Ashen VS Shanks

Calvin was shot three times in the chest and fell on the ground drowning in his blood.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed as I hurried to rescue him before it's too late but before I got to check on him Shanks appeared between us and pointed his sword to my neck.

"I said I won't let anyone interfere!" Shanks said in serious tone ready to slash my neck if I make the wrong move.

"He already lost!!" I said to him desperately.

"Are you sure about that?" I was confused about his question as it was clear that Calvin already lost and his life is in danger until I looked at him again.

"…????!!!" I couldn't believe what I was seeing, even though Calvin had three holes on his chest he was still trying to stand up again.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!! JUST STAY ON THE GROUND YOU DON'T HAVE TO KEEP FIGHTING!!!" I shouted at him hopping he would let go of his stubborn nature and accept defeat.

'PLEASE!! I'M TRYING TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!!' I was praying he doesn't do anything foolish.

"Huff…huff…I don't want…huff…the Ashen Pirates name…t-to get dragged on the mud be-COUGH!! because I gave up" he said while struggling to stay on his feet, there wasn't a single part of his body that wasn't covered in blood and injuries.

"What a guy, you have gained my respect!" Beckman stated "but unfortunately you met the wrong people" he aimed his rifle at his head ready to pull the trigger.

'I don't have a choice…' just as I was about to interfere, Shanks spoke to Beckman and told him to stand down.

"I think he already paid back for beating our crew-mates and we still have someone else to deal with" he then turned back to me with a smile on his face "Shall we start?"

'This is all my fault, I got too confident because I beaten a few pirates' I gritted my teeth in regret 'Shanks, you used to be one of my favorite one piece characters' I thought in my head.

"I will make you pay for this!!" I could already feel my bulging forehead and arm veins, I was furious at this moment.

"I would like to see you try that" Shanks replied with a smirk.

"IT WOULD BE MY PLEASURE!!" I put my hand on my pocket and brought something out.

'I won't make any more mistakes'

"THAT'S!!..." Shanks saw my hand and recognized what I was carrying.

It was the Mera Mera no Mi, I always carried it with me as to not lose it somewhere by mistake, without a hesitation I reached to take a bite.

"IT'S A DEVIL FRUIT!! DON'T LET HIM EAT IT" Shanks ordered his men, and they immediately came charging at me.

'Too late!' I took a large bite and swallowed it without even shewing it properly.

"COUGH-COUGH- SO DISGUSTING!!" I Started feeling a strange heat running through my whole body, it felt like I could walk through fire without getting burned, like I became fire itself.

"No, I am"

"*PUFF*-*PUFF*-*PUFF*!!!" The pirates thrusted their swords into my body and shot me with their guns at the same time. I could feel that their swords and bullets pierced through me, but I wasn't hurt at all.

"ASHEN-COUGH-COUGH!!" Calvin tried rushing to my rescue, but he ended up falling on his knees again.

"Hehehe!! Don't worry Calvin just rest now, you've done enough partner..." I started laughing from excitements and then I used my newly acquired power to form a strong burning fire around my fist.

"Ace! Your power is amazing!" I proceeded to release fire from all over my body to push away the attackers.

Everyone was amazed by my current display.

I was still struggling to control my power, but I instinctively knew how to use it.

"…C-Captain!" Calvin smiled at me proudly then collapsed on the ground and lost his conscious.

"You guys get back. You can't hurt him anymore!" Shanks ordered his men to stand back. Benn Beckman was also not planning to join.

"You gained logia powers, it's a bit troublesome" Shanks said then he rushed at me with his sword and swung it downward trying to slash my chest, but I used Soru to dodge his attack 'I'm not stupid enough to take a hit from a Haki user'

Shanks seemed surprised as he didn't expect me to dodge his attack since I have logia powers, the mistake every rookie does. I then proceeded to concentrate fire on one part of my body which is my right fist and kept focusing it until I felt like I would lose control over it, then I punched toward Shanks and released the fire at the same time.

"FIRE FIST!!" It couldn't even be compared to Ace's fire fist in term of destructive power, but it still was strong "HAHAHA!! THIS IS SO FUN HAHAHA!!" I've always dreamed about doing something like this in my past life, but now that I am actually doing it, I can't describe how much epic it is.

"BOOOM!!!" The impact created a loud explosion and left a huge hole on the ground, but Shanks managed to avoid it.

After that I used Geppo to fly away from him and create some distance between us then I proceeded to kick at his direction using Rankyaku and I fused it with my fire power which created a sharp wind blade of fire that flew to his direction blowing everything in its way.

The attack was strong enough to blow away everyone that was close to the area of impact. Shanks managed to avoid it but still got a few scratches Then without giving him the time to rest I started sending Shigan infused with fire bullets at him and managed to injure his left forearm, but it wasn't serious.

'He didn't use Haki to defend against my attack?' I noticed his forearm got injured.

"Those are secret marine techniques, how the hell did you learn them?" Shanks asked me curiously, but he didn't wait for an answer and dashed toward me without wasting any time and rained me down with his sword attacks until I dropped my guard for moment.

"Your quite good" Shanks complimented my power "But, you're not invincible!" He then moved at a supper high speed which took me by surprise, I used Soru to back away, but he predicted that and turned back again and thrusted his sword into my right shoulder, I tried using Tekkai to minimize the damage but since he was using Haki there was no way that would work.

"ARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!" It was a deep stab and I immediately started bleeding from my shoulder.

'He is using Observation Haki to predict my moves and armaments to attack me' I couldn't think of any plane to stop this guy, he was way stronger than me even though I ate a devil fruit.

'The only way I could have a chance is if I unlock observation during the fight which is almost equals to 0%' I kept thinking for second 'I have no other choice' I decided to gamble with my life as there was no other way.

"I never thought I would meet someone as strong as you in East Blue" Shanks said to me then he added "You even exceed your reputation Demon of The Sea!" he praised me.

"I'm flattered" I casually replied.

"But this won't be enough to defeat me!" I ignored his words and went charging to him again and tried to use my fire power to do some damage, but he had a strong Haki which made it super hard to even land a hit at him.

When Shanks started attacking me again, I tried to feel his killing intent to predict what he is going to do just like I tried to do in training 'Basically observation Haki' but I failed measurably every time and got some injuries from him.

'Did I make the wrong judgment?' I was barely able to stand on my feet. I was covered in blood and had some serious injuries 'It's too late to back down now!' I thought while I wiped the blood from my face and kept eye contact with Shanks.