To The Death.

Eros vanished from where he stood, reappearing behind Moon and throwing a fist into his skull. Amati quickly spun around, kicking him across the face. Eros' afterimage instantly vanished—leaving the younger man puzzled upon slowly turning his head, where Amit's fist unexpectedly met him. Upon releasing the knuckles ingrained into his face, Eros kicked him in the gut and struck him another time in the throat.

Uncontrollably coughing and reeling back after the hit, Moon groaned. The redness engulfing his aura increased the moment his palm raised, numerous destructive bolts of Fate blasting at Amit in front of him. Eros vanished from before him; leg already raised the moment he reappeared behind him again, watching it fold over Moon's skull to launch him across the endless grass field.

Eros manifested behind him, snatching his suit jacket collar and spinning around in mid-air, releasing the foe from his grip to send him into the sky. Once again, he warped right above him—interlocking all of his fingers to smash Moon into the dirt with a devastating hammer blow. Amit landed behind his former friend, slowly walking behind him before grabbing his hair and smashing his face into the soil.

"I don't know how you ever thought you could beat me. You didn't even have the chance to summon your technique," he said.

Amati chuckled weakly. "Interesting. So I appear as weak to you…"

Eros's eyes widened as he watched Moon's injured form slowly vanish before his eyes. The older man sighed, rising from the dirt and turning around, spotting his uninjured foe standing tall behind him.

Moon smirked. "What was it just now?" He put a finger to his temple. "I didn't even get the chance to use my technique? Heh. What makes you think it's not already active?"

The world around Eros started darkening. His eyes closed; the aura around him relentlessly contorted as he remained idle with both fists clenched. In the end, his eyes opened, revealing an endless void surrounding him in the form of Amati's Predestined Power.


Moon appeared before him in the form of the Hindu God of Death: Yama. Two palms together while the other duo held golden ornaments, the Fate-user looked down at his powerful opponent and regrettably parted his lips.

"This is my Predestined Power. Retribution is a technique where I trick the target's five senses and start creating the barrier my Power comes with by default. I can manipulate my shape and form within the barrier. In my culture, Yama is the first man who died and is titled the guardian of the south. You are to be judged accordingly, Eros Amit. If you escape without turning out to be 'guilty', I will grant you the opportunity to fight me without any strings. How does that sound to you, little man?" asked Moon's booming voice.

The father shrugged. "Like fun. Judge away."

On the outside, Talen stepped closer to the battling duo, now staring at their idle bodies. He couldn't make sense of it. For some reason, his father was standing still. Just when he was about to flick the old man's forehead, someone called out to him.

"Excuse me! Mr. Amit!"

Talen's head turned; emerald eyes reflecting the doctor's masked appearance.


The man jogged over to his house, looking at Zen seated atop the roof. Briefly, he pulled down his mask, sinking his teeth into a single piece of garlic bread.

"I've always wanted to know what makes you Amits tick. The Unconquerable technique was created by Atlas Amit, one of Kismet's founding fathers. In due time, it would become revered as the strongest Power ever and was praised as Barronia's greatest accomplishment." Zen stood up, innately summoning Fate's aura around him. "I wish to push it to the limits. Could you oblige me, Mr. Amit?" he asked.

Talen shrugged. "It's not really like my technique is all that, to begin with. I mean, sure, I'm pretty strong but—" the lawyer sighed, stifling a chuckle. "Ah, forget it. Trying to reason with someone as crazy as you are worthless."

Zen smirked behind his mask and nodded. "That's correct. But you shouldn't expect anything less. Scientists who know nothing but science sacrifice everything in their lives to follow their hearts. Regardless of whoever I hurt or kill, it doesn't matter. It's all for the sake of a better tomorrow. That being said, I've grown tired of this conversation. Are you ready, Talen Amit?" He asked, slowly revealing a cane from his coat.

Talen squinted at his foe, silently summoning the Unconquerable aura around him. All he could do was watch as the cane dropped from between Flaminia's fingers and slowly sunk into the tiled rooftop. Zen tore away the mask hiding his features and opened his disfigured mouth.

"Area Empowerment."

The environment around them blackened entirely. Briefly, there was only the darkness surrounding Talen's eyes, until the time arrived when everything started brightening—revealing a void background against a singular rock platform.

'This is his Area? It doesn't seem like anything deadly,' thought Talen.

"You'd be right," said Zen's disembodied voice.

Amit looked ahead, watching the darkness peel back before him, ultimately revealing Dr. Flaminia idly standing.

"My domain allows omniscience." Zen raised one finger, closing his eyes and grinning sinisterly. "Within this barrier, I reign supreme. However, for that condition to enact, we must fight hand-to-hand for two minutes and I have to escape unscathed."

"I see. So you're the overpowering type. You

make a barrier using Area Empowerment and use your Power to boundlessly reshape it. What a terrible match-up. I'm bad at fighting without wearing out my Fate," said Talen.

Zen chuckled. "I see. That's good to know then. I'll make sure you don't—"

Talen's fist instantly pierced the air. Widened grey eyes following him swiftly close the distance, he reflexively jumped back, leading into a backflip. The doctor stood tall after throwing aside his cane, dashing straight ahead and landing a clean hit. The Unconquerable boy launched following the knuckles stabbing into his shoulder, backflipping off the ground and landing in mid-air. The doctor smirked, staring up at Talen.

"What'd you do to me? Something to do with your technique?" he asked.

Flaminia chuckled. "Secrets are maintained because a mutual level of distrust exists between others. That's the unfortunate truth all humans must face. I, too, walk that path of strife. Are you worthy of seeing my technique? What makes you think you deserve to see it?" He threw the coat aside, showcasing his burly arms. "Show me the truth of that intriguing Amit blood."

Talen chuckled. "Sounds fun~," he said.

The doctor moved first—fading into the haze his afterimages produced. His swiftness was unmatched as he repeatedly bounced around the air surrounding Talen. Eventually, he blasted forward, one fist extended to smash into the back of the lawyer's open head. Amit sidestepped to dodge, staring at Zen who ended up in front of him. Crouched against the grass, Flaminia spun around, throwing his legs into the side of Talen's head. Yet again, the Unconquerable easily dodged—simultaneously extending his palm to smash the doctor straight in the face.

Talen shot ahead, punching the doctor in the side and again in the face; lunging his foot ahead to send the doctor tumbling down the space. Zen frustratedly groaned and stabbed his feet into the ground, temporarily haltering his unstoppable movement.

The doctor's grey eyes searched the open area before a stabbing sensation unique to knuckles sunk into his right cheek. Talen released Flaminia's face from the back of his fist, watching him soar back before the Unconquerable Amit immediately warped behind him to kick him back down the dirty platform. Zen wiped the blood covering his mouth and face; uncaringly setting his dark mask aside.

Standing over the doctor with one hand on his hip, Talen chuckled. "Still not good enough?"

Zen shook his head through labored breathing. "No. Ironically, you surpass all expectations. The strength of the Unconquerable is innately boundless. I have no choice." All fingers now interlocked, the man felt Fate surge through his soul.

Talen smirked. "After the attack ten years ago, I implanted new safeguards within the Unconquerable aura constantly active around me. By detecting hostility through vibrations of aura through the ground around me, I can summon a counterattack and slaughter the foe with a single hit." He turned away from the doctor with a scoff into the air. "You probably intended to entrap me with your technique on the brink of death and end me without a hitch. Did you forget who you were fighting against? I hate cliches like that. Die all alone without a clue in the world like the ignorant trash you are… doctor."

Zen's face burst open seemingly from within. A bloody hole stabbed into the center of his skull and having destroyed his right eye, the doctor gargled on his blood however momentarily before finally falling over.

"Oh my." Talen's eyes widened. He slowly turned around—shocked to see the green-eyed Displacement kneeling beside Flaminia's corpse. "Looks like we're too late," Apollo said.


Moloch stood up. "So you've heard of me." He raised his palm currently ablaze with aura. "I'm honored… Talen Amit."

The environment around them blackened entirely. Now with nothing but stars surrounding them, Talen sucked his teeth. This signature wasn't Apollo's. Eventually, the forsaken criminal would reveal himself before the lawyer, his curly brown hair abnormally swaying.

"This isn't my technique. Though I'm sure you've already deduced that on your own. You believed yourself to be the culprit of Doctor Flaminia's murder. Unfortunately, I'm the perpetrator. I was simply standing invisible behind him and then stabbed his skull with my hand," Apollo said.

Talen sighed. "So you're one of Uri's new lackeys, huh? How the mighty have fallen. I never thought Uriel would stoop to using puppets like you to achieve his goals." The lawyer's aura ignited all around him.

"'Puppets like me,' huh? It looks like your brain's messing with you. Let us begin, boy. I'll show you…" Apollo smirked, spreading apart his legs and aiming his fists ahead. "The true puppeteer."

Trivia: Zen Flaminia was born on June 20th, 1986. He was 5'8" or 1.72 meters. He wore a long scientist coat and a usual white long sleeve underneath it. He had long grey hair, and white eyes and wore a black mask over his mouth. His skin was pale as well. Flaminia rose through the King's executive ranks by demonstrating his mastery of not only barrier techniques but scientific topics in general. King Barron grew interested enough in his ability to assign him as one of the few executives by his side as a member of the Keys. Unfortunately, he met his demise at the hand of the Displacement Apollo Moloch. Compared to the unusual abilities of those otherworldly beings, the strength of a Master Fate-user is seemingly meaningless.