"The name of Muhammad's organization is 'Apex Predator'. It's unknown how these Fate users managed to band together under the City's nose, especially with Atlas overseeing it. However, it's likely because of the monstrous abilities these new Fate users possess, allowing them to unconsciously defend or attack anything that threatens them. The name of that power is likely the same as the second word in their organization name. 'Predator'. As for the ones who wield that Power, their names likely are the first. That being—"
"Apex," Atlas finished. "I see. For someone who didn't see much, you sure have a lot of assumptions," he said.
"Yes, well… if we use our brains to fill in the blanks of what we don't understand, we'll at least have some sort of grasp, even if it is wrong in the end. For all we know, their names don't have anything to do with the organization, but I just assumed it did for curiosity's sake." Apollo's head tilted. "Is that wrong?"
"Of course not. I was just interested." Atlas grinned and leaned back in his chair, flipping up the clipboard's front paper. "Alright then, I suppose we'll call these people Apex and their abilities 'Predators'. So, what about Muhammad? What form did the shape of his Fate take?"
"It's hard to describe. If anything, I'd have to draw it down from memory. Would that work?"
Atlas nodded.
Apollo scribbled on a random piece of paper his Master gave him. Fifteen minutes later, Moloch's hand raised and the paper turned around, displaying the drawing. The Progenitor picked the paper from his subordinate's hand, examining the scribbles after flicking on the lamp.
Muhammad's Predator, summoned through instinctual Fate, resembled its user's spirit. A golden coffin covered with ancient engravings, fitted with feminine features, wings growing out its back, and a heavenly halo over its head. Atlas snickered.
"I see. A truly divine Destiny."
Apollo nodded. "I concur. I got that kinda vibe from him after all."
"Heh, I haven't felt this way in a while. To think even humans under my control would try to rebel after I give them everything. Looks like there are still some things I can't manage to predict," Atlas said.
"Really? Humans are insatiable creatures—I feel like this was kinda predictable."
"Well…" Atlas squinted. "…you're originally human. Of course, you'd say that."
Apollo's eyebrow raised. "I mean, that's true, but so are you, sir. You're still human after all, aren't you?"
"Hah!" Leaning forward, Amit interlocked all of his fingers. "It seems that way… doesn't it?"
Six months ago. The city of the Gate.
In a mainland hospital scraping the skies, Muhammad sat beside a sick old man, reading a book while hunched forward. Lost amid the world of words, Muhammad paid no mind to his sleeping father. Until he started hacking. It was hard to ignore his condition after that.
Muhammad stared. His father's coughing continued; he stood from the chair and paced around the gurney, pushing the button to call the doctor. The nurses running to the room glanced at their patient's son—-reading his book while continuously walking, making his way to the distant guest room.
He sat down. The time of day unnaturally shifted while he read. Upon raising his head, he glanced out the windows—shocked to see daytime's azure coloration had been replaced by night's utter blackness. Sighing, Muhammad stood, simultaneously closing the book he was reading.
"Are you sure you want to leave so soon?"
Muhammad turned. Reflected in his dull brown eyes was a beautiful young woman with caramel-brown skin and short purple hair, flowing with the air produced by the conditioner. Her name was Luna.
"Do I know you?"
Her head shook. "No. But I know you, Muhammad of the Apex."
"The Apex?" He fully faced her. "You speak as though I'm voluntarily and actively a part of that group. It's nothing so simple. My father forced me to join that organization to ensure I fulfilled his dream. In the end, I don't stay by him because I care—it's simply for the sake of my siblings' peace of mind."
"I see…" She tapped her long nails against her purple-colored lips. She grinned at the man. "You truly are a perfect candidate."
"Candidate? What's that—?"
With one step, she appeared beside him, summoned Fate's aura, and pressed her palm against his neck. Her handprint now etched into his skin, Muhammad stumbled away, glancing at his neck before glaring back at her.
"You!" He pointed. "JUST WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TO—?"
She appeared behind him. "Quiet." Chopping Muhammad in the nape instantly quieted him. "I've been wanting to try something for a while now…"
His figure didn't react. Immobile on the floor; she stood behind, watching the sparks of Fate bundle up on his back. The woman stepped back, reflecting the tendrils of Fate combining to form a golden Buddha with a female face, heavenly halo, and angelic wings.
Luna's Predestined Power, 'Instinctual Awakening', forces itself onto the target after fulfilling the required condition to specifically touch their neck. The technique is indefensible once she manages to graze the skin.
It dives through the target's internals to arrive at the soul and awaken their Fate. However, since it's nonconsensual, Muhammad doesn't awaken to a basic Predestined Power. Instead, his Fate, reacting to Luna's ulterior signature, created something through instinct that resembled a biblical angel.
Luna calls it a 'Predator'.
"I wonder what your powers are…"
The Predator-Angel emerging from Muhammad's back was fixed with a permanent smile. Clapping together its hands, the surrounding environment began darkening—leaving Luna to widen her eyes.
'Area Empowerment?!'
The barrier finished forming. Its insides resembled the heavens itself—for what replaced their footing was a platform of clouds and the vast blue sky overlooking them. Muhammad's Predator opened its eyes, staring at Luna.
'This is unexpected. I didn't think applying my technique on a non-Fate user would make them produce such a powerful beast!'
The Predator pointed one finger at Luna. Instantly, she was entangled by a glowing white rope. She didn't even try to struggle. Instead, she broke free with one blast from her aura, and fell onto the floor, staring at the Predator.
'Domain conditions are usually the same no matter the user. If I have to guess, I surmise it doesn't attack. Instead, it defends. To do so, it creates a barrier it can manipulate boundlessly and, by using the Predestined Power imbued into the Area, can enact several actions. Such as binding.'
Luna jumped into the air. Enhancing the aura surrounding her fist, she punched at the Predator from above; she gasped. Before her attack could land any sort of damage on it, the Predator used its barrier manipulation to the fullest and halted the very air surrounding Luna, effectively freezing her.
'Incredible! It has such immense control over its domain it can innately freeze the air in a barrier! And all without proper training through the user!'
Luna giggled. Pointing one finger to the ceiling, she smirked, that was… before invoking the entirety of her Fate.
"Sorry. But I've seen enough."
The entire domain shattered from within. As darkened shards scattered across the hospital floor. Stepping forward with pocketed hands, Luna looked down from afar, admiring not only the Predator's immense beauty but the dedication Muhammad held to sleep.
'At least it's confirmed now. So, his Predator's technique works in tandem with a domain, and can only exercise defensive abilities. I'd say that's impossible, but with the information I have about Kismet's Unconquerable, nothing seems like it now. It's most likely Muhammad has simply yet to develop his base Predestined Power and as such, without it, the Predator can't activate any offensive techniques. Predestined Powers are usually offensive so that theory semi-holds up I suppose...' She got closer with pocketed hands, staring down the golden Predator. 'A defensive spirit active at all times and formed from instinctual Fate.'
Luna clenched her fist.
'I will completely dominate the Progenitor's plans with my undefeated Predestined Power! I'll overtake the Apex with Instinctual Awakening and form an army of Predators that irrevocably follows me!'
Instinctual Awakening - Condition #2: Anyone forced to awaken a Predator by Luna's technique is compelled to listen to her via its innate puppeteering abilities. Those who try to resist through strong emotions or ulterior Predestined Powers are extinguished--without a single trace of them remaining in this world.
Trivia: Luna Amana was born on October 28th, 1986. She is 35 years old. She has short and spiky purple hair, and violet eyes, and wears a necklace over her black turtleneck. She is 5'5" and possesses the 'Instinctual Awakening' Predestined Power. She naturally dwells in the City and was awakened by touching the Gate--the same is true for Muhammad.