War Plan

"Captain, forget about this, let's just beat up this little shit and take over the place" said someone from behind, He's one of Mesagi crew members.

"Yeah, these fuckers don't look that strong-" Said someone else.

while they were bad mouthing us, a burst of Conqueror's Haki was released towards the two, which made them fall unconscious immediately.

"Want's the meaning of this?" Mesagi asked Calmly while looking at Calvin.

"We can't have trash acting so rudely in front of the captain" Calvin said with a menacing tone of voice while gazing at Mesagi "It would leave a bad image".

"You bastard!" a woman that was standing beside him shouted in anger and proceeded to reach her weapon before Mesagi stopped her.

"Hahaha! You're as ruthless as ever, I still remember how you decapitated my crew member…No hard feelings though, they were just a bunch of random dudes I gathered while I was working for that stupid king" Mesagi said with grin before he changed his attention to me again "Man, I'm pretty thankful to you though, if you weren't around I would have spent another decade of my life on that shit hole of an island in Paradise…You motivated me to sail out" he said in a jovial manner before he added "I'll listen to want you have to say…But, I'll cut your tong if it's a waste of time" He said in a deep voice while his facial expressions changed.

"Have a seat" I said before I brought out a wanted poster and slammed it on the table.

Mesagi and his crew members looked surprised when they saw it, before he cracked a smile and started laughing "Hahahaha! You're really as amusing as ever!" He said before he looked at the bottle of sake in front of me "Looks like good stuff"

I proceeded to throw the bottle to him "Your Cloud Cloud Logia devil fruit is very powerful, and since you've survived the New World for three years you must be strong" He looked at me with a straight face before he started drinking nonstop.

"*Gulp*…*Gulp*…Phew!...This shit is good, where did you get it?" He asked, when he saw my serious face, he quickly changed his question "What's in it for me?"

"We'll share the spoils, and since Wang Zhi is also involved in the underworld, weapon trading, slave trading, we could take over his business. Though I'm not interested in the latter" I stated.

"50%, 50%" he said.

"Don't even dream about it, I'm the one with the fleet here, I'll be doing most of the job" I said, then added "You're strong, you will be of a great help, but one guy can't win a war"

"You forgot about one thing…" He said with a grin "Pirate Paradise…Hahahaha! I won't give up on that!".

'Sigh, this guy…I knew this won't be easy, but he's a Logia and a powerful one on top of that, he must also know Haki since he survived the New World' I sighed internally while thinking about it 'Something like that could turn the tide of war'

"Alright, how about this" I said, as I reached my sword "We could settle this the classic way, if you can defeat me, you get to keep The Island as well as 50% of the spoils" I said and the added "Otherwise, you'll do as I say"

He looked at me for a second before he spoke "Let's leave that matter after the battle, we can't afford to get some serious injuries before that" he said seriously and proceeded to ask me about the plan.

"Alright everyone, gather up!" I gathered all the important people around me so I could start explaining the plan.

"In the past year and half, I've been gathering this information. First thing we know is that Wang Zhi is heavily involved in weapon trading, he owns a port in Rocky Island" I explained "It's known as Rocky Port where most of his trades undertake, it's very close to Hachinosu you could reach it in a few hours at most"

"Most of his business partners and allies gathers there occasionally to undertake deals or resupply" I stated "That's why we are going to have some of our forces hold them off while we deal with the big guy, we don't want them to join on his side. And since there are civilians around, marines will most likely get involved as well, which is good for us since we need to deprive him from that extra manpower"

"It means we have a race against time" Mesagi noted while listening to me carefully.

"Yes, now for the main forces, we will invade Hachinosu directly. Wang Zhi is an extremely dangerous pirate, we don't know how strong exactly, but I heard that he wields a rare devil fruit…This information costed me a shit load of money, so I will be taking it from the share" I said, before Calvin explained furthermore.

"We will be attacking at night" Calvin stated.

"Nigh?" Mesagi was confused at the statement "Is there a reason for that?" He asked.

"We have a member in the crew who could steal the shadows of people and create zombies with them" Calvin explained while pointing at Moria "To use that effectively we have to attack at nighttime".

"Kishishishi! The more the battle goes on, the more our numbers increase" Moria said in excitement while laughing manically.

"Furthermore, our guy has at least ten people under him with bounties exceeding the 100 million" Calvin stated.

"It's do or die" I said before Mesagi proceeded to ask me.

"What about our forces?...you said you have a fleet" Mesagi asked curiously.

"I have four ship and 150 people under my command, 200 if we add the zombies" I said then added "The Happo Navy also joined my fleet recently, with 8 ships and a thousand men and one more ally that is yet to show up"

'Our oldest ally is the Inaki Family whom I helped five years ago, we made an agreement that they will start building a fleet and recruit people, they should be of a help when they show up' I thought.

"So that makes it 13 ships and 1300 men if I include mine" He said before he cracked a smile "Interesting, interesting…I'm getting pumped up!"

"What do you say?"

"I don't know if this shit is going to work, but I do enjoy creating some chaos" He said with a grin "I'm in!"

"Captain, are you really going to trust your back to him" His crew member exclaimed.

"Hahaha! Don't worry…You wouldn't have gone through the trouble to explain all that just to betray me at the end, right?" He asked me with a smile.


"Alright, let's make a toast then!" Mesagi said while holding a bottle of alcohol in his hand "To our new alliance!"

"To our new alliance"

After we finished talking, we officially declared our alliance. The agreement is to help each other until we defeat Wang Zhi, that's all.

The raid is going to happen three months from now, so we still have some time to prepare ourselves.

"What do you think about him?" I asked Calvin who was standing beside me.

"He's not stupid enough to attack us during the raid, but he'll definitely try something out after that" He said "He's that type of guy after all"

"I see, it should be fine then"