
"Imprisonment - Activate!"

What Eros expected wasn't what occurred. Instead of something like tendrils ensnaring his limbs, an edge punctured his rear, protruding through his chest. However, he couldn't feel pain. The inexplicable energy belonged to his sword but the signature within burst out, entangling the man in its ropes and binding him to motionlessness.

Atlas stood over his son, smirking.

'My whole body's numb! Did he get me—?'

"Just who the hell are you? What are you after?!"

The Progenitor sneered. "Well, since you're done for, there's no harm in telling you. Fate users are but a single piece of a larger puzzle. I've always been intrigued by the aspect of that life force and the potential it holds. You would imagine my surprise when I discovered that, a thousand years ago, we weren't the only Fate users in the world."

"W-what? What the hell are you talking about?"

Atlas rolled his eyes. "You asked me to explain. I'm explaining. Humans aren't exclusive to the Kismet Empire. There's a whole planet left of them far beyond this miniature peninsula. I can't say why the Empire moved away from modern civilization, but their society's inferior to ours. They do have their uses, however. Every Displacement in this building was a former human imprisoned in Fate's Realm by none other than myself. That being said, they're experimental. Nothing more. Nothing less. The real test… will begin shortly."

Eros tried to struggle. Unfortunately, the ropes were impenetrable. Atlas pointed at his heart.

"You can't move. Those bindings and I are tied by a pact that sacrifices my life should they fail. This is checkmate for you, son. Goodbye."

The sword stuck through Eros released a darkened mist that engulfed the man in a sphere. Just as he lifted into the air, it closed in on itself and vanished into space, leaving no trace of the man but the black sword Atlas weld. Picking it from the floor, the Progenitor grinned.

'Seal Complete.'

As he was about to walk away, the familiar sound of a creaking door entered his ears and effectively halted him. Peeking through the crack in the entrance was none other than a woman. A familiar one. Atlas watched the woman enter the corridor with an aura engulfing her figure and smirked.

"I forget. Are you any kind of threat?"

Valentina warped through space to fly at Atlas, throwing her fist into his chest. He caught her punch one-handed before pulling her closer by the arm and crashing his temples into her own. As she reeled back, the Progenitor spun around, kicking her clean across the face—quickly following up with a strike to the gut.

She flew back toward the entrance. Before her crash, she stopped herself against them and bounced off, charging back at the long-haired Progenitor. Her fist smashed the ground below him. As he repeatedly jumped back, her knuckles followed close behind him, until inevitably halting. His eyes widened.

'She's gone! I can't sense her!'

Valentina reappeared behind him and summoning aura, dug her fist into his back. She jumped back, releasing the portal she etched into his flesh. The Progenitor glared at his rear with a sinister hiss. After the aura vanished, he was left with a hole through his skin and blood dripping off it.

"I see. So your technique's unfixable. No wonder you're one of Kismet's Rank-0s. Then again, it's not like that means—" Atlas smirked. Touching the ground behind Valentina, his sword lowered. "—anything to me."

A gash opened across the woman's bust, splattering blood into the air and droplets before her eyes. Valentina couldn't believe it. Usually, when Fate users increase their speed, she could at least spot a glimpse. But she couldn't. Feeling the strength leak out of her joints, she fell to her knees, clenching her teeth while holding her chest.

"I'm surprised. My daughter-in-law is quite tough!"

"Like hell… like hell I'd ever be related to scum like you!" She cried.

"Mmm, you should watch your tone. If you scream too loud, people will hear you. And we don't want that, do we?" Atlas grabbed her chin and spun her head, forcing her to watch the entrance as her children walked in.

"Mom!" Archer said.

Ava sped past her brother and leaped, invoking the bulk of her aura before raising her fist behind her head. Atlas caught her by the throat. Smashing her into the floor, he kicked her in the bust, watching her fly from the ground and over Archer's head. The little brother's jaw unhinged.

Atlas smirked. "That technique is rather impressive! Imbue it with your maximum output and ANNIHILATE ME!"

His scream shocked the boy. Archer's breath hitched at the last second. While he did scream, it was far less powerful and so, lacked the necessary speed. The boy stepped back, sensing the air's sudden stagnation. He walked into a man's chest. Atlas's chest. Archer looked up.

Within those blackened eyes dwelled nothing akin to happiness or pleasure. Instead, his orbs reflected everything sour, whether it be the epitome of despair or unbridled chaos. Nobody could handle him. Archer Amit could only quiver at the sight of his grandfather, but not only that, he was brought to knees at the sheer might of him.

To the man who sacrificed everything and his overwhelming insanity. Atlas grinned. The Progenitor covered his sword back into the cane and stepped past his grandson, patting him merely once on the shoulder before returning forward.

"You did well, my kin. The strength my son possessed could've very well been the key to surpassing me. However, I'm sure you know why I couldn't allow that to occur. It's unfortunately too difficult to effectively butcher him so I opted for entrapment instead. Hopefully, none of you hold it against me."

Fate's transcendental ping resonated throughout the room. Once the smoke cleared, Ava gasped, surprised to see Atlas using his hand to block her attack in mid-air.

The man's aura extended and reshaped, thrusting like a spike at the front of her head.

She flipped off of him and twirled around, scraping the destroyed floor while Fate encircled her hands. Atlas noted the aura around her. He looked up, unsheathing his blade.

Ava's acrobatics weren't merely theatrics. While she was twirling around in mid-air, she repeatedly struck the air, throwing the aura around her into heat-seeking projectiles.

The Progenitor consistently slashed them away. Meanwhile, she warped behind him, crouched. Ava swiped at his feet. Expectedly, he hopped up; simultaneously turning around and kicking at her head. She reeled back—gaining just enough force to bounce forward and smash the ground with her burning fist.

Atlas watched the ground crumble before him and start leaving a trail. Though the speed he possessed naturally seemed like instantaneous warping, it was simple unsurpassable speed. The Progenitor carefully dashed while his footing caved in. Using the displacing debris as leverage, Atlas ran through the ongoing carnage and reached his target, knocking her out with one clean punch.

In the aftermath, Atlas left his kin alive, gaping at the huge hole Ava made into the center. He chuckled.

"Ah, what fun! I can't lie, you guys did put up a good fight. That being said, none of you managed to damage me, save for the mother, of course. If any of you truly wish to stop me, you'd have to bury yourself under centuries of exhaustion. It's too bad that's impossible for anyone besides myself."

He looked down at his wristwatch. "Looks like it's time already. Alright then, Apollo. I'll let you have your fun. You'll know where to find me…"

Atlas vanished, taking with him the sword. Nobody questioned anything other than the epitome of their weakness. In less than a minute, he bested them all and that wasn't even the worst part. Archer ran over to his mother, helping her to her feet.

"Are you alright..?" His hoarse voice asked.

She nodded. "Yeah. Fine." She looked up at him. "Listen to me. Now that Atlas is gone, there's nothing left here. The only thing the enemy has now is the utter and complete destruction of all their targets inside this building. We now only have one priority:


While things were wrapping up upstairs, everyone was still fighting down below. Save for Uriel, Maeve, and Alora; the former of which stayed together while the latter ran through the halls. Gloomily strutting through the wide vacant corridor was none other than her brother: Talen.

Unable to halt in time, Alora covered her face, skidding across the ground before reaching the green-eyed Unconquerable. She crashed into him, making the two of them fall.

"Alora…?" He moaned.

"It's me!"

He pushed her off, unintentionally throwing her face-first into the concrete.

"Where were you? The whole point we came was to rescue you in the first place," he said.

"Really?" Her head popped up. "You guys came all this way for me?"

"Don't push it. By the way, what's with the white? Goin' through a phase?" He pointed at her hair.

She squinted. "H-huh? What? N-no—"

The ceiling collapsed. Crashing through the building's many layers were more Rank-0 Displacements—specifically Irving and Sol. Talen and Lora wasted no time jumping right up, invoking their auras.

Irving's finger aimed at the Unconquerable and blasted at his skull. Warping behind him, Tal's hand grasped his head, easily snapping his neck and effectively killing him. Michaels' icy eyes widened following his turning head, just about to let out a scream before a sword cut him open. Falling to his knees, the Displacement held his throat, intentionally staining his hands with blood.

Alora sheathed her sword while Talen stepped around their bodies.

"They weren't anything to write home about," she said.

"Agreed." He knelt, turning the red-haired one's corpse. "Oh! This looks like that one flame Displacement that appeared a few years back. It's kinda sad how easily he died."

She rubbed her neck, resting her wrist against the hilt. "That so?"

"You guys should pay more attention to your surroundings… right?"

Apollo appeared between Talen and Alora, shocking them to the core. His fist backhanded the Unconquerable's cheek. Luckily, Alora reacted. In the same moment he punched her brother's face, she withdrew her sword and stroked it, ridding Moloch of his right hand. The Displacement jumped back, slowly healing his wound from afar.

"I thought you took care of this guy!"

"Huh? When did I ever say anything like that—?"

A bullet nicked Talen's cheek. If his head hadn't reflexively turned, maybe the Unconquerable aura wouldn't have activated and his brains would've splattered all over the walls. Amit restored his face's broken skin, sighing.

'That technique's different. Could he have stolen it from one of the Displacements?' He looked at Alora, then back at Moloch. 'For some reason, when he attacked me, she was fast enough to react and counter. I don't know what's happened but the way she is now… Lora is faster than me. We can use that.'

"Focus on offense. Don't hesitate. Go for the kill. I'll do my best to defend you. When the time is right and you see an opening, alert me. We'll bombard him with blows and utterly annihilate him. Sound good?"

Alora finished her dash and cut at his throat, watching him lean back before throwing his fist. She snatched his wrist, lunging him from her grip to send him flying through the ceiling. She jumped after him.

Apollo crashed through the upper floor and fell onto his soles, raising both hands engulfed by grassy-colored Fate. He smirked. She glared. The fighters vanished from their spots, throwing punches and slashes that wounded each other's figures

Lora thrust the edge of her sword. Moloch zipped past it and punched her bust, but just before it could connect, he punched something else instead. Something 'invisible'. He stepped back, puzzled.

She kicked him across the face, sending the Displacement falling to the floor. Apollo's eyes briefly batted before he flipped up from the ground and started to retreat from the Enforcer. The stroke of Alora's sword was undeniably relentless. For even someone like Moloch, accurately weaving past it consistently was increasing in difficulty. If he were to continue in a state like this—failure was imminent.

And that couldn't be. For the sake of his Master, the Progenitor of the New World, he couldn't lose. Atlas's words echoed through his mind.

'Initiate the Massacre.'

How could he forget? Just when Apollo stopped moving, the Fated sword swung at his neck—cleaving through space until sinking toward his neck. Moloch's eyes rolled back and his jaw unhinged, releasing numerous tendrils of Fate that shot into the ceiling. Spontaneously, Apollo's vessel imploded, splattering remnants of his guts and staining the wall with his blood.

Talen groaned, raising his arm. "That's disgusting."

"Mmm," She raised her sword. "You feel that?"

"Seriously? How can't I? That signature is abnormal. Like it was artificially manufactured by combining multiple souls to form something monstrous. Moloch… just what the hell's wrong with you?"

Within Apollo's arsenal were the numerous souls of his stolen comrades. The hole in the ceiling was simply the beginning. Throughout the entire building, chilling corpses lay in piles of blood, looking back on their lives as the light drained from their eyes.

The Powers of his allies were plentiful and versatile. However, none of their signatures altered his appearance and so, in tandem with the unsurpassable strength he now possessed, he also kept his athletic human form. The pressure of the Displacement's aura was insurmountable. It sent chills even to the Unconquerable's skin.

Stepping forward once, the ground imprinted under his sole. Apollo raised his hand, green eyes glowing.

"Come. I'll show you the epitome of true Fate's might."