Going to the test

It was in the morning, inside one of a cabin was Xander who was observing himself with the outfit he wore. It was black in color with strands of purple lines at the edge of it.

The material used was tough like a leather, though in this case, it looks more thicker and tougher. The outfit had long sleeves attached to black bracers which were strapped around the forearms and a pair of light black gloves. The bracers has purple lines running at the sides of them, making some type of strange patterns. At his chest was some kind of a comp vest, except it wasn't bouyance, it was composed of the same material as that of the bracers, still it allowed his movement without hinder his reflexs.

A garmet around the neck was a soft close-fitting collar that folds over and covers the neck. In their case, it help one to cover the half bottom part fo their face from the nose, still it was light to allow a circulation of air. Then, attached to the back top, was a hood.