Ashen VS The six monk warriors

Ashen was standing thoroughly while releasing flames from all directions, while six people surrounding him in the middle with their weapons drawn, they were all Birkan warrior monks, one of them was Urouge who was carrying a huge pillar in his shoulder while observing Ashen.

"Fire! What the hell is he?!" One of the six warriors exclaimed, he is Yama, an obese man with a triple chin, he has a round body shape with long wavy black hair and tanned skin. He's wearing gold bracelets on both his wrist.

"What's your problem?" Urouge asked, as he walked closer to Ashen.

"The problem is you" Ashen answered him with a smile while pointing his sword at him.

"Me?" Urouge looked confuse at his statement.

"Don't just ignore us you bastard!" Two of the other five Birkan warriors jumped towards Ashen at the same time. They were both using spears as their weapon.

They came down thrusting their weapons at him. Ashen easily predicted their attack using Observation Haki and dodged with Soru.

Even though he knew their attacks would go right threw him, he preferred to take the opportunity to train his observation in real battle. It's also so he would not get use to taking attacks head on, since that would be deadly against a Haki user.

After that he proceeded to aim his sword at them while pushing himself at their direction using his flames. When he got closer, he immediately thrusted his sword at the first warrior, aiming to stab him in the heart.

"Shit!" The latter tried to dodge but Ashen was faster, and the moment his sword was going to stab him, he stopped and immediately coated his free hand with Haki and flames while using Tekkai at same time and proceeded to punch him in the head as hard as he can.

"I'm not trying to kill anyone here!" Ashen declared.

"AGGHHH!!" When the man got hit, his eyes rolled back, and he immediately fell unconscious on the ground.

"H-HE defeated him with one punch!" Urouge looked surprised as he dashed at Ashen while swinging his pillar at his direction.

"Bastard!" The second warrior came thrusting his spear.

Yama also proceeded to leap into air, flipped several times before coming down at Ashen delivering a flying drop kick.

Ashen was able to predict their attacks and avoided them with ease. He first grabbed the leg of Yama who was still in the air, pulled him towards him while hitting him in the stomach with his sword hilt before he threw him at Urouge.

After that he sidestepped to avoid the spear thrust and kicked the attacker in the stomach using Rankyaku and immediately turned to Urouge who's weapon was already about to crush him.

Ashen block the attack with his sword and gathered flames in his free hand and sent them as dense column of fire "Hiken!"

Urouge saw the attack coming using Observation Haki but couldn't avoided it in time and got sent flying back. As an experienced Birkan warrior Urouge was able to use Observation Haki or Mantra as they call it.

"Show me your true power…Huff…Huff" Ashen said, he was having a little bit of difficulty to breath since Flames uses oxygen and they were at least 7000 meters above ground.

"Who the hell is he?!"

"He took three of our warriors like they were nothing!"

"Don't play with me!" The two warriors who were still standing went charging at Ashen.

Ashen kept exchanging sword blows with them for a bit before he proceeded to knock them down.

Now they were only two people left, Urouge and Yama.

"Your strong!" Urouge said as he stood on his place flexing his muscles as hard as he can before they started expanding and his body grew larger.

"Finally…you're getting serious!" Ashen cracked a smile while observing him. Urouge converted all the damaged that he has received into physical strength.

"Stay out of this Yama!...Inga Zarashi" Urouge proceeded to lung at Ashen, throwing multiple punches with immense force.

Ashen used a combination of Kami-e and Observation Haki to dodge the punches, and since they weren't fast enough, they didn't create any problem for him. After that Urouge quickly reached his weapon and swung it side way as hard as he can.

Ashen managed to block it using his sword.

"That's some serious physical strength you got there!" Ashen proceeded to jump at him using Soru and then with his Haki coated fist, he punched him as hard as he can before he released flames from his knuckles.

"Agghh!" Urouge groaned in pain as he took the attack head on and started expanding his muscles once again.

"Urouge…Join my crew!" Ashen said loudly as he flew in the air using Geppo and sent down a few consecutive wind slashes using Rankyaku.

"Huh?!" He looked shocked at his statement.

*BAM*-*BAM*-*BAM* He managed to block the attacks using his huge pillar before he threw it away and charged at Ashen, attacking him with his bare hands.

"Alright, I'll end it right now!" Ashen declared as he disappeared from his place.

"He disappeared?!" Urouge was taken aback.

Ashen mastered Soru at a high level since his fight with Jason and can combine it with his flames to reach a very high speed that is almost impossible to counter without Observation Haki.

Ashen reappeared again behind Urouge in a blink of an eye and swung down his Haki coated leg at his shoulder, releasing a sharp wind blade while emitting fire at the same time.

Urouge didn't see it coming and the attack hit him leaving a wide cut in his right shoulder with a few burns around it.

"Aghh!...Damn" He held his shoulder from pain before he grew larger.

This time when Ashen attacked him, he closed his eyes and stood calmly in his place before the former disappeared again and reappeared at high speed.

"…Mantra" The moment Ashen was going to strike him down, Urouge leaped to the side and avoided the attack.

"Hooo! You can even use Observation Haki…Now I want you in my crew even more" Ashen said as he increased his speed even further leaving Urouge unable to avoid his attacks even after predicting them.

"Don't be unreasonable, I don't even know who you are!"

Urouge kept growing in size each time he was attacked before Ashen finally went all out with his devil fruit power.

After a few minutes later, Urouge was lying on the ground, he was panting heavily while covered in wounds and bruises, his skin was burnt off in some areas. But even after all that he was still smiling.

On the other hand, Ashen was standing next to him unscathed. His crew was watching from the back without interfering, originally Ian was going to join the fight from the beginning, but Calvin stopped him when he saw his captain trying to take all the enemies by himself.

After that the only one left standing was Yama who didn't dare to attack Ashen after seeing his display of power against Urouge, since the later is way stronger than him.

(First Person POV),

"Huff...Huff…You…What's really your purpose for doing this?" Urouge asked me.

"I told you before, I want you in my crew"

"You don't even know who I am"

"Now I do. You are a strong man with a strong ability who's going to make a great addition to my crew!" I said loudly "Join me! Let's turn the world upside down, Urouge!" I declared as I reached for a handshake.

He looked at me dumbfounded before he spoke.

"…Are you kidding me?! Don't decide that on yourself!" he said then added "What makes you think I would leave my home to follow a stranger like you?" he said with curiosity.

"Judging from the way you fight, I would say you're a battle maniac" I said to him, his facial expressions changed with the same smile still on his face, it was obvious that he couldn't deny my statement "…and I don't think you're the type who would want to stay in an isolated island 7000 meters above ground…Man if I were you I would die from boredom".

"You don't have to say anything right now. You have until we leave to think about it" I told him "For now go treat your injuries…Ah! and don't worry, we're not here to hurt anyone...Maybe" I said, then I turned to Yama. The crew also approached me.

"Captain! Amazing fight!" Yamamoto said excitedly.

"Tch, Calvin didn't let me join. You said I get to fight strong opponent" Ian said with annoyance "Maybe you should let me beat up that fatty as compensation…he looks like he could take a few punches" Ian said with a wicked smile as he shifted his gaze to Yama who looked intimidated.

"Leave him alone, he is our guide"

"Guide?" Calvin asked.

"Ah…Hey your name is Yama, right? Take me to your temple!" I ordered him.

"Excuse me?" He said in confusion while he was sweating heavily.

"You're a monk, right?"

"A-Ah, Yes, Yes!" He quickly understood and turned to the direction of the town and started walking hurriedly "This way!"

We proceeded to follow him. When we entered the town, the people looked at us in fear. It was normal since I just beat up six of their warriors, they must think that we are here to invade them or something.

Right now, I was sure the Goro Goro no Mi would be hidden somewhere in their temple, like some kind of treasure or maybe they worship it or something.

After a few minutes we arrived to our destination, it was a huge building that looked like an ancient Greek temple with a few stairs leading to the entrance which is a huge gate with two wooden doors who were wide opened.

There is also around twenty people waiting at the entrance, they have a hostile looks on their faces.

"What's your business here outsiders?" an old man with a long white beard and a bald head asked us. He was wearing a black robe, the same one the other monks are wearing.

When I changed my gaze to the other monks, I couldn't identify any of them, until suddenly my eye fell upon a very familiar face who stood out from the crowd.

A very tall pale skinned man with a well-toned yet somewhat wiry build, he has a slim face, blonde hair, a thick black eyebrows, a very long earlobes stretching all the way to his chest and no wings unlike the others.

"Haaa!!!...Eminem!!" I shouted loudly while I pointed at Enel who had an angry look on his face.

"Shishi, did you hear that? Now, even stranger make fun of him" one of the monks was laughing.

"…Creepy bastard, should know his position"

"I don't even know why the elders let him in, in the first place"

'Now I get it' I thought, as cracked a smile hearing their whispers.

"Silence!" The old man ordered them before he turned back to me once again "You're not welcomed here, you should leave at once!"

"You're in no position to tell me what to do, old man!" I said as I lifted my right arm, giving my signal to the crew.

"This place is under a new management until we leave!" I declared.

"You crossed the line young man!" The old man took out his weapon and was immediately followed by the other monks.

"By order of the Ashen fucking Pirates!"

"Wipe them out!" Calvin gave the order, and the crew went charging at the enemy.