Good People.

One week ago.

On the Asian continent, deep in the woods, a clan dwelled—encircled by nothing but greenery for miles. The trees belting the clan's little residence were Fatebreakers, inanimate objects infused with aura capable of possessing Predestined Powers.

The clan's desire to stay hidden from the world birthed the prohibiting technique infused into the trees around their village. To any normal wanderer, the clan's presence was completely undetectable.

The huts settled on the side of the wooden road built over the grass and pond running through the field were completely carved from the same substance.

A man with short blonde hair, slanted fiery-orange irises, and a mole under his right eye, sat on a patch of grass across from the lake, quietly reading a book. Flipping a page to the left, his mandarin pupils scanned its contents—revealed to be none other than a form of poetry: 'Haiku'.

'Hearts, wholly of blood.

Man, wholly of heart.

One cannot exist without the other.

Yet, regardless

They remain different.'

The man's name was Xenos Zolstein. A swordsman poet; sheathed katana idle in his lap. He sighed and closed his eyes, shutting the book with just one hand. After crossing both legs, Xenos interlocked his fingers. Little by little, threads of energy released from his pores, gradually circling in the air before finally reaching the shape of his build.

Fate. An aura of life encompassing every human; capable of manipulation, given the proper training.

The kids hiding in the bushes behind Xenos observed the energy leaking off the swordsman. A short tan-skinned girl with pigtails felt her eyes sparkle at the scenery; until the swordsman abruptly vanished.

"Hey, did you see that?" One boy whispered.

"The old man vanished!"

The pig-tailed girl's head perked at the sound of approaching footsteps.

"It's rude to call your elders old. Especially when they're only about 20 years old," Xenos intoned from behind them.

The children frightfully scattered after Xenos appeared behind them. The pig-tailed girl did follow her friends in fear as they ran, but she was different from the rest. Once she turned around, Xenos saw it for himself—the girl's childish wonder ignited by the sight of his Fated aura. He couldn't believe his eyes. The next thing he knew, the girl was gone in the blink of an eye, leaving the swordsman alone in the green with the lake.

Chuckling under his breath, Xenos knelt, lifting his book from the natural emerald blades. He wiped the dirt and droplets from the cover, smiling to himself.

'That girl…'

The mere sight of her eyes was enough to invoke an emotional response in him. Following that, a nostalgic warmth enveloped his heart. One reminiscent of a blessed youth below the trees.

'She reminds me of—'

"HEYYYY!!!" Xenos turned his head. Approaching him with a sword hung from her hip, the blonde woman waved at him. "Come on! Dinner's ready!" She said.

He ran up to her. "That was quick. What, did Mom actually wanna cook tonight?" he asked, walking down the path beside his sister.

"I'm surprised you even have to ask that."

Xenos groaned, releasing his shoulders and sighing, looking down at the ground. "Ugh. I hate Dad's cooking."

The Zol clan: a family of Fate users that awakened when the Gate appeared 30 years ago. Ever since then, the world changed--with most of the population holding supernatural powers. With those abilities, the capacity for malice is far more infinite than it ever used to be. Fearful of Predestined Powers' potential for evil, the Zol clan set aside their petty internal conflicts and fled to Stein Forest, where they leave in peace.

The inhabitants practice swordsmanship and when they reach the age of 18, they're allowed to set out into the outside world, to become Fated Warriors. If they were to be designated according to the Kismet Empire's ranking system, the Zol Clan's Fated Samurai are the same as their most dangerous Fate users: 0.

Xenos is already an accomplished Warrior. Sliding the door behind them shut, Hail walked up the stairs and fell to her knees after opening another door. The siblings were beside each other; Xenos bowed his head.

"Good evening, Mother." His eyes closed. "Nothing's out of the usual today. I will be in the kitchen, getting some food. After that, I'll see myself out and return later. Is that sufficient for you?"

The woman sitting across from her children nodded slowly. Xenos smiled, standing from the floor and approaching his parent, pecking her but once on the cheek as her head leaned into the kiss. He walked to the entrance, standing by the door while his sister dropped her head.

"Good evening, Mother." Her eyes closed. "I finished my training for today. Controlling my aura becomes easier every day. I think I might be close... to awakening my Predestined Power."

Xenos and his mother felt their eyes widen. She grumbled, starting to rub her chin.

"Are you certain?" asked her mother.

Hail's head nodded. "I am. I understand it's premature, but I suspect being around Xenos too much is the catalyst." She gestured at her brother behind her, shrugging with a smug grin. "He doesn't even know how to conceal his presence; it's no wonder I awakened cuz of him!"


The mother shushed them both with a finger on her lips. Xenos and Hail instantly quieted. Rubbing her temples, she lowered her head.

"Damn. I didn't think you'd manifest a technique before you became an adult…"

Hail's head tilted. "Really? I thought there were several cases of this happening outside."

"It doesn't matter. Mom," Xenos looked at her, raising his hand, "I think it's time we let her go. Into the outside world."

Hail spun around with sparkles replacing her pupils. "REALLY! YOU MEAN IT?"

Smiling, he looked down and nodded at her, kneeling before his sister to gently pat her on the head. His hand slid from her hair to her shoulder.

"You have excellent potential, Hail. From what I've seen of the aura encompassing you, the Fate you possess could very well be far greater than mine. With the proper training, you'll be an unrivaled swordswoman--a monster of blood." Xenos stood up, gawking at their mother. "This is fine, yes? Going out into the real world--that's how my Power manifested. It should be fine to do the same to her."

Once their mother looked down from Xenos, Hail's head was buried between her legs, dramatically wailing for a chance beyond the trees. Their mother knew her daughter's pigheadedness far too well. If she didn't give her what she wanted now, the crying would persist until tomorrow morning.

'That's how it's always been, I guess...' The mother thought. She sighed, pulling Hail's head from her lip. "Alright, you're allowed to go outside. On two conditions. One: only invoke Fate when you feel threatened by somebody. Two: don't ever leave your brother's side."

Hail frowned. "Ah, c'mon! Do I have to be stuck with that stiff of a man? If not for the swords, everyone would think he's a girl," she pointed at Xenos far behind her.

"Oh please, you're just trying to delude yourself! And also, who do you think you're talking to? I just recommended you to go outside." He sighed. "Y'know what? I'm takin' it back." His left hand raised. "Mom." He pointed at her. "Lock her up and make sure no boys ever even glance in her direction."


Their mother smiled. "Very well," she said.

"WHA--!" Hail's pointer finger darted between her mother and big brother. "You two are traitors!"

"Now then..." Facing the door, the Warrior's aura activated--resembling a fiery blaze not hot enough to incinerate his clothing. "are you coming or not? Stupid little sister." Xenos smirked at her.

Hail's dramatic expression immediately altered as she watched her brother slide open the entrance to their parents' quarters. Splitting apart her legs and clenching both fists, the girl's blue-greenish Fate shone around her. She flew out of the chamber, sped down the stairs, and sat down on the porch outside, all in one movement. Xenos couldn't help but chuckle at his sister's excitement. He took one step before his mother stopped him.

"Xenos," she said.

"Yes, mother?" he asked, peeking back inside.

The woman's nonchalant cadence switched. Eyebrows furrowed and heartbeat intense, she spoke a second time.

"Be careful."

He only smiled. "Always."

Opening the front door, Xenos was ambushed by a hug. He chuckled and looked down, staring at Hail's face buried in his chest. Smiling, his hand placed on her head.

"Thank you..." she uttered.

"You don't have to thank me, loser. After all--what are brothers for?"

Hail backed away, sniffling. "Well? What're we waiting for?" Arms crossing behind her back, she turned around, only glancing back with a smile beaming at her sibling. "Let's go!"

And so, the Zolstein siblings leave the forest, striving to venture out into the beyond of the unknown. A long journey to manifestation lies ahead of them. Will they be able to endure the trials and tribulations of humanity's boundless malevolence? Only time can tell.