.

King Barron paced the throne, arms behind his back. "Talen Amit surprised me. The Amit Family House is priceless to Barronia, he must've already realized that. I won't intervene with Whitlock's freedom, but I can't say for the same for your son and his friends. Including Prince Uriel."

Eros and Valentina's heads raised. They glanced at each other before returning their gaze to the reflective marbled floor.

"From now on, I'll be assigning them missions personally. Nothing below Rank-1 Violators or Displacements. If they can endure that, they'll have proved to me Anthony's earned his freedom. That is the will of Kismet's King."

Anthony Whitlock's Execution Postponement - Success!