Final Convergence, Last Part.

Below the City of the Gate, where Eightfold's Base dwelled, Aella's bright-colored eyes batted awake. Rising her squished cheek from the pillow, she rubbed her messy hair, slowly looking down. The arm around her waist was pale and hairy. Stretched with extended arms over the right side of the bed was King Uriel's shirtless body--leaking drool into the pillow beneath his face. She giggled. After releasing his arm from her hips, Raven's bare feet grazed the floor, trekking her away across to make her way out the door.

Eightfold's Base was a secret laboratory formerly used and abandoned by Atlas. How and why he abandoned it, nobody knows, but anyone holding his blood can use their handprint to enter the Base. It dwells in a separate realm beyond reality akin to Nullspace, but the surroundings are filled with colorful nebulas and galactic thunderstorms.

The spherical domain displaced from the Gate-governed City of the Progenitor serving as their shelter was supported by four cleansed columns placed in the centers of the floor. And despite Talen having cleaned the area before, big rubbles of debris were still scattered about the ground. Save for the fridge pushed up against the wall, of course.

The space was illuminated from the top by a warm yellow light bulb dangling from the ceiling. Talen's face was shadowed by the darkness of his black hair as he sat in the center atop a piece of debris. Raven's bare soles consistently stepped across the yellow-lined stone until she reached the column in the bottom right. She hid behind it and peeked, spotting Marie and Alora standing over the Unconquerable.

"Then, she said something about Apollo sparing them! I... I couldn't accept that after what he did to Tony, so I threatened them! I gave into my impulse and hate because of what Moloch did to us." Lora clenched her fists and teeth, averting her gaze as the tears welled up. "It's... all my fault."

But the black shrouding Talen's eyes wasn't inexpressible anger. Instead, he inhaled deeply and raised his head, closing the book his eyes were scanning. The Unconquerable looked up at his sister, then at the princess behind her.

"Marie," he said.


"It should be custom for two lieutenants under both Heads to monitor a dire situation. Should one of the lieutenants act inappropriately, the other would set them in their place. But you did no such thing. Instead, you let her do it. Is there a reason?" Talen asked.

She shrugged. "Nope."

Shaking his head, Amit stood up. "Alright then. You two are dismissed."

"You're not gonna punish us?" Lora asked.

"We're all adults here. I don't understand why I have to punish you for making your own choices. The Head's orders are absolute, but not for the sake of ignoring your agency. Be yourself and do what you want while also following my orders. Never forget that. Understood?"

Marie and Alora nodded simultaneously. "Yes, sir!" They walked away after that.

Sighing, Talen closed his eyes and sank into the debris. He didn't even bother reopening his book.

"I can sense you," he said. "Come on out."

Raven wasn't surprised. Emerging from the shadows behind the Head, Talen stood up again, facing the Displacement and looking down at her.

"What're you doing up this late?" she asked.

He shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. "Couldn't sleep. I was coming out to get a bite to eat, but then Lora and Marie stopped me. Said it was something dire and couldn't wait til morning." His hands raised. "You could imagine my surprise when they told me they lost the Zol twins I ordered them to capture in the first place."

"I see," Raven tittered. "So I take it that it's hard being the Head of Eightfold?"

"Something like that. Also, by the way--" Talen pointed at the room she came from. "--that's Uri's room. You came from there, right?"

The dreaded moment had arrived. Aella gulped, using the back of her hand to feebly wipe the relentless sweat leaking from her face.

"Y-yes," she said.

Talen nodded. "I thought something like that was occurring."

Raven strolled across the floor as he spoke and sat beside the Unconquerable on the debris column he rested on. Enjoying the feeling of her cheek on his arm, Talen smiled, finally reopening the book to the bent page indicating his progress. Despite his initial assumption she instantly fell asleep, Raven was wide awake—following along with the passages scribbled page after page.

It would be some time until Talen noticed her active gaze in his peripheral. Just about to turn the page, his finger halted—letting her finish the writings within before they continued together. Raven smiled. It was only then she knew he realized.

"What's your favorite book?" she asked.

Talen stopped. His eyes went blank as he stared longingly into the book. Confused, she snapped in front of his face.

"Uh… hellooo?"

He stopped her by catching her wrist, then quickly releasing it. "I'm thinking," he said.

In the Kismet Empire, there isn't a wide selection of books by many authors to read. There are only three libraries in each kingdom, but they hold the same amount of books regardless of location. Talen's been to all of them and over the last ten years, has reread all of them.

"Probably 'The Unsung Wanderer' by LA Harper. Have you read it?"

She shook her head. "What's it about? Maybe I'll give it a read when we get back home," she said.

"Well, it's about pirates. Are you into that sorta thing?"

"No," Raven sighed. "But Uri probably is! I'm sure he'd love it if you recommended it to him!"

"You think so, huh?" Talen grinned. "I'm sure he would too."

It was the first time in a while she noticed the Unconquerable's smile. She couldn't shake the memory of their previous conversation on the boat to the mainland. Perhaps the smile was genuine—but a gut feeling told her otherwise. On the off chance her hunch was right, she couldn't ignore his silent suffering.

"You know…" she started. "…it wasn't your fault. Nobody could've done anything about Anthony, and you were spent from your battle with Monstrum. He killed millions that day! You're not responsible for—"

"It's not just him. Atlas and Apollo, they're still out there too. I'll make sure Uri and Lora get their revenge," he said.

Raven averted her gaze at the mention of her brother's name. Maybe it was unreasonable, like her inexplicable desire to stay beside Uriel. But like that desire, something deep within her rejected the possibility of her brother being a villain. He wasn't the same as them, he couldn't be!

She rubbed her temples. "Apollo, too, huh?"

"Do you still think he deserves a second chance?" Talen asked.

Raven's head automatically nodded. "He's killed hundreds, is responsible for Monstrum's direct incarnation and orchestrated everything beside Atlas. I should hate him from the very core of my being. Yet, somehow… I don't. Because—"

"He's your brother," Uriel finished.

Talen and Aella turned their heads simultaneously, reflecting the King and his disheveled appearance. He smiled down at her, rested on the Unconquerable, then looked at him.

"Apollo betrayed me when he infiltrated the King's ranks and I do despise him for using Tony like a toy. That being said, I know not to blame those who are merely pawns. Atlas is the mastermind. If I were to do anything, I'd be bringing Apollo to justice for the murder of my people. But…" Uri grinned, staring at Aella. "If you believe you can change him, I want you to do it."

"A-are you sure, My King?" she asked.

He nodded. "Of course! The ones you should really be asking are Lora and Tal, who hate that guy with every fiber of their being."

Aella turned. "Tal—?"

"Sorry but I can't agree with that. Do what you wish and should Uri confirm it, I'll stand down if Moloch wants to atone. That's all. I won't stand by and hear him out if I see him first. He'll be dead before he can finish speaking," the Unconquerable said.

She nodded. "I understand."

Rising from the rubble, she turned around and stomped toward the room the King came from. The door slammed shut behind the Displacement as she vanished into the chamber. Shrugging, Talen looked back down and continued reading his book. Averting his gaze, Uriel sighed, scratching his scruffy-white chin.

"You know, you don't have to be so rude," he said.

Talen turned the page. "How was I being rude? When it comes to sensitive topics like Apollo, the mass-murdering Displacement she's unfortunately related to, I won't sugarcoat my thoughts. Let her react however she wants."

"Mmm…" Uri grumbled. "Do you think Displacements are wholly evil creatures?"

"No. She's living proof of that."

"Then why is Apollo any different? If he was being manipulated by someone but didn't have the proper Power to rebel until now, he doesn't deserve to die. He deserves a–"

"What? Second chance?" Talen scoffed. "Don't make me laugh."

"Tony was the same. Monstrum was dormant beside our friend's soul for how long? And still, you pushed for his survival. Why? That was after you knew he was your cousin. You were being selfish back then. Remember?" asked the King.

The Unconquerable vanished. Clutching a fistful of the King's robe, the corner of Talen's eyes glistened as the clarity of his vision clouded by tears. Nevertheless, Uriel could feel it; the Unconquerable's animosity. Like a thirst urging to be quenched, Talen longed to be free of his demons, and yet, every time he tried resisting them, more continued spawning. It was a never-ending cycle of torture Uri could feel by simply looking into his eyes.

"I know," intoned the King's raspy vocals. "Better than anyone, Talen. I know how much it hurts. If you hadn't run away after I died, maybe you would've been getting stronger with your parents. Maybe you would've been strong enough to stop the chaos once it finally arrived. It's pointless to think in terms of what you should've done instead of what you can do. So stop it. Stop dwelling on the past and focus on the future, where you're here now."

Uri grabbed him by the shoulders and leaned closer. "It wasn't your fault. Stop blaming yourself. For the sake of the future we're all heading toward in the next few days, you can't falter. Don't run away. Face the curse and break it. After all, that's what you told me to do way back then, right?"

Talen remembered the past; when their positions were reversed.

'If you kill the King and take the Crown, you, too, will be cursed. All those marked by Fate are eternally cursed.'

He sighed. "Uri…" hummed the Unconquerable.


"Thank you," Talen smiled.

Uriel grinned back at his partner. "Of course."

Xenos and Hail felt an odd compulsion to follow the Displacement who spared them. He had to have let them live for some reason. Until they could ascertain the truth and gain the necessary strength to avenge their brethren, they decided to follow Apollo and let him train them. In the same warehouse Samael dragged him to, Moloch watched his pupils' progress.

The flow of the Warrior and his sister's Fate was much steadier than before, as reflected in Samael's black pupils while standing beside Apollo in front of them.

The Three Gate Families governing the North, West, and South criminal underground were insulted by the Progenitor, Atlas Amit. Enma couldn't let that stand. Disconnecting her interlocked fingers, she spun around in her chair behind the desk. Reflected in her bright scarlet eyes were the other two–Anna and Jenna. At the sight of their familiar faces, Enma scratched the stitch across her nose, rising from the chair. Moving around the desk, she walked between them both and heard their footsteps lag behind her.

At the end of the hall, a metal door hissed steam into the air once it split apart. The three bosses walked through the entrance to be met with a platform and across them, a railing bordering the height from the ground.

Approaching the edge, Enma's arms spread on the fencing, peering down over it to examine the countless rows of identically-dressed Fate user members stationed below. With the North's ranks at over 200, the West at 150, and the South at only 30, the combined members make up a devastating army capable of rivaling the Progenitor himself.

Adjusting the collar of his suit jacket attire, Talen finished cleaning his glasses and turned around. The remaining members of Eightfold assembled in the center to hear one final briefing. Marie, in particular, couldn't contain her excitement as her brother King Uriel stepped from behind to pat the princess on the shoulder. His touch was enough to calm her hyper nerves.

Valentina stood beside Ava while Alora was with Lily behind the Unconquerable once he assumed his position in front of the group. Looking down, Aella was brought back to reality as Uri flicked her cheek, redirecting her gaze back toward Talen.

Eightfold, Apollo's group, and the Three Gate Families unknowingly united that day to face one man. The name who'd changed their fates over thousand times over, simply for the sake of satiating his curiosity.

The Progenitor's long black hair was like eldritch tendrils barfed from the throat of hell infecting the bright blue sky. From the height of the Gate protruding through the clouds composing the heavens, Atlas admired the scenery of the vast metropolis.

"A reckoning has come." Amit's eyes reflected the stars beyond the limit of the azure atmosphere. "I've done everything you asked for. If the conditions are met—" Atlas cut his hand across the palm. "Come. Judge us all, Origins of Fate."

The Gate is a structure composed entirely of the Fate of all the humans in the outside world. Unbeknownst to the general public, roots of aura grow from the bottom and sink into the planet, thieving Earth of the life force of all its inhabitants. The combined energy is enough to power an entire nation. Originally, the process was more refined for humanity's betterment. But after engrossing the Progenitor's blood, the Gate's golden irradiance was completely overtaken by a sea of red.

The citizens in the City directly below the Gate casually going about their regular day were completely baffled at the sight of the reddening light. The crimson bathed their faces in a menacing shade as the Gate inexplicably started pulsating. Like a heart. None of the regular humans had any time to process that abnormality, for mere seconds later, they all felt an unreasonable wooziness plague their heads only briefly before passing out entirely.

The flesh and blood that comprised their bodies gradually decomposed. After the masses finished drying up and all that remained of the corpses was ashy piles, Atlas tapped his temple with one finger. A psychic command unfit to be uttered flew into the Gate's core of being—meant never to be disobeyed.

The Gate pulsated another time. Using the conjoined energy of over a thousand souls, Atlas shot the scarlet light of the Gate into space's endless depths with the mere thrust of his sword at the sky. The flood of red split apart the clouds as it entered the atmosphere. Just when it was about to reach the boundary of space, the bundle of aura abruptly disconnected into several branches that spread across the sky, painting it crimson.

Piece by piece, the blast of Fate formerly composing the entirety of the Gate expanded across the world, infecting everyone and everything in its stretch across the sky. Soon, the whole world would see their sky painted red; unable to fathom what the harbinger foretold.

Atlas extended both arms from the sides of his chest and shut his eyes, letting his black strands move with the wind's chilly air.

'It's time, brother. The time to realize our dream… has come.'