Chapter 15: Sometimes you just need to restart your life, you know?

After getting back to Earth and beaming back to my base I decided to just skip ahead to the mission of Atlantis. After getting all the data from Thor's computer about the O'Neill ship class, they don't have anything to give me until I have full access to their civilizations knowledge. And for that, I just needed to wait till they gave it over to the SGC.

So without further to do, I brought up my [Temporal Domain] and started to speed up time. But several seconds after I started, my domain collapsed and a warning was on my UI.



Timeline rewrite in progress.


I was momentarily confused, but then I saw my precious lab shift around like it was a heatwave. Then everything vanished, and was replaced with dirt. Just like that, years of work and inventions are gone. Turned into dirt.

'Am. Am I mad right now? I haven't felt this strongly in quite a few years.'

Focusing on an area around me, I transport the dirt in a good size cube to the moon. With some room to work with, I quickly make a transport system, so I can teleport around again.

Scanning the SGC, I see the layout of it has changed drastically. And I even detect Hammond, Daniel, and Sam. By the scans I can tell they are drastically different to the Daniel and Sam I know. Way more "out of shape."

'What the fuck did they do this time? Geh, I wish I could remember everything about Stargate SG-1. Oh well, let's go see.'

With a mildly disgruntled thought, I transport myself near them. They are watching a video of Daniel talking about timelines.

OG-Daniel: "-- hopefully the timeline hasn't changed at all"

Nova: "Annoyed: Oh, it has changed all right. And I am none to amused right now."

Daniel and Sam: "Whoa?! Who are you!? What are you?!"

Hammond: "Security!"

Several guards swarm into the room, and point their guns at me, while Daniel, Sam, and Hammond go behind them all.

Nova: "Annoyed: Put down those toys before you hurt yourselves. I am not here to harm anyone. I was a member of that team, SG-1. Or, maybe a mercenary actually would be a better description of me as of late."

Hammond: "Who, and what, are you? And what do you know about SG-1?"

Nova: "Exacerbated: Fine. I am Nova, an Omega Class First Generation Automaton. I worked closely with SG-1 on several things, and I have every file report and mission statement from them and the rest of the SGC.

Daniel: "Omega what now?"

Sam: "You're not human! Err, I mean, not biological!"

I nod towards Sam, while the General waves his men off.

Hammond: "If what you are saying is true, then you might be able to answer several questions we all have."

Nova: "Statement: I could, but I would rather not. Instead, here."

I wave my hand over the meeting table, and 10 flash drives appear one after another. This causes everyone in the room to gasp at the seemingly magical ability. I connect to the drives two at a time and fill them with everything related to the SGC and the Stargate. Even the dirty laundry.

And yes, I am now able to connect to, and control two different things with my ability. It seemed to upgrade a tiny amount when I absorbed 5th. It was another unexpected boon.

Sam: "What that… magic?"

Nova: "Amused: Heh, when technology is sufficiently advanced it becomes indistinguishable from magic to those who can not comprehend it."

Daniel tried his best to stifle the giggle, and Sam glared lightly and pouted while looking away. This honestly disturbs me a bit. I can tell this Sam is so much… lesser than the one I know.

Hammond: "And these are?"

Nova: "Statement: Flash drives. I scanned your current tech, and created these so they can connect. They are filled with absolutely everything connected to the Stargate. If you need more than 10, ask. But you need to give me something in exchange.

Hammond: "Airmen, please take these and get them to our relevant team members. And make sure one gets to President Kinsey.

Nova: "Disgust: That traitor is actually the President in this timeline? My condolences."

Hammond: "Traitor?"

Nova: "Mockery: Oh, everyone will see. It's part of the data I gave you all. Now, restart that tape, I want to see exactly how SG-1 managed to fuck up so bad that the timeline was completely rewritten."

After watching the whole tape, I could only groan inwardly at the situation. I lost everything because they were after a fricken ZPM Ra had. I wondered how in the world I forgot about this, as this is pretty important. And since I was never mentioned on the tap, I could confirm that it happened after they forgot about me. That effect is both bothersome, and helpful.

But then, an idea came to me. I know that there will be at least one more timeline shift when these idiots go back because they fuck up the mission to get Teal'c. So, while they are doing that… I can do what ever the fuck I want, and it won't have an affect.

'Like say… going to Asgard and taking all of their knowledge. By force if need be. I will only have a few days, but it should be more than enough time. And since nothing matters, I can let off some of this building annoyance through good old fashioned death and destruction.'

Nova: "Inform: I will be leaving. Your Civilization is even weaker and less advanced than it was before the rewrite. As such, you can not honor your deal with me. I will come back in a few years and check on you all. And if you are back to at least a serviceable amount of advancement, I'll rejoin and renew our deal. Until such a time however, I leave you to your own devices."

I didn't even wait for them to respond, I got shit to raid. Teleporting myself into orbit, I look up the file with Asgard's first and second home world. Locking in my course to the first home world, I open a hyperspace window, and zip through. I crank up my speed so I will arrive in only a few minutes.

Leaving hyperspace, I am greeted with a sight I somewhat expected. Without SG-1, and their interference, the Replicators had less of a challenge with the Asgard. Their home world was all but consumed by the Replicators by this point. Making note of how far away their new home world is, I consider it to be sufficient distance for what I am about to do.

If sound could travel in space, a low "woom" sound could have been heard. Along with the coming charging sounds. The power from my [Atomic Breath] attack is quickly building up as I see no reason to go beyond the normal charge time of five seconds. Soon enough, a large beam was released from my mouth, and collided with the planet.

The planet didn't even last a second before it started to erupt and crack. Moments later I stopped my attack early, because the planet exploded in a wonderful shower of pink and purple fire. I noted that several parts of the planet were continuing to disintegrate with pink/purple lightning arcing around it.

'Interesting. The parts with that lightning are showing vastly higher levels of that unknown radiation than the ones without. This was great for data. Now then.'

Looking towards the new Asgard home world, I open a hyperspace window, and make my way through. It only takes me a minute or so with the speed I am going. Leaving hyperspace, I can see that they are thankfully not destroyed. In fact, they looked rather beefed up.

'If I am going to be honest, I fully expected them to either be wiped out as well, or at least under siege. But they look okay. More advanced than the other timeline that is for sure. I wonder how this came to be.'

I was quickly met with five ships that were on par with their O'Neill class in the other timeline. One noticeable difference though, was their weapons were staggeringly more advanced. It was the plasma beam technology they would eventually invent to fight off the Ori.

I could tell they had locked on to me with their weapons and were charging. But they were also broadcasting on several frequencies. Taking a quick listen, they were demanding to know who I was, and my reason for being here and such. I have no reason to answer, so I make a show of myself raising my arm and charging my own [Ion Cannon Blast].

All five immediately started shooting me with their fancy beams. I cancelled my [Ion Cannon Blast] and lowered my arm to let all the attacks hit my shields. And give them a good showing of how little of a fuck I give about their weapons. Multiple shots impact me, and slam into my shields. There is no point though, and they don't even weaken them. I do however glow a wonderful shade of pink with a splash of purple in the area a beam hits.

Eventually they understand their weapons are not enough to damage my shielding and stop firing it. When they do, I broadcast to all their ships and the planet below in "machine" language.

Nova: "Sadistic: My turn"

I've been wanting to test out exactly how strong I am physically, so I practically appear as if I teleported in front of the leftmost ship, and punch with all my strength against its shields.

There was a massive explosion on the ship in question as its shields failed. Looks like the excess energy from the attack travelled through the shields and entered through the emitter? From my sensor readings I got from the impact, I had enough force to easily shatter planets. This pleased me a fair amount. I was worried my only strength was my [Atomic Breath].

'Now that I think about it though, that was a foolish thought. I am powered by "multiple" ZPM's. There should be no reason I am not strong physically. And I am literally made of Morphium. That stuff is strong as fuck. Now then. I think I'll save at least one ship, and absorb it all. Get some upgrades maybe?'

With that line of thought done, I start charging up a fairly low powered [Atomic Breath]. I want it to destroy the ship, and nothing else.

'This amount should let their shields hold out for a bit before collapsing. Wonder what they'll do about it?"

Soon my attack was finished charging, and I released it on the next ship. My beam slammed into the shields, and they started to struggle immediately. As my attack was nearing the maximum amount of time it could be channelled I sensed the entire crew beam away to the planet. Right on time too, as my beam soon broke through the shields and made short work of the ship. There was a 2 metre hole in the ship all the way through. Sparks started to fly, and something in the ship exploded breaking it apart.

And much like the planet, several parts of the ship started to disintegrate with that lightning again. An interesting remnant of the attack I noted.

One of the ships started to head towards me with the intent to ram me, I assumed.

'How droll of an idea…'

As it was getting closer, I noticed a large energy build up from the generators in the ship. And when it was nearly colliding with me, the crew was beamed off down to the planet.

'Ah, going to have the ship self-destruct. How boring.'

Nova: "Mockery: I will return this to you."

I bypass the shields, and forcibly teleport the ship slightly into the last ship I'll destroy. Part of the ships were now melded together from the transport. But it didn't matter, as a second later both ships exploded from the self-destruct.

The last ship was already charging up its hyperdrive to flee.

Nova: "Playful: No no. None of that now. Come and play with me some more."

I forcibly teleport the ship right in front of me so the main computer core was in range for take over, and did just that. I then shut down both the hyperdrive, and the shield generators. I fly over to the front of the bridge and land on the ship. I look into the ship, and give them a small wave with my left hand. I reach forward and place my hand on the hull of the ship, and go to absorb the ship.

An absolute flood of Morphium is quickly covering the ship. Really have to hand it to those Replicator nanite upgrades. I can't wait to absorb an Asuran for the full ability. Several minutes, and I assume screams from Organics, later I was done absorbing the ship. And I got some nice upgrades!


[Plasma beam]

Fire a narrow, high-intensity beam of superheated plasma. The more energy used the more intense and hot the beam will be. Width of the beam can be adjusted.


Basically just a lesser version of my [Atomic Breath] if I am being honest. But still welcomed. It fires near instantly, and it is still very powerful. Being able to change the width is also a really big plus in my books.


[Asgard hologram]

Able to project anything you can think of with a range of 100 kilometres. Can project and detect sound.


Asgard holograms possess no physical integrity and cannot affect, or be affected by, material objects.


I totally forgot about these for some reason! I can most definitely use this kind of technology. I always believed illusion magic and such was always severely underestimated by most.

'Shit. Now I need to get my hands on the Lantean version. Those had physical integrity as it were, and could very much kill someone.'


[Energy Shield]

Project an energy shield around your person or anyone within 3000 metres. A shield is permanently projected a nanometre away from your skin but may project a shield to cover 20km in a full circle. Base energy drain is 1 ZPM. Able to block the impact of a star going supernova at a drain of 3 ZPM's. Able to forfeit the shielding for a cloak, that will hide everything. From sounds/smells and readings from all but the most powerful sensors. Upgrade the technology to increase the efficacy and to add features to the shield.


Due to the type of shield projected virtually no objects may get through. May dynamically change what may or may not pass.


'Yes, now those are the shields I want. Look at that efficiency as well. I bet the Lantean's are just a tiny bit better. Might knock off 1 more ZPM worth for the supernova block.


[Space Flight]

Able to fly and also enter Lightspeed travel via Hyperspace. Max sublight speed is 270,000 kilometres per second. Max Hyperspace is 250,000 times the speed of light.


You still possess friction. Max Hyperspace travel is relative to how much energy you put in. 1 ZPM is 250,000. While 2 ZPM is 500,000. Ect.


'Null DAMN That increase. I guess they really focused on weapons/shields/speed in their war with the Replicators. That speed is absolutely fucking bonkers!'


[Anti-Gravity: Very High]

With the current level of technology you have absorbed, and the power output you can sustain, you may use Anti-Gravity to 'lift' an object of up to 100,000,000 tonnes. Must be within 10 kilometres of the object. May also simply 'remove' 100,000,000 tonnes of weight on the object to let you lift it with your natural strength. Also capable of removing up to 100% of inertia depending on how much power you use. Can now also control gravity in an area instead of just objects with the same range.


Find a better generator design to up the amount of weight and range you may affect. May overcharge with extra energy to temporarily increase effect and range. The effect has a higher than average efficiency and will produce a rather noticeable effect.


'Wow. Okay. That's uh. That's a rather large increase. What the shit? And controlling gravity in an area, huh? I wonder if this is how they get past black holes? Must be. War, more so one you are losing, really spurs on technology to rapidly advance. This is drastically better than the other timeline. Still though, able to increase gravity by 666,666.666G. Heh.'


[Cryogenic Burst]

Rapidly cool an area of 50 metres around you to near absolute zero.


'....what? Was this their cooling system or something? Oh well, I am now a super discount Sub Zero! Wonder if I can eventually improve this?'

I also got a slight upgrade to my sensors. Not much for range or anything, but for clarity and precision. This was a rather large haul, and I was happy with it. Going over all this new data and absorbing the ship only took a fraction of a second. To them that is. Got to love temporal fuckery!

Scanning the planet, I can see they are already evacuating. But, I am not after them as a race, I want their knowledge. And it seems they have not started to purge that yet. Not wanting to push my luck, I scan for their core computer mainframe. After finding it, I phase shift, and blitz towards the building it is in. Bypassing all of their defences, I created a temporal dome around the room with the main computer, and started downloading all the information on it.

'Null damn, there is an absolute shit load here. Do I actually have enough memory to save all of this?'


— Notice! —

You do not have a limit to the amount of data you may hold.


'Well, that's good.'

I have long figured out that these notices I get every now and then, and on my abilities are actually my subconscious adding in information. At least when the UI isn't purple. I have no idea what purple means. At first I thought it was my creator, but that was quickly ruled out. I have no idea why it is, but when I associated it with the word 'Null' it felt right. So, I assume those two are connected in some way. My best theory is the one who hosted that awesome survey.

'Anyway, this is awesome. So much knowledge. I am starting to understand a lot of their technology better now that I have the context for all of it.'

After about a total of 2 hours, I was done downloading. And I made an interesting discovery while parsing some of the data. The Asgard know about ZPM's, and how they are made. Everything about them really. But they consider them to be wasteful, and while they admit the power output is immense, it's not cost effective. Even more so when the Ancients mined the main planet that had the right crystals dry.

They tried to fabricate the crystal, but it ironically took an entire ZPM to make an empty ZPM crystal to use. So it was useless, they'd lose a ZPM to gain a ZPM. The crystal structure was just much to complex and required stupid amounts of energy.

'But, spending power is nothing for me.'

I hold out my left hand, and start to make a fully powered ZPM. It took me 10 hours to make one. That is absolutely crazy. I can deconstruct a ship in minutes because of the Nanite upgrade, but this little crystal took 10 hours.

'No wonder it took a ZPM to make a ZPM via fabrication. Oh well, let's see what happens when I absorb this.'

It took me another 10 hours to absorb the damn thing. But the payoff? Very worth the time I 'spent.'


[Z-1070-U Subspace Power Generator 10th Generation- Upgradable]

Generates an unlimited amount of power, but at a limited output of 11 ZPM's from the Stargate universe. Power output is upgradable.


'Yes. I wonder just how far I can push this?'

Before I tried making another ZPM, I wanted to see how many I could make at once. And it turns out, that number is two.

'I think the number of things I can create simultaneously might equal the number of things I can control with my [Limited Control: Technology]. I'll have to check after I am done making these two.'

Again, after 10 hours I was done, taking note that the time didn't increase. Leaving the ZPM's to float, I tried to make as many apples as I could at once. Was still limited to only two at a time. I tried again with Morphium balls, and got the same result.

'I'll have to check whenever my [Limited Control: Technology] upgrades again to be absolutely sure.'

After 20 more hours, I finally had a total of 6 ZPM's in front of me. All glowing in their full glory, 100% changed. I admit, they make for beautiful looking generators. Reaching out, I absorbed them, and 10 hours later I got a UI update.


[Z-1070-U Subspace Power Generator 10th Generation- Upgradable]

Generates an unlimited amount of power, but at a limited output of 15 ZPM's from the Stargate universe. Power output is upgradable.

— Notice! —

Excess ZPM's stored for Evolution.


'Wait, what? I can literally evolve? List needs for Evolution!'


— Evolution checklist —

002/100 ZPM's





'Some unknowns huh. And why green? Oh Well, I'll find them eventually. But for Null's sake, I need 100 fucking ZPM's? Yea, I am not making them now. I don't want to have the timeline rewrite fuck me over yet again. I'll handle it later when that shit is more calm.'

Sending a few pings outside of my bubble, I confirmed barely anytime had passed at all. Letting my domain collapse, I got the urge to try my shiny new [Cryogenic Burst], so I did. I watched as my surroundings reached near absolute zero in less than a second. The speed was almost fast enough to call it 'Flash freeze' honestly.

Looking around the room, which honestly just looked like a frozen futuristic library now, I was impressed. Scans show the metal is super brittle now, and already heating up. Which makes sense, as I don't have an aura of [Cryogenic Burst] going or anything.

Getting an idea, I clap my hands with some amount of force. The resulting shock wave shatters everything around me. It looks really cool as everything turns into diamond dust.

'Well, I am done here. Oh, I know what I want to do to end this.'

Taking control of the nearby transport emitter, I teleport myself back out to space. I look down at the planet, and broadcast.

Nova: "Sadistic: Well, I got what I needed. Time for us to say goodbye. I hope you have sunblock, because it's about to get a lot brighter."

'Time to release a little bit of my inner chuunibyou a bit. Hehehe'

I take a pose like Cooler from DBZ when he is charging his supernova attack, and slowly start to form a hologram of the sun. Once it got to about the half the size of Earth's moon, I shrunk it down rapidly and 'threw' it at the planet.

Nova: "Sadistic: Cruel sun."

After the hologram entered the atmosphere of the planet, I teleported their real sun into the atmosphere. It was amusing to watch the planet crumple into the sun and burn up rapidly.

'Whelp, that was interesting. And I am not detecting anything from them now. No stargate either. I am tempted to go to Atlantis now, but I honestly want to travel with the Atlantis team for a while. They seem like fun Organics.'

Turning towards Earth, I opened a hyperspace window and flew through. I was back at Earth in seconds. Phase shifting so no-one will notice my return, and go to the top of the mountain the SGC is in and float in a crossed leg thinking posture.

'Even if they "restore" the timeline, the one I was from is now gone. That means the SGC will never find me most likely since I am immune to time shifts. Well, so far I am in any case. That means my lab is forever gone… Fuck! Well, I'll skip ahead to the Atlantis Expedition then. I have a great prank/plan. Can't do it here though.'

I fly back up to space, and open another hyperspace window. And I make my way to the Pegasus Galaxy. More specifically, Atlantis. After arriving in about a minute, I scan the planet, and I find it pretty close to where I exited hyperspace.

As I fly down I take a more detailed scan of the city, and note that its power is very much almost gone. Further scans reveal there are no humans anywhere in the city, so that means Elizabeth Weir hasn't gone back yet. Great, one more timeline rewrite at least to look forward to.

I phase shift, and bypass the shields and enter the city proper. I want to turn on the computer, but I'd end up using all the power, and I'd lose my chance to adventure a few times with the Atlantis crew.

'Whelp, might as well start 'skipping' till the two timeline rewrites. Then I'll get to making those ZPM's I need.'

I quickly find an empty lab, and create my [Temporal Domain].