The Reckoning, Part Five.

"Kill?" Apollo looked around, scratching his head, then pointing down at his chest. "You're talking about me, right?"

Jenna scoffed. Countless extended spiked vines flew from the crumbling concrete behind the Boss. Apollo didn't waste any time detonating the aura on his soles and soaring toward the projectiles, raising his hand to cut through the bulk of them. Surprisingly, however, one managed to sneak up behind him and slap the Displacement into another rising from the ground that shot through Moloch's shoulder.

Blood leaked from the wound, and Apollo's aura wavered around his physicality as if it were a blaze. He stifled a grunt.

'Predestined Power: Existence Nullification.'

As Apollo's essence faded into utter obscurity, the extension Jenna shot through his flesh fell through his translucent skin. Meanwhile, on the ground, Jenna widened her eyes at the scent of another signature. She ducked just in the nick of time to dodge a kick aimed at the back of her head, then shot up, pointing a palm at her rear.

'Is he warping?'

Yet again, Apollo's technique dispelled, allowing him a corporeal form as he appeared above Jenna with his fist drawn back. Jenna blocked his imminent fist with the protective aura enhancing her forearm and kicked the Displacement in the gut, sending him down the street. While he flew down the block and through the front of many other plentiful storefronts, Jenna gave chase by riding on an especially widened vine for transport.

As Apollo finally finished crashing through the establishments, he looked up and spotted Jenna over him. Almost immediately the vines extend from the one she used to chase him. Once again, the Fate on his feet imploded, giving the Displacement a boost through the air. Lazily launching his fist ahead, the knuckles exploded in the air and closed the distance, but Jenna managed to catch his strike with the vines. Throwing him back to the street so he could roll to his side, Moloch jumped up, cracked his neck, and let out a sadistic giggle as he sprinted right back at her.

Jenna threw spears at him at the road's end. Jumping over one and then, sliding under another, Apollo jumped into the air and spun, throwing his leg into the side of her figure. Reeling back from the blow, she twirled around her fingers, summoning a staff made from the green of the Earth and swinging it at him. Apollo ducked under the initial strike and caught the length. But he underestimated her strength.

Yelping as she took hold of it to spin them both around, Jenna's grip released, sending him to tumble off the weapon and dizzily wobble into the center of the road. Taking this brief opportunity, Jenna sharpened her vine's edge and closed the distance. Only after appearing over the Displacement and lunging her lance did Moloch sidestep, simultaneously catching the weapon and striking her bust.

Launched down the block following Apollo's palm slamming into her breasts, the following events were merely a blur. Abandoning a black-and-white smear of himself in the air, Moloch ran, but the second his foot lifted from the road—a sonic boom burst through the City. Letting green engulf him, Apollo glitched ahead with a spark of Fate, intercepting Jenna's helpless figure with a twirling drop kick. In the second before the strike hit, Apollo's eyes switched colors.

'Predestined Power: TUNDRA!'

Jenna reshaped the properties of her innate Fate unconsciously, so it could briefly take the shape of an extended arm that flew through the air and punched Apollo square in the cheek. His face defenseless, Apollo tanked the hit as it crashed into his skull.

The Displacement and the Boss fell to the streets at different ends. Slowly marching down the street, Moloch's bloody grin reflected in her eyes. It would take less than a second for Apollo and Jenna to vanish from their respective ends and charge at each other.

As two different forms of Fate collided above the street, their bodies released an explosive burst. The superheated implosion manifested in the form of a single electric spark hovering over their heads that spread into erratic lightning bolts once the street melted in a circular perimeter below them. Without any footing, as the street was demolished, Jenna was blinded by the following smoke, which Apollo took advantage of.

He leaped at her from within and punched down at her skull. Blocking his blow with two daggers she formed from the flowery aura enveloping her soul, she kicked him back in the chest. Apollo reeled back, perpetually swaying past the predictable flow of her imminent blades, then the Displacement rushed forth. In one clean move, he grabbed her by the head and slammed her face into his knee, watching the blood pour from her nose.

Moloch vanished as more vines erupted from below the decaying street once Jenna swatted the air with her hand. Appearing in mid-air as they came flying after him, Apollo flew past, letting himself relent to the invisible flow of the wind while they followed him through the sky. The Displacement looked down as Jenna controlled them with her hands, allowing more vines to destroy the already-crumbling road below their extensions.

But this was nothing. Jenna's technique was nothing more than child's play! Apollo dispelled the life force prominent around his being and rematerialized behind the Boss, raising his hand so it could sink through the air toward her shoulder. Jenna instantly reacted, invoking more vines, each strengthened with Fate capable enough to block the edge of his hand reaching her skin.

'I can't move.' Apollo glanced down. He was tied to the street by the vines entangling her. 'Shit.'

Jenna uppercut the Displacement with a Fate-imbued strike. A piece of Apollo's jaw tore off as he fell back through the air, planting straight before Jenna.

"Damn. Looks like you got me..." Apollo deadpanned.

His entire body turned to mud. The Boss widened her eyes and turned around, attempting to invoke her technique. Then, his hand slid over her shoulder, granting the Displacement the necessary condition to activate a technique. A technique capable of ending the fight without bloodshed.

"Causality Nullification," he said. "Your technique's deactivated. Do you want me to kill you?"

The tears poured down her face in a downpour. Clenching her teeth, Jenna's jaw unhinged, screaming as loud as she could so the world could feel the weight of the turmoil turbulent within her. A display of despair. Eventually, the Boss felt her throat crack, and fell to her knees, sniffling. Her hair fell apart once she tore the band from her head.

Closing both eyes, the woman's lips parted. "Please. End it."

She was alone on that street. Apollo didn't look back. Instead, he walked away, while adjusting the sweater's collar tight around his neck.

'I wish I could say I was sorry. But I'm not. You're strong. This is nothing to you, right? With a soul like that and a face like yours, all of this is but a meaningless stumble. A pebble in the road. Someday soon, though, you'll regain your balance. You'll be able to start walking straight again. Live, Jenna. And be better. That's the hell we killers are unfortunately resigned to when cursed by Fate. I'm... facing that hell too.'

Apollo looked up at the vast red sky clouding his vision. He sighed, pulling the choker closer so it could hide his mouth.

"I'll see you soon... Raven."