Chapter 14 : Ryken Usagi

Cain moved towards the East side Adventurers Guild , It was a huge 3 stories tall building and was 150 feet wide . There were many people going in and out of the guild . As Cain entered the guild he saw a huge sign board showing directions ' New registrants counter to right , Job Counter Left , Guild Master's Office third floor , Raw materials selling counter to the back , Hotel to the right and back' . Below these directions was a huge warning which flashed "ANYONE WHO CAUSES A COMMOTION HERE WILL FACE SEVERE CONSEQUENCES " . This guild wasn't like Cain expected it at all , it was very organized and people moved around without causing much commotion .

This looked like a modern company entrance . Cain then moved towards the New registrants counter , where he saw a woman in the other side taking forms . She had a slender body , with reddish skin ,pointy ears and short blonde hair which was a little longer than her neck and had amber colored eyes .

When Cain got his turn to register and told his name , The pointy eared lady interrupted him by telling

"Yes , Mr Cain the guildmaster had informed us you're arrival today , follow me and you can take the test now"

Cain was a little shocked as he didn't expect the guildmaster to do any favors to him as they didn't speak at a polite tone to him . But Cain shrugged it of and followed the receptionist .

After some time they arrived at an arena where there were people fighting one on one with a rabbit beastman , he was was thin but was muscular , had dirty white fur and didn't wear any shirt and had some loose black pants on . With a long curved bladed sheathed hanged on his waist.

All applicants were beaten even as the rabbit beastman used only his hands and basic footwork .Though they didn't fail the applicants were assigned G or F ranks and rarely E rank , which was being written down by a person a the edge of the arena. What was confusing to Cain was he didn't sense much strength or mana from the beastman but still felt danger from him . As the beastman finished his assessment . The point eared receptionist next to Cain called out to that beastman

"Mr Usagi ! wait a moment " she went and then spoke with the rabbit beastman , then she came back towards Cain and told

"Go fight him , he'll access you're rank" Cain nodded and as he moved towards the arena he could feel stares on him . He shrugged it of and moved towards the center of the arena and spoke

"Mr Usagi treat me well " Usagi to this nodded and signaled Cain to attack him .

Cain nodded and then bashed towards him without holding a sword and making a fist in his hand . Usagi was a little displeased with this attack as a sudden attack is good , but during a test it was necessary to show his best capabilities to get a good rank . But as a little time passed Usagi felt Cain's Skill in hand to hand combat , seeing this Usagi started to smile and started to take Cain seriously .

All the people in the arena couldn't take their eyes of two swordsmen who were fighting like expert hand to hand combat fighters . Cain even if he had high level of mastery he couldn't defend properly as Usagi had speed , throwed numerous feints , used his abundant experience . But Cain wasn't feeling down because of this , his smile kept growing and growing as this was the first time he fought seriously without using any of his special skills . Cain wanted to defeat this person , he wanted to totally crush him without any tricks .

Looking at Cain's face which had a distorted smile , Usagi was a little irritated but also happy that he could meet a talent of this caliber . Usagi then hopped and kicked Cain's abdomen with both his legs , as lightly as he could . Cain was thrown 10 meters back and coughed up a little blood and had anger and enthusiasm written all over his face . Usagi looking at that spoke as he pointed his unsheathed Katana towards Cain

"You boy what's you're name ? " Cain looked at Usagi with a confused look and spoke

"Cain " Hearing this with a smile on his face Usagi shouted

"Try you're best to defend for the next 5 minutes , I am Ryken Usagi a B Rank Swordsman ." looking at the receptionist at the side he continued

"Call the healers !! you have 5 minutes" After hearing this Cain could feel killing intent pouring towards him as Usagi got into stance .

Cain took out his longsword and held it in a defensive position , in a flash Usagi appeared font of Cain as he tried to cutoff Cain's head . Cain instinctively used the sword to defend , but at the same time was kicked to his jaw by Usagi. Cain then leapt backwards and started to use swift step [Lower level of flash step] to combat . All the Crowd was amazed by this sight , few could follow Cain's movements but no one could even see Usagi . They heard clicks and clashes of metals .

Slowly unknowing to Cain he started to apply mana around his sword , looking at this Usagi Started to smile more , and in more speed leapt towards Cain and Kicked his head to make him loose balance.

After the kick Cain started to loose balance and dropped his sword . Usagi then stopped and shouted

"Healers !! come here and heal him" soon healers rushed to heal Cain , slowly all the cuts and stabs Cain received started to disappear , Usagi then Called the receptionist Cain came with and told

"He will be assigned C Rank , if any one has any problems I can speak to them " The Receptionist nodded and no one in the arena questioned Ryken Usagi as everyone who saw the battle thought the person was deserving of the rank.

Usagi then went towards Cain and spoke

"Even if you have Strength and Skills , you can't use them properly without experience . Try to gain experience it will surely help you improve "

Usagi then turned around and started to asses the others , but through all the others got G rank as they didn't meet up to Usagi's standard because of this fight.

Cain then exited the arena with the pointy eared receptionist and moved towards a counter where Guild cards were made , within a few minutes he received his card which showed C rank .And the receptionist told all the process is done and he needed to pay 10 silver welks , Cain paid them and started to walk towards the exit.

As Cain was leaving he could hear two voices arguing loudly , curious Cain moved to check what was happening.