Chapter 13: Ever feel like time just stretches on and on and….

It's been a little over five months since I got my hands on some of that sweet sweet Asgard technology. I spent a great deal of it upgrading my base, and experimenting. Sadly, nothing has really come of it outside of just upgrading several designs and technology. A few of my other natural abilities increased through practice.

'I don't really feel like an inventor type. More of a steal and upgrade. I should work on this, but at least some of the upgrades I have done are pretty good. I really wish I had access to the Asgard knowledge base. Getting their understanding of several topics would be such a boon.'

Thinking that, I bring up my UI for the upgrades I managed to craft or strengthen.


[Anti-Gravity: High]

With the current level of technology you have absorbed, and the power output you can sustain, you may use Anti-Gravity to 'lift' an object of up to 1,600,000 tonnes. Must be within 900 metres of the object. May also simply 'remove' 1,600,000 tonnes of weight on the object to let you lift it with your natural strength. Also capable of removing up to 100% of inertia depending on how much power you use.


Find a better generator design to up the amount of weight and range you may affect. May overcharge with extra energy to temporarily increase effect and range. However this effect only has mild efficiency and will produce a modest increase.


Not much of an increase here honestly. The Asgard has better anti-grav engines, but the one I have access to is not that much more advanced than the Goa'uld design I am using. From my scan, and with the possible upgrades I could do, it would only add a mere 100,000 tonnes. And the efficiency, to my surprise, was not that much better. Not enough to make a noticeable difference.


[Space Flight]

Able to fly and also enter Lightspeed travel via Hyperspace. Max sublight speed is 220,000 kilometres per second. Max Hyperspace is 86,000 times the speed of light.


You still possess friction. Max Hyperspace travel is relative to how much energy you put in. 1 ZPM is 86,000. While 2 ZPM is 172,000. Ect.


This was a bigger upgrade, but not massive. I know the O'Neill class ships they have started making have better… well, everything, but it's not a terrible of an increase from my own tinkering. More speed for intergalactic travel is a must, can never go too fast.

'Ugh, I need the tech from Atlantis. Some of it is so much better than what the Asgard has. Not all of it, but a good amount.


[Energy Shield]

Project an energy shield around your person or anyone within 1700 metres. A shield is permanently projected a nanometre away from your skin but may project a shield to cover 6km in a full circle. Base energy drain is 1 ZPM. Able to block the impact of a star going supernova at a drain of 4.5 ZPM's. Able to forfeit the shielding for a cloak, that will hide everything. From sounds/smells and readings from all but the most powerful sensors. Upgrade the technology to increase the efficacy and to add features to the shield.


Due to the type of shield projected very few objects may get through, regardless of the amount of power being supplied.


Much to my surprise, I was able to do a moderate increase in their shield technology. Upping the range, and efficacy. I was also able to make them a bit "thicker" as it were. Still not as efficient as the Ancients, or as powerful as the O'Neill class ships. But most likely the strongest shielding when ALL things are taken into account.

I also absorbed two systems I don't think I'll ever need, but did so anyway. Well, they are more for my bases and for myself really.


[Explosion Suppression System]

Passively dampen and suppress any explosion like event that you consider hostile in a 10 metre range.


This has helped a bit for my main lab. It's prevented me from losing a few machines while tinkering. While money isn't a problem, it's a pain to have to re-order the stuff I lose.


[Life Support Systems]

Able to generate basic life sustaining atmosphere in a 500 metre range.


I have not installed these in my lab, as I don't want Organics in my lab. And not having anything to breathe is a good deterrent. Speaking of Organics getting into my lab, I have seen tampering on my ring device outside. As I don't need the rings anymore, I packed up the set inside my lab, and moved it to the moon's surface.

I also loosened the security on the rings back on earth, and set them to only ring to the moon, while removing the outgoing feature from the moon's ring set. Now, they'll be trapped on the moon unless someone activates the rings again while they are still on the pad.

I replaced the dated rings was an Asgard transportation system. Now I can teleport to anywhere on Earth, and teleport anything on Earth anywhere. One thing I made note of though, is that the system I made does not use the Hyper-subspace I do when transporting things. The only thing I could tell was different was that mine had traces of that unknown radiation, while the physical version didn't.

While I was tinkering with the Asgard beam emitter design to see if I could increase its range and speed of transportation I suddenly detected a massive power surge coming from the SGC. As I was about to transport over to see what was happening, I sensed a wave of… something passing over me and my lab. I also noticed a warning flashing on my UI.

\\\— Temporal shift detected, successfully resisted effect —///

'Well now, that is VERY interesting. I guess SG-1 ran into that one Organic who is obsessed with seeing his dead wife. Now, I want to see if it's only me who is immune to the loop effects, or if it's anything Morphium based.'

With that thought in mind, I went back to my lab and noted everything's position. I moved a random slab of Morphium and steel I had from a desk, to the floor. I beamed up to the surface, and created another small slab of both Morphium and steel, and placed them down.

Having completed the setup for my little experiment, I went back into my lab, and back to tinkering. After about 10 hours, I sensed another wave, and my UI flashed again.

\\\— Temporal shift detected, successfully resisted effect —///

Looking back to the desk, I see both slabs for metal back on it. Which also means the slabs on the surface are gone. Only reason I put them there was in case my Morphium covered base actually prevented the temporal shift, or my presence actually affected my surroundings. By the looks, it does not.

'Guess I am immune to time shenanigans. Or at least, technology based ones. Magic can maybe fuck with me if it's strong enough? Question for later. As much as it would amuse me to let this go on, it is disruptive since my base can be affected.'

So without any more delay I searched for Jack's life sign, and transported myself near him.

Daniel: "Anyway, I am sorry, but that just so happens to– Oh. Hello Nova. It's been a bit since we've seen you. What's up?"

Nova: "Annoyed: What have you all done this time? Time has reset on Earth twice in 10 hours."

Sam: "What?"

Jack: "You've noticed, Nova?"

Nova: "Pride: Yes, Jack. My creator wanted to make sure nothing could stop me from destroying her race. Not even time travel."

'Complete lie. But, it might as well be the truth.'

Sam: "Really? How in the world did she do that?"

I just shrug, and shake my head.

Sam: "Oh, that's a shame. So, you say we're stuck in a loop of some kind? And you, Colonel, are able to tell, or remember past loops?"

Jack: "Not just me, Teal'c's got it bad as well."

Nova: "Query: So, what did you destroy/tamper/piss off this time?"

Sam and Daniel look at Jack.

Jack: "Oh, hey. Don't look at me! It was Daniel's new friend who did something with some ruins on the planet."

Daniel: "My new friend?"

Jack: "The guy the other SG team met originally on P4X-639. There was some kind of alter, or control thing-a-mabob. Then, it released some kind of energy discharge at the gate, and then it got super bright. And next thing I know, I am sitting back in the mess hall."

Nova: "Confirmation: That coincides with my readings. An energy discharge was detected from the SGC, and then a temporal shift wave hit the planet. This has happened twice."

Daniel: "Maybe it's your Morphium make up?"

Sam gave a quick nod to that.

Nova: "Denied: No. I already tested for that. Hence why I am here on the second loop, and not the first. If my lab was free of the shifts, I would have ignored this unless called upon."

Jack: "Really?"

Nova: "Reply: Yes. After all, it's not like you would have lost any time."

Jack: "Okay, that is very cheeky."

Sam: "But also correct. If we were truly reset, even down to our ageing, then there really would be no rush to solving the loop."

Nova: "Annoyed: Correct. But since this is also resetting my lab, I need it to stop. So let's go inform the General, and be on our way."

They got up from the table, and we all left for the General's office. On the way there, we met Teal'c, and gave him a very abridged run down. Soon enough, we were in the dreaded meeting room, and the General was looking a bit bewildered.

Hammond: "Time travel. I had hoped to see the last of it. But I guess not. Alright, gear up everyone and try to shut down this loop."

An hour later, we were all ready, and the gate was already dialling.

Nova: "Ponder: So, the man might have some defences in place. And I assume you don't want him dead. So what is the plan, Jack?"

Jack: "Well, to talk to him first off. And if he doesn't cooperate, then we restrain him and try to shut it down ourselves."

Nova: "Compliance: Okay, we'll do it your way. But if a loop activates, and you all are reset, then we do it my way. That gives you several hours to talk to him before hand."

Daniel: "And, uhh.. What is your way?"

Nova: "Menacing: The same as Jack's mostly. But instead of restrain, I kill him for being a nuisance and to maybe break him mentally before we need to learn how to fully use the device. Every loop."

Everyone sweat dropped at that, but Teal'c just raised an eyebrow. The gate finally finished dialling, and we headed through the gate.

Stepping on to the other side, I can say this planet has seen better days. That is to say, it's a fucking shit hole with nothing but this ruin, and sand. At least there were some cool looking storm clouds and tornadoes in the distance.

As we near the device we see the archaeologist, looking at the scribbles on the ruins.

Jack: "Hey, Malakai! We need to talk."

Malakai: "Oh! You scared me, Sir. What can I do for you?"

Nova: "Order: Drop the act. They were somehow included in this machine's effect. They saw you operate it, and everything. They are here to either work with you to shut this down, or restrain you and figure it out themselves."

Malakai loses his "innocent and clueless" look, and stares at us with some hostility.

Malakai: "Oh? And what are you here for? Moral support, little girl?"

Nova: "Threaten: No. If, and when, the loop resets I will do the same as them. But over your corpse instead. As many times as it takes. It is an inconvenience, and thus needs to be shut down."

Jack: "Yea. I really suggest you work with us. It will be a lot less unpleasant."

Malakai: "Restrain me then. I will not work with you, I NEED this machine!"

Jack: "Uh huh. You heard him Teal'c. Major, Daniel, try to make heads or tails of this thing."

Nova: "Query: I know this is late in asking, but you had your PSE's on and active when you came here, right?"

Jack looked away, embarrassed.

Jack: "Ah, no. We figured that it was a safe planet, so we didn't bother."

Nova: "Exacerbation: What? Are you afraid you'll run the batteries out? Come on. Lesson learned then. I hope."

Not looking me in the eyes, he nodded his head while scratching his cheek.

Nova: "Reminder: You have until the end of this loop before I take it into my own hands."

Several hours later, Daniel was still calmly working on the translation, while Sam was more invested in the weather. Jack was being Jack. He was sitting down and leaning against the entrance way, sleeping. Teal'c has been staring at Malakai since they started their task, hardly moving. You can tell he was used to guarding things with the ease he has been having watching Malakai, and doing nothing else.

Suddenly, there was a beep from one of Malakai's readers, and the device in the centre started to activate. It looked like a large rectangular box with ancient writings all over it, and had several small pillar-like squares on the surface. Like buttons, that would raise or lower. Just a bit bigger than an average adult human hand in size.

All of the buttons were going up and down, seemingly at random. Eventually we could hear electricity start to spark, and a few seconds after that we could see it starting to flow around two large pillars that had some sort of focus looking lens pointed at the gate. One on each side of the gate.

Jack wakes up, sees what's going on and askes, "Daniel! What'd you do?"

Daniel: "Nothing! I was just writing something down when it engaged on its own."

Jack: "Turn it off!"

Daniel: "I don't know how yet!"

Malakai: "It's drawing in energy from the ionisation in the atmosphere. There's nothing Dr. Daniel can do."

Nova: "Mockery: Double busted. They never introduced themselves this time around. Not that it matters. The next few Loops will be fast for you."

Malakai: "I will have defences set up by the time you get back here, little girl. Your threats mean nothing to me."

Our conversation was interrupted when the gate was instantly dialled, and two beams from the pillars hit the sides of the gate, sending a charge at it. Interestingly enough, there is no event horizon. Seems like after the initial connection, the "door" to the network it dialled closes.

The device then sent out a pulse of that strange wave I sensed back on Earth, and Malakai shimmered out of existence, as well as my team. The whole process took only a few seconds for the observer. It was neat seeing everything around me just fade out and then back into wherever they were when this all started.

Looking to my left, I see Malakai, standing behind the machine, facing towards me and the gate. Doesn't seem like he even considered I would be immune to the temporal wave. But, can you really blame him?

Floating up, so he could actually see me easily I said, "Glee: Hey kids! Wanna see a dead body?"

Malakai's head snapped up to me, and his face paled greatly.

Nova: "Cruel: How unfortunate for you that time has no hold on me. Now, I did say it would be over your dead body. Eventually. Good bye."

And with that, I transported him low enough into orbit to still have air, and not burn up when falling back down. After all, I am a kind Automaton and want him to enjoy this new experience to the fullest.

Turning my attention to the device and what was written on it and the walls, I did a scan. In a matter of seconds, I was able to translate everything.

'Thank you Daniel for your need to record and store nearly everything you do when you have a chance.'

It seems the Alteran had built an outpost here of some sorts way back when. But there was an unspecified event that was wiping them out, and they couldn't stop it. So they resorted to time travel. But this device was, or rather is flawed. And can only set up loops, and not true travel. They spent a great deal of time trying to fix both the machine, and find a way to prevent the disaster that befell them. But they could not in the end, and so they were forced to shut down the machine, and die out.

The device itself is relatively easy once you understand the nuances about it.

'Heh, not even an hour into the loop, and I can already shut it down. Oh? Is that the faint scream of an Organic plummeting at terminal velocity towards its death I hear?'

Looking up, I can see Malakai free falling towards the ruins. I look on with cruel pride as I was able to properly calculate a good general area of where he'll splat. He's trying his best to not hit the device, while also looking like his soul is leaving his face with how fast the ground is "coming up" to him.

I shout out to him, "Sadistic: Do not worry. It is not the fall that kills you."

Soon enough, he slams belly side down into the top right corner of the room I was in. Popping, and splashing everywhere.

Nova: "Quip: It's the sudden stop at the bottom."

Looking through his things to make sure he doesn't have any new technology that I somehow missed, confirming he didn't, I just hovered there while I brought up some videos I pre-downloaded to watch.

When there was only 50 minutes left till the loop started, the gate activated with an incoming wormhole. Out stepped SG-1.

Jack: "See!! I told you she would be here."

Teal'c: "Indeed. Nova had informed us she was immune to the effects of the device."

Sam: "Guess that makes sense that she'd not be moved when it activated then."

They had a short small conversation as they made their way to me.

Daniel: "Where is Malakai, Nova?"

Nova: "Cruelty: Oh you know. He's here. And there. And I think I see a bit of him over there."

Daniel and Sam: "Oh, my god."

They both turned around to not puke when they saw the splatter spot where Malakai ended his great adventure in the sky.

Jack: "Jeeze, Nova. What'd you do to the poor guy?"

Nova: "Report: I showed him what it was like to skydive from near orbit. I did not however show him how to land from orbit."

Teal'c: "You can be quite cruel sometimes, Nova."

Nova: "Reply: Only to those I don't care about. Besides, I am being quite magnanimous. I only killed him once, and he honestly didn't feel much of the pain, just the terror. I am even waiting for the device to activate to revive him before shutting it down. It's more than he deserves, honestly."

Sam: "Just for being an inconvenience to you?"

Nova: "Reply: While that is a large part, yes, it is not the only part. How many planets has this device affected, and how long have people been stuck in a loop unknowingly because of him?"

'Not that I actually care.'

Daniel: "While that's a fair point, still a bit extreme. But I won't even remember this. And he'll be alive again, so… No harm no foul?"

Sam: "I guess…"

The device started to activate again, and the electricity build up started to happen.

Nova: "Inform: After the loop starts again, I'll deactivate the device, and disable it. Then I will return back to my base."

Jack: "Alright. Teal'c and I will make the report, but it'd be helpful if you could send over one as well, with all the relevant information."

Daniel: "Yes, please. I want to study these symbols."

Nova: "Reply: That is fine. I will do so."

Shortly after, the wave passed over everyone. The blood splatter that was Malakai shimmered away, as well as my team.

Floating back up, in front of Malakai I asked, "Amusement: So, how was your time learning to be a baby bird?"

Before he could answer, I floated him up a few metres away from the device.

Malakai: "NO! NO PLEASE!"

Nova: "Mockery: Calm yourself Organic. I am merely shutting down this device, and then leaving."

With that said, I floated over to the top of the thing, and started pressing the "buttons" down in the proper order for a shut down. After I finished inputting the right "code" I sensed some sort of field collapse around us. That must have been the bubble this thing created to affect time.

Getting an idea, I held out my left hand, and went to absorb the device. Malakai looked on in horror as a wave of unknown substance covered his precious machine. It took me all of five minutes to absorb it. It seems the internals of the device were quite detailed.

Looking at my UI notice, I smiled inwardly.


[Temporal Domain]

Able to project a domain of 200 metres in which you may slow down, or speed up time by 9001%. May decide if you are affected by the domain or not. Can also stop time.


To prevent paradoxes, reversing time is not available until you are able to affect the entire universe. Some entities are not affected by time manipulation, be warned.


Now that was a great haul! I could already sort of do this by moving very fast, but now I won't ignite the surroundings by moving so fast. And while I can also make it so I don't "waste" too much time in my lab now, I won't. After all, I really only want the Ancients technology database now, as well with the Asgard's. Maybe the Wraith too? They got some interesting biotech after all.

'Anyway, I am done here. Time to head back to base, and send in the report.'

As I turned and walked back to the gate, it activated instantly. A nice little trick I got from the Asgard. One of many, honestly.

Malakai: "Wait! Don't leave me! That device was also the way to activate the stargate!"

Nova: "Mockery: Oh no!"

I say as I send the signal for them to open the iris. Getting the code, I turn back to Malakai and let him fall down.

Nova: "Sadistic: You're smart. I am sure you'll find a way."

With that said, I turn and step through the gate. After arriving, I immediately connect to their system, and upload my report with video. I also send off some great quality pictures of all the writings around and on the old device. After doing my little duty, I transported back to my base.

'Now. How much time do I want to "skip"? I need to remember the episodes to any world that may have some tech I want.'