Ae-Ri was crying again. She was covered in water, dirt and bruises.

Ae-Ri looked quite beautiful...She had white short hair...Black eyes and soft pink lips, too much beautiful for a 10 years old gir. Though, the students of the higher class used to bully the younger students and due to some reason Ae-Ri was their prime target. She was sure to get beaten up once she got home too. Her parents were total drunkards and they could sell Ae-Ri if they wanted to. Once, when she return toed home all dirty, her mother beaten her up really badly because she gotten into a fight with her father. Her father also tried to rape her but somehow she managed at that time. It was terrible and Ae-Ri still had the scar of the wound which her mother had inflicted on her that day and her father also abuses her day and night. She was getting mentally unstable with each

and every single passing day.

Min Cho-Hee was Ae-Ri's neighbor who was 23 years old, who looked casual but gorgeous at the same time, she had black long hair and blue eyes. Whenever Ae-Ri felt sad, she would go to her place where Cho-Hee would have a healthy meal and toys ready for her.

That day, instead of going home, she stopped at Cho-Hee's place. Cho-Hee was shocked when she saw Ae-Ri all dirty. Whenever Ae-Ri would go to Cho-Hee's place, she would be all neat and clean and have her scars hidden but that day, she was all dirty, her clothes were torn and her scars revealed.

"W-Why are so dirty today dear and who did this things to you!?" Cho-Hee asked Ae-Ri with such a gloomy face. Ae-Ri broke down at that time and said,

"P-Please let me stay at your place tonight.Please..."

"Okay, but what's wrong dear!?"

"They picked me at school again..." Ae-Ri never sounded like a girl who was 10 years old. She looked so cute, she had white shoulder length hair with blue eyes but daily torment had made her aware of the cruel world and she was more mature then her classmates and also her petite body was full of scars.

Without asking any more questions, Cho-Hee let her in. She changed Ae-Ri's clothes, made her take a bath and cleaned up her.

"Only if I get someone like her..." she always thought.

At the dinner table, Cho-Hee saw that Ae-Ri wasn't behaving usually. She was just sitting there and nudging something. Cho-Hee rose from her chair, went towards Ae-Ri and what she saw made her heart sink.

Ae-Ri was tearing up a doll. Eventually a symtom of 'Victim Paranoia'. Cho-Hee knew that it could take a serious turn. She had to stop Ae-Ri before things got out of hand.

"Ae-Ri! Why are you doing that?"

Ae-Ri looked at Cho-Hee and said,

"It feels nice..."

"How does that make you feel better?" Cho-Hee was a Psychiatrist. She said, "Tell me..."

Ae-Ri looked down and then after a few moments replied,

"It just feels better because of some reason. I really don't know why..."

Cho-Hee was in total silence.

"You know," Ae-Ri started. "They bully me at

school. They spill water on me and beat me

up badly..."

Cho-Hee was shocked. She didn't knew that. She had to find a way to stop this habit of Ae-Ri's and even the school's name too cause she had to find out that what kind of school it was that the teachers weren't even taking steps and Ae-Ri's parents too...She knew something very dangerous was going on.

That night, Cho-Hee went to Ae-Ri's room to see if everything was alright. But she saw something which was not at all 'alright'. Ae-Ri had inflicted serious damage on the dolls and toys which Cho-Hee had given her some days ago.

The dolls were damaged in a similar way

like Ae-Ri's parents used to abuse her. Ae-Ri was wearing a half-sleeved frock. Her scars were clearly visible and similar cuts were made on the dolls at the same places. Not a good sign at all.

At that time, Cho-Hee only came to knew that Ae-Ri was only getting bullied at school but she didn't knew that her parents were doing far more dangerous things to Ae-Ri too.

The next morning, Cho-Hee decided to get Ae-Ri's breakfast to her room but suddenly she got a call from Ae-Ri's parents. Cho-Hee didn't waste the time she answered the call quickly.


"Yeah, I am Mrs. Park. Cho-Hee is my daughter at your home? She didn't come to our house yesterday and she has to go to school today too! Do you know where is she?"

Cho-Hee now had a suspicion that Ae-Ri's parents could tormented her too. Ae-Ri had Victim Paranoia too.

"Mrs.Park, I don't know where is she."

"Really? I thought that she went to you as you love her so much. That brat is getting day by day more irritating! By the way, if you see her please tell me. Me and my husband are worried so much."


Cho-Hee went to Ae-Ri's room and saw that Ae-Ri has tormented atleast all the dolls and toys which Cho-Hee gave to her but she didn't told anything to her as she can get aggressive...Ae-Ri was sleeping too.

Cho-Hee was a perfectly calm girl who was really smart and her attitude towards kids makes her more special then everybody she had long black hair with black eyes and milk like white skin with red lips she also knew how to handle things very well but 'Victim Paranoia' is the most dangerous part of Paranoia disease she knew that too. As Ae-Ri can kill people too at this age.

She woke up Ae-Ri normally as if she gets tensed or does any bad thing to her, Ae-Ri can get dangerous.

"It's morning already? Sis Cho-Hee you are here too?" Ae-Ri is behaving like a normal person right now.

"Yeppp~ Your breakfast take it. Or I shall feed the breakfast to you Ae-Ri?"

"Thanks, I will eat by myself...but I've to go to S-School right?"

"No, you will go to children's park with me after you get ready. Don't worry am with ya"

"Really thats great! Thanks Sissy~ I will get ready soon as possible. B-but what about my parents?"

"I've told them that you're with me. They shall not take you to your home unless you tell them. But dear what is your school name?"

"O-okay...Han Academy."

"Thanks buddy... you eat and get ready. I am in the living room."

Cho-Hee was suprised as her parents admitted her to the most cheap and bad school. Where low class and punk mainly boys study. Teachers their are tormenting too and too much lazy to teach their students. That's why when Ae-Ri gets bullied no one even helps her. Cho-Hee was so angry that Ae-Ri has suffered so much at the most vulnerable and precious age! She also thought that Ae-Ri is behaving so normally then yesterday's night but all the dolls and toys have been tortured totally like her and some more brutally.

"Aunt Cho-Hee...Am ready!" Ae-Ri told with a huge smile on her face.

"Aww-U look so sweet by the way Ae-Ri, can I ask you something?" Cho-Hee asked.

"Yep sure why not!"

"Do you have any besties at school-?"

"Besties...The one friend who stays by their friend forever and trusts each other...Well I surely did have one when I was younger her name was Yoru...Her family is so nice it makes me...She was so nice to me but we got out of touch for my parents...my parents---" Ae-Ri told and was in the verge of crying.

"Well leave it, no worries I will be always their with you! By the way, I am ready too, let's go to the park."

"Mmph~I love you sissy..." Ae-Ri hugged Cho-Hee tightly.

"Sissy~? Seems like we are getting closer buddy! I love ya too~ Let's go!"

Cho-Hee noticed that she had a fresh doll in her hand and that was neat, clean and new.

At park.

"Sissy let's go to the swing first~I didn't ride a swing since years~"

"Years?" Cho-Hee thought. "Oh well sure!" she told.

Ae-Ri looked cheerful and happy as before when she wasn't bullied or ill-treated by anyone. Cho-Hee had to go the washroom she told Ae-Ri to wait for her and that was the big mistake she did at that time.

The higher male students gang were going to school were Ae-Ri goes as well. Those higher male students gang are those same students who bullies Ae-Ri the most. They saw Ae-Ri alone in the park. They thought that there is so much time to go to the school so let's bully her again.

Ae-Ri saw them. The smile in her face went away by seeing the higher class students. She grabbed the doll so tightly. The leader of the gang of the higher students boy pulled her into his arms. Ae-Ri was terrified again That boy took her doll and threw it away on the ground. He pushed Ae-Ri to the ground as well.

"So small chick! Why didn't ya come these days huh!? You know we can't have fun without you! Right!?" He told while mocking Ae-Ri.

"W-what do you want! Stay away from me! Or i will-!" Ae-Ri told with a scared face.

"How cute! Raising your voice at seniors huh!? You know there's one treatment and that is your PUNISHMENT TIME!" The whole gang started laughing.

Ae-Ri was just going to stand up on her and the leader kicked her on her stomach and from Ae-Ri's mouth blood came out.

"Oh damn man-Blood came out no worries it's only the beginning"

Ae-Ri was totally silent even though she was injured badly.

"CAN'T U HEAR US!?" One of the boy shouted.

Cho-Hee hurriedly came out of the washroom cause she knew who is that "Little Shit". Before she could do anything Ae-Ri took out a cutter from her pocket and stabbed the gang leader in his legs she started stabbing it more and more as she was enjoying it.

"HOLY MOTHERF*CKER! I AM BLEEDING! AH THIS CHILD IS INSANE SOMEONE SAVE ME! GUYS!" The leader shouted in pain. But his other friends ran away.


Ae-Ri kept stabbing him and he couldn't move as he was injured brutally.

Cho-Hee came running and suddenly Ae-Ri fainted. Cho-Hee didn't waste a minute and took Ae-Ri in her arms and told that boy "YOU SHALL NOT EVER BULLY AE-RI AGAIN OR YOU'RE GONNA SUFFER MORE! YOU ARE LUCKY THAT SHE DIDN'T STABBED U ANYWHERE ELSE HONEY!"

Cho-Hee runned to her home. She knew that Ae-Ri is surely getting paranormal but she is just a little girl. Cho-Hee left Ae-Ri on her bed and she heated down milk and some water ready for Ae-Ri. When Cho-Hee went to the room she saw Ae-Ri wasn't there at all.

"Wait...What? I kept Ae-Ri here only...She was fainted...Where did she went away..." Cho-Hee thought.

"Ae-Ri! Where are you buddy~? I gotcha some things for ya!" Cho-Hee called for her she had a plan in her head but before that when Cho-Hee turned around Ae-Ri stabbed her in the legs.

"A-ah! A-Ae-Ri!?"

"Well well sissy...I am sorry I had to hurt you...But I had nothing else to do...I have many works to do so...And if I wanted to do it...You wouldn't let me...Am so sorry...Please don't disturb me again...Or it shall GET MORE WORSE!" Ae-Ri warned and went away.

"Ae-Ri! Ouch! I didn't even thought this would happen...How come she even...I have to do something...Calm down Cho-Hee Calm down... I've to first heal myself am bleeding too much well it's not worse...Ae-Ri..." Cho-Hee told.

Some time later...

"Okay so...Mmph...Ae-Ri must have reasons why she became like this...Her open scars weren't done by those highschool boys...They wrere done by someone else and those scars are more deep...Ae-Ri doesn't wants to go to her parents either...I didn't even went to their house either...Her parents I didn't even saw them that much-I have to go to their house...what if Ae-Ri is there only..." Cho-Hee thought and started to approach to Ae-Ri's house.

At Ae-Ri's House.

"It looks gloomy uh...Mrs. Park you there! Mr.Park!" Cho-Hee knocked on the door.

"Hello! It's me Cho-Hee...Seems like nobody is there...Uh... That's Ae-Ri's necklace which I gifted her on her last year's birthday...Why is it lying here...Lemme try open this door..." Cho-Hee tries to open it and she saw it's already unlocked.

"What the flower- How come it's open...Is anybody here? Seems like no one is here...Did her parents forgot to lock the door... I'mma just call police I guess but it's a bad idea too... I'mma just investigate myself..." Cho-Hee starts to explore the whole house.

"This place surely stinks...It stinks like...Eww...What are these so many alcohol bottles...All are empty....I guess they must be storing it since years...Now now... More bottles something seems off! I guess that's Ae-Ri's room... Let's check it out..." Cho-Hee opens the door.

"It's dark... The lights aren't switching onn as well... I'mma use my mobile torch....Seems like a normal child's bedroom...Is that a diary? Shall I open it...?Well I have to figure these all things myself cause if police involves its gonna be dangerous for Ae-Ri and she will get more violent... Let's check it out..."

"xx/xx/xxxx...My mom beated me with rusted iron rods...It hurts so badly...I just returned from school...What even I did that she would beat me...She also pour hot water on my tummy and it burned...I somehow tried to heal it but then mommy figured it out and pulled the flesh out of their...why I am facing all these things... xx/xx/xxxx...My father tried to rape me...I managed to help myself somehow...Every single night my father takes out his belts and more things then hits me everywhere...Why...Why...xx/xx/xxxx All the students in my school bullies me...Abuses me too like my parents...Why does the other students and teachers doesn't help me...Why the teachers doesn't teach anything...Is it even a school?And that guy Kai...xx/xx/xxxx...I love to torture everyone like my parents and others do to me but I do that only in my dolls which are under my bed...I want to that to real humans... xx/xx/xxxx I am gonna kill everyone...Why I am the only one who suffers...Why are other kids family so nice...Why don't I have anyone except Sis Cho-Hee...Why I only have her...I am gonna kill each and every single person...Everyone! xx/xx/xxxx I believe the only way to reform is to kill them!"

"I- she faced so many things...I didn't even noticed it...Her parents...Oh my god... It's horrible... It's terrific...What shall I do now...I am feeling so uneasy...God...I must not give up...Before she starts serial killing...I have to find her...And her parents I am gonna see them later...How I am gonna do such things on my own...Where shall I find her...I have to be quick...Come on Cho-Hee think! She told she gonna torture everyone like other's does to her... She does that on her dolls only but she wanna try it on humans too...Who have nice families and the one's who abused Ae-Ri too... It's already evening...But I can't give up! Shall I go to her school... It's the departure time for the students I guess...The one's who bullies Ae-Ri first I have to find them and to find them I have to get their address which I can get from her school! 'Han Academy!' And that guy which Ae-Ri mentioned on her diary..." Cho-Hee hurriedly went away to Ae-Ri's school with her car.

At school.

"Thank god. I am at the right time! I shall go to the teachers..."

"Umm...Excuse me! Can you please tell me where Kai lives? He is in somewhere around 12th Grade I guess!"

"Why do want that huh!?"

"I am being nice just tell me already! I am in a hurry!"

"O-okay! He is Hwang Kai, you are right he is in 12th Grade and he lives around 2 kilometres away from here...His house is small and a bit newish type house!"

"Thanks... It's a big help for me!" Cho-Hee told and left.

At Kai's house.

"It must be this house... Sheesh...Hello is anyone home!?"


"SERIOUSLY! DON'T TELL ME HIS PARENTS AREN'T HOME TOO! Uh-Why is this door open too? Oh no-"

"Anyone here! Ae-Ri!? Kai!? Mr.Hwang and Mrs.Hwang! Anyone!?"

"Seems like no one is here..."

"I smell blood...Oh wait don't tell am turning into a dog...My smelling senses are working hard... It's coming from here I guess..."


"I-I....a s-small...g-girl...wh...ite...hai...r...."



"No no...Please no...Ae-Ri did this...She killed someone by torturing...How could even she...She is so small...No....Mmph! I've to find her...But what am I gonna do with her... I've to find Ae-Ri before she kills anyone else! She doesn't have a killing pattern yet as I can see..."

Cho-Hee hurriedly went to the other corners of the house to search for Ae-Ri. She saw some blood coming from one room like river. She knew that something more dangerous happened this time. Cho-Hee broke the door and saw Ae-Ri already killed Kai and ran away. She began to see Kai that he was breathing or not she saw that Ae-Ri developed a killing pattern and that was she stitched a button in the victim's one eye and also she tortures them in the same way which she did to her dolls. Cho-Hee was going to give up and she thought she just gonna hand it to the Police. But then she thought twice it can harm Ae-Ri too but what if Ae-Ri get's more and more Dangerous, even who is gonna be her next target. There was no chance saving Kai and his mom. She left them in their house only and started where will Ae-Ri go for her next target.

It was getting late.

Cho-Hee didn't have any choice left so she went to her home and started jotted down the things that what happened today. Cho-Hee didn't lose her hope and went to sleep. She thought that she will again go to Ae-Ri's home tomorrow. Her parents are missing...Ae-Ri already killed the first person who tormented her. Her next target could probably be her parents.


Cho-Hee started to get ready. She also remembered what exact things happened yesterday. She took her car key and went to Ae-Ri's home again. It was unlocked again...It meant that her parents didn't returned yet. Cho-Hee knew all the things and secrets now which turned Ae-Ri like this. She also saw that in Ae-Ri's room that many kind of different buttons was there to stitch dolls and from those buttons she is using the buttons as her killing pattern. The telephone started ringing of Ae-Ri's house. Cho-Hee received the call,

"Hello, who is this?"


"Okay! Can you please tell me where you live!? I will come and help you and your daughter...please take deep breaths too!"



"It must be Ae-Ri's childhood friend which she was told me about...Her name was Yoru...But she was her bestie back then...Even Ae-Ri told she was nice then why Ae-Ri is hurting them!I guess it's gonna take 10 minutes to reach their home..." Cho-Hee headed towards Yoru's home.

Yoru's home door was open...

"Hello!Can you hear me Yoru's mother and father!"

Cho-Hee went to check all the rooms and she was startled seeing Yoru's mother and father are both killed within 10 minutes. They were killed in the same way which was did to Kai. One eye was stitched and their tummies...cheeks were teared opened up. Cho-Hee couldn't take it but then she saw a paper lying on the floor written by Yoru's mother with her blood only. Cho-Hee saw it, it was written


"I can't...4 persons got killed by Ae-Ri...How did Ae-Ri even got here... Yesterday's night where did she live... Everything is getting messed up again...What kind of person is Ae-Ri man! Okay cool down...Where the fuck she took Yoru this time!?"

Cho-Hee saw everywhere in the house...her house even neighborhood and her school too. But she couldn't find them. She tried to call Ae-Ri's parents but their cellphones were switched off. She again went to Yoru's house and started to search if she could get some hints or something... She found one hand drawn picture which Yoru drew...The drawing was about Yoru and Ae-Ri hugging each other. She also found out Yoru was 1 to 2 years older than her. And Yoru's family is too much sweet.

As she was a Psychiatrist, she thought Ae-Ri must have been envious of all the sweet families so she will kill them too but that wasn't the main point. Cho-Hee went to her house and started drinking alcohol due to tension...She dozed off...


"Aww...look how sweet you're looking while sleeping...your hands, legs and body are tied...Your dress is so beautiful...I wonder what it will look like when I'll make you a whole real doll...wow...and mommy and daddy... you two have something more sweeter... I'll rip of your each and every part of your body...then stitch it... differently....I will gouge out your two fierce eyes full of hatred... You two would look good as doll but you two don't deserve it...Ah I am feeling so happy... I'll make more and more real dolls! And if anyone tries to interfere-Mmph I can't even imagine what I will do to them...Sleep my real humans you will be soon my real dolls whom I'll torment on every second! Yay!"


"Its morning...Ayo! I dozed off! Dammit am I becoming a drunkard what the fuck am thinking instead of where Yoru and Ae-Ri is...

I am gonna go and get fresh then peacefully solve the matter- How can I am fucking gonna be PEACEFUL AGH! Why do I even live here and face this...Oh well I still do remember why I became a Psychiatrist...My elder sister was suffering from mental issues...That I was getting all the love from my family...She committed suicide by writing a letter that it was my fault...I remember I was 11 years old at that time and she was 15...After my parents saw that they sent me to adoption centre... Nobody adopted me...I stayed in the centre only and started to think why does people get these crazy emotions...That's when one old lady in the centre told...You've to become a Psychiatrist for that...Soon that old lady became insane she was one staff of the adoption centre...She killed many kids...I was afraid why she started doing that mass killing of kids in the adoption centre...I was among some survivors...who survived...I started to learn more and more about people's emotions and mind...Why they develop these feelings and became a Psychiatrist...I have to stop these and make Ae-Ri normal somehow!" Cho-Hee thought with tears in her eyes and slapped herself. Then she started to get ready again for the third day of the topic.

"Where I am gonna get Ae-Ri...Even her parents I can't find them...I am just gonna search the whole neighborhood first..." Cho-Hee asked atleast all the neighbours if they saw Ae-Ri by showing a picture of her. After some time when she was standing under a tree she saw Ae-Ri running towards somewhere. Cho-Hee began to follow her quietly and saw Ae-Ri went to a house back window and went to that house. Cho-Hee started panicked so she rang the house bell and told to open the door. As soon as she Cho-Hee rang the bell. Someone opened the door and I fell over that person as someone pushed me from behind.

"Ouch-Are you fine Miss?" Cho-Hee asked while rubbing her head.

"I am fine... But who are you?"

"Actually I saw someone entered from your hosue back window and I guess that person is in your house...Who lives in this house?"

"Wait-What! Seriously! Actually I have a little newborn baby in my house as well as I am pregnant and my husband is there too but he is doing his work... Darling! Please checkout the baby someone is in our house!!"

"Miss, please don't panick you're pregnant please stay behind me and where is your baby!?"

"She is in upstairs with my husband..."

"Listen, and please don't be scared...actually a killer entered this house...so please stay beside me I don't want you and your baby to get harmed so please don't be tensed..."


"Miss! I said stay beside me if you don't want to kill yourself and that new life inside of you too! I will save your other baby too! So please stay beside me!" Cho-Hee quitely went upstairs with that lady before she could open the door where the baby is Ae-Ri took a rod and hit her at the back of the head.


"Young lady..Haha...I guess you have a life inside...And outside a newborn life is there too..."


"Me...Well am recreating every single person..You see this needle, knife and buttons I am stitching everyone and making them my dolls whom I could PLAY with! You and your baby will be my doll too! Your husband already pisses me off so you know..." Ae-Ri told with a lunatic smile on her face and with that knife she made a cut on her legs and she was going to fall down from the stairs but Cho-Hee stood up amd saved her life and that new life too.


"Thanks a lot for saving me...But I guess we all are gonna die...My husband already sacrificed...My other child... We're not gonna make it...I am feeling-"

"Miss! Ae---Ri-? Where did she went away ugh! My head ouch it's bleeding...I can't keep bleeding like this or I am gonna...Agh-I have to save all of them..." Cho-Hee took that miss in her hands and put her in the corner, she teared a little bit cloth from her dress and tied that miss leg's cut. Then she went to the newborn's room and saw Ae-Ri took that baby in her hands already while that lady's husband is dead.




"NO AE-RI! I AM NOT GONNA LET YOU! WASN'T I WAS YOUR FAVOURITE!" Cho-Hee shouted and went towards the baby to take her.


"So you aren't gonna listen so I am gonna drop this baby in the ground...She is soft and fragile so she will die~She will die even if I fell her from this height~Okay~" Ae-Ri tried to kill the baby but Cho-Hee catched it. Ae-Ri was startled and ran away.

"Agh...Finally...Atleast I save a newborn baby and her mommy with one more new life in her tummy...Ae-Ri isn't acting like a child anymore she seems like she will kill me if she wants too...But why she is harming unknown families now..." Cho-Hee though she put the baby in the bed softly and went down to check if her mother was fine.

That baby's mother was still unconscious. Cho-Hee first aided herself and started to make so hot soup for that mother and medium hot milk for both the baby and mother. She took that lady to her bedroom, changed her dress and made her all cleaned up, washed her face too. Cho-Hee started giving her the hot soup and slowly after some time passed that lady came to consciousness.

"Mm...Are my babies fine dear? Are you fine?"

"I am fine and your both babies are fine too...Please take some rest now..."

"My husband sacrificed himself for us...My babies they would be fatherless..."

"Miss, I know being a single mother will be tough but don't give up! I know you can do it...I would say for now I can see you're fine...Let your babies have this milk and your husband's body...Just call the police and tell someone broke into your house and did this but you somehow managed to save your babies... Don't tell anything bout that killer and me...Please?"

"You did a great help to me...If you weren't there...Leave it...No worries...I will not tell anything..."

"Thank you, please stay safe...I am heading towards my home...bye..."

"Yeah sure, bye..."



"I can't take this anymore...This serial killing Ae-Ri has started...How come will I end this...If police comes they're just gonna take Ae-Ri straight to jail at this age including her parents. I don't fucking care about her parents whatever happens to them...they deserve it...But what Ae-Ri is doing...Yoru...Where did Ae-Ri went away... It's night...I guess Ae-Ri will be staying in her place which I can't find. I have to find her by this night only...I am feeling weak...But no...I can't wait till tomorrow...I have to end this..."


Cho-Hee went to Ae-Ri's house cause that's the only place where Ae-Ri knows all the rooms and secret places the best. Cho-Hee started roaming all towards the house and found one secret basement which was locked. Cho-Hee started to break it but it wasn't. She saw the route where it would end. Then saw one more opening too. Cho-Hee went down to the basement from there.She started investigating the place quitely, suddenly she tripped over something.

"Ouch...Oh motherf**ker...What in the world is this! Isn't that Yoru and that's Ae-Ri's parents...ARE THEY EVEN ALIVE!?"

"Why are you here...this is my area... it's for me

and my dolls..."

"Ae-Ri! Why are you doing these insane things! You have killed so many people, you're tormenting them to death!"


"Listen Ae-Ri, I know all the things which you have faced...I know you didn't deserved it! But you can't just keep doing these things! It's gonna be dangerous for you...If anyone finds out! Ae-Ri stop these things... I'll make you stay with me like my little sister!"

"STOP THESE SHITTY THINGS! I AM GONNA DO WHATEVER I WANT! WHO ARE YOU TO DICTATE ME! YOU'VE CROSSED YOUR LINE TIME FOR YOUR TRANSFORMATION!!!!" Ae-Ri switched off the basement lights and hit Cho-Hee on her back that badly that she couldn't stand. Little Ae-Ri tied Cho-Hee up just like she did to Yoru and then again switched onn the lights.

"S-stop it Ae-Ri... Stop it... I don't want you to suffer anymore!"

"Can you just shut up~ Now see what I am gonna do to my mummy and daddy~"

"Ae-Ri! Don't agh!"

"First I am gonna peel their skin... Second I will put some candle wax in it...Third I'll rip of their body parts...Oh wow! Too much blood...Looks sweet and reddddy...Four am gonna gouge out one of their eye...Eh it's slippery! Finally I am gonna stitch these things now! One of their eye! Its hard you know but its fun~Mummy, daddy it feels good right...I am now gonna stitch your two's abusing mouth! Yay! It's done! Phew it was hard! You saw it right!? It's time taking but fun wanna try it out!? But the thing is I got soaked in blood...Oh no! You threw up sissy!"

"Oh well...I surely did you little...I won't stop you from doing anything to me atleast but please don't harm Yoru! Why are you gonna harm her and other unknown families too Ae-Ri!"

"Mm...I am not killing anyone I am just making them my dolls...And I envy Yoru and every other family...Now stop asking this shitty questions already! I'mma stitch Yoru now yay! I am gonna make her a beautiful doll...she is unconscious...I am killing everybody before stitching them..But I will wake Yoru up then I will stitch her...!"


"Wakey wakey Yoru! Wake up already~"

"Uhm...Mm...Where I am...A...Ae-Ri? Why I am all tied up...?"

"You're asking too much... I'mma just put a duct tape in your mouth...Then you won't scream too!"


"SHUT UP! Aww Yoru...You started crying already well don't worry it's gonna be PLEASURING!"



"You forced me to put a tape in your mouth too!"

"Now I am gonna start...I am gonna burn her revealing parts first... Stop moaning! I know it feels great! Now I am gonna stab you everywhere!!!!!! Yay! Lots of blood coming out! Once it comes out...I will tear open it up and fi it with cotton to make you soft! I am gonna gouge out your both eyes! Wow! STOP SCREAMING! I'll put the buttons now...Oh no...you stopped breathing! Ah it was fun seeing you getting pleasuring...but who cares...Cho-Hee are ha trying to say something okay I am gonna open the duct tape!"

"AGH!" Cho-Hee kicked Ae-Ri as her legs were only free.


HOW DARE YOU KICK ME! HOW DARE YOU!" Ae-Ri stabbed Cho-Hee in her stomach continuosly and then she heared police car's siren.

"Why are police coming here! Who told them I am here! Uh! It sucks! I couldn't even complete the stitchings...I guess I gotta go...But before I will go I will put some oil here and light up the house with fire!"


"I am sorry sissy! I have to do it! Ae-Ri poured oil in the whole basement even in their bodies and light up a matchstick then threw it first in the basement curtains cause then she will get some time to run away.

"Finally...Ya all enjoy! I am going! Feel the pleasure while being alive sissy! Goodbye!"

"Ae-Ri! Please..."

Ae-Ri went away before the police came. The whole basement started burning, while Cho-Hee being injured she kept trying to somehow tear these strings. She managed it. But it took some damn time. She couldn't save other's bodies. But she tried her best to carry one doll of Ae-Ri's which Ae-Ri left behind.

After everything, the police arrived. But the basement was already on fire. Police asked everything from Cho-Hee. She told each and every single thing.

After some months...

"Park Ae-Ri! The smallest serial killer isn't been found yet after 5 months of trying. Where is she...Why she stopped killing...Who is she!? These things are still remained in mystery! The case of this serial killing will stay closed until Ae-Ri starts killing again! That's it for now!" Television news.


"Mmph...who knows where she is...but surely if I meet her again...I would love that... cause I KNOW WHO SHE IS!"


"Well people are so dumb... They couldn't even find me even till now... Let's start my killing again! Oops not killing! Pleasuring them! Hahahahahaha! But I have to be more careful from now on! It's dangerous cause that dumbass is still alive...I can't even find her cause she is living in other place now! Who cares! I'mma start my stitching again!"
