Leap of faith

Following behind their senior, were the group of teenagers. 

They have been chasing him for a long time now, that the few others started falling a little behind.

They had long left the campsite behind at the point that is out of their eye-sight, they have been diving deep into the jungle. 

A senior was incredible agile and fast, he climbed the cliffs and trees at ease. The way he jumped over, how he slides across the ground under large fallen or laying trees and how he ducked around the trees, it was at a complete different level.

His every move was smooth and flawless as if he was dancing. Sometimes he would step over a tiny tree brunch without breaking it. Teenagers could tell even with how tired and struggling they are, he was still holding back for them to catch up.

As they run, a terrain started to change a little. Plants were becoming few, ground was becoming hard and black.