Logue Town

After the fight against the Red Hair Pirates, we spent about a week in Koko Island before we decided to leave for Logue Town. While we were there, I kept experimenting my devil fruit power to see the limits I have.

First and foremost is that using the DF power will reduce my stamina

by three times more than I it would normally do if I fought without it. The second thing is that the more I use my power and push its limits, the better I become at it.

In terms of destructive power, I'm far weaker than Ace but I am getting better at controlling it, I just need more time.

As for my training I decided to focus more on unlocking Observation Haki since I got a glance on what it felt like using it during the fight, I now know what I should be aiming for. I trained it the classic way by blindfolding myself and taking hits, I had to ask Calvin to train with me for that and I also started meditating since Haki utilize spiritual energy, I thought it could help.

"BOSS! WE ARRIVED!" Ken shouted to me while I was standing on the ships deck. I could see an Island appearing from a distance, it was Logue Town.

'This will be our final stop in East Blue' I thought while I was thinking of a plan.

"Ashen…" Calvin called me. When I turned to him, he threw something to me.

"A newspaper?" He smiled without saying anything, I then proceeded to read it.

"Ashen Pirates, the most notorious pirate group in east blue…the hell is that there is only three of us?" I read the headline in amusment.

"Calvin Helios, Dead or Alive 15,350,000 berries…Your bounty increased!!" he didn't comment on that, then I flipped the next page "Ashen 'Demon of The Sea' Dead or Alive 19,500,000 berries…HOLY SHIT!! IT INCREASED BY A LOT!!" I was amazed, it was more than the double of my last one.

"You killed a marine captain and dozens of officers, fend off three marine ships, butchered more than five pirate crews, I think it does you justice" He stated with a grin.

"I guess that's true, I hope things go smoothly in Logue Town" I said.

Three Hours Later,

We finally arrived at the port, there was a lot of ships docking here including pirate ships which we didn't recognize.

We proceeded to dock our ship in an empty spot.

"You guys are free to do what you want, just make sure you don't get in trouble" I said to them, then everyone left in different directions. I decided to roam around the town for a while to see if there is anything interesting, until I stumbled across a vendor in the market.

He was selling a bunch of random things, but there was an item that piqued my interest. It was a glass orb, with a directional needle inside suspended by a thin piece of wire.

'A log pose!' I tried to check it to see if it's real.

"You seem to recognize the item Sir!" the vendor said to me.

"How much?" I asked him.

"5,000 berries Sir" I took out some cash from my pocket and handed it to him.

"Thank you! Please come back again if you ever need anything"

After that I kept strolling around until I ended up in the place where Gold D. Roger's execution took happened. They were a lot of people here, since this was the place where the pirate king died and the great age of pirates started, it was a tourist attraction.

"It wasn't long ago since that happened-"

"SORRY!" a girl bumped into me.

"HEY YOU STOP!!" some people were following her. I didn't mind them and walked away but after wandering for a while I felt something was missing and started checking my pockets, it was then when I found out that all the money I was carrying, and the log pose I bought before was gone.

I was baffled at the situation, and I kept trying to recall all the places that I visited to try to find out where I would've lost my belongings, and after a few minutes of reasoning I finally reached a conclusion.

"That bitch!" I couldn't believe I was robbed that easily without me noticing.

After knowing that I immediately went back to look for her. I kept searching around the town for a while, but I didn't find her.

"This is the last place…" I was standing at the port. It was hard to search for someone here because the place is crowded with people, but after a few minutes I noticed a small ship sailing away from the port.

When I looked closer at it, I saw a girl standing before the helm steering the ship.

"That's her!!" When I saw her, I immediately used Geppo to fly toward the ship. There were also some people at the port trying to stop her, they looked like pirate.

"HEY STOP!!!" I shouted at her direction, when she saw me flying, she was dumbfounded and let out a loud scream.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!!!" She took out her weapon and started shooting me without waiting for an answer, I didn't even bother to dodge and let the bullets go threw me and then I landed on the ship.

"You weren't hit?! There is no way I would miss my shots from that distance!" she was shocked to see me unscathed.

I got to take a closer look at her, she is around the same height as me, she has short light brown hair, she was wearing blue bandana in her forehead and a blue neckwear with knee length trouser and black boots.

(Here is a picture of here)

"STAY AWAY OR I'LL BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!" She shouted then proceeded to aim her flintlock pistol at me and shot my forehead.


The bullet left a hole in my forehead with fire coming from it and floating around it, but after a few seconds my forehead recovered back to normal.

"You sure have a good aim" I said calmly while approaching her.

"W-What are you!" she looked frightened and kept shooting me without stop but the bullets kept going threw me without receiving any damage.

"Do you have a death wish?" I glared at here for a moment then I used Soru to appear in front of her and punched her in the stomach.

She got pushed back a little.

"Arggghhh!...y-you how dare you!" She came charging at me and tried to punch me with her fist this time, but it had the same result, and her fist went threw my chest.

"Aaahhhh!!...WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU?!!!" She quickly pulled her arm back looking terrified.

After that, I moved closer to her then I released fire from my body to intimidate her.

"W-What do you want?" She asked me nervously.

"Don't play stupid!" I glared at her "You have my stuff, give it back!" I could've taken my stuff by force, but I was interested to see what she was up to.

"I don't know what you mean…" She tried to act innocent.

"Very well" I gathered fire on my fist and got ready to burn her from existence.

When she saw that, she finally yielded.

"WAIT!! I'll give you back your stuff!" she said then she quickly ran to a small chest near the mizzen mast and took some stuff and brought it to me.

"H-Here is your stuff!!" she handed me my log pose and some cash.

I took my stuff and went to look-into the chest and see what was stored in.

"WAIT!! WERE YOU GOING?!" She shouted at me and tried to stop my way.

"You…Do you really want to die that badly?" I said to her in a low tone, she looked intimidated but didn't move. I used Soru to teleport behind.


I proceeded to open the chest and started looking through the items.

"Did you steal all this?" I asked her while I kept checking things in the chest, there was a lot of gold, money, valuables items and there were even some expensive weapons.

"How did you...?" She was shocked about my speed and couldn't react at all.

"You know I've been getting short on money lately, so I'll be taking some of this…" I said, then proceeded to take some items that I liked, including a cool looking sword.

"Wha-…" She tried to say something, but she changed her mind and just kept looking at me in hostility.

"Turn the ship back!" I ordered her.

"DON'T ORDER ME AROUND! YOU FUCKER!" She looked angry but proceeded to do as I said and we sailed back to the port.

When we got back, they were dozens of people standing there waiting for us, they looked hostile, and they were carrying weapons. They are most likely the people she robbed, and when I looked back at the sea, I saw marine ships approaching the island from a distance.

"Looks like we are going to have some fun before we leave!" I said excitedly, I was eager to test my new powers again.