A Treasure

"Don't tell me…Captain John's Treasure?!!"

Ashen grasped in shock while looking at the piles of treasures. Glinting in the dim light, were rows upon rows of glittering jewels and gold coins that filled the entire basement which was huge.

"You mean that zombie under Moria?" Calvin asked.

"Ah, that guy used to be a famous pirate captain, and even before that he was a member of the legendary Rocks Pirates" Ashen stated while slowly walking around the basement "Before he died, he amassed an incredible amount of treasure and hid them away…Refusing to share them with his crew members, they eventually killed him, and his treasure wasn't found since then"

"So, Wang Zhi must have found it and hid it in this place?"

"No, I suspect the treasure was on this island all along, he just moved it to this place" Ashen stated before he noticed something buried inside the gold. When he moved the gold covering it, three fancy looking chests were revealed.

"It should contain something valuable" Ashen proceeded to open all of them and got a closer look. The first one contained a bunch of good quality weapons, the second one had a lot of high quality Dials, there were also a few eternal poses mixed with them and finally the third one had a devil fruit, two axes and a little book "Hm?...It's seems that the book has information about them?".

"Makes sense that Wang Zhi's commanders were all devil fruit users, it seems that Captain John have left more than just gold" Calvin assumed.

"Not all treasure are silver and gold my friend…Too bad it's the only one left" Ashen proceeded to take a look at the book "It's an ancient Zoan devil fruit, Ryu Ryu no mi: Model: Quetzalcoatlus…I have no idea what that is, but sounds like an extinct dinosaur or some shit"

"Zoan users seems to be very durable and gain a big boost on their physical strength, speed. do you have any idea who you going to give it to?" Calvin asked me curiously.

"Obviously not you, you are developing your Haki very fast, and to be honest with your potential you don't even need one it will just distract you, after all Haki is what matters the most. Ian and Diana seem to be doing very good without them, we need a few Haki specialists in the crew, we can't have everyone eating devil fruits" Ashen said while taking a closer look at the fruit.

"That leaves three, old man Ken, Franky and Amber" Calvin said while examine the two axes.

"I'm thinking of Amber, she's a pretty good fighter and Franky seems to be interested more in building and fixing things than fighting" Ashen said before he flipped the next page of the book to find information about the weapons.

"These don't look like normal axes" Calvin remarked.

"You are right, both of them are high quality graded weapons, we got Honō-nen fu (Flame Blaze Axe) and Raijintou (Thunder God Axe). The first is imbued with a powerful flame dial that ignites the blade with intense flames, making it incredibly effective against enemies weak to fire. And the second one is imbued with a lightning dial that generate powerful electric shocks that can shock and stun opponents, on top of that when swung, the Raijintou emits a deafening thunderclap that can disorient enemies and leave them vulnerable to attack" Ashen read the description written in the book "Now, with these two axes and the devil fruit Amber should become a pretty formidable opponent" Ashen said while looking at the axes.

The Raijintou is a large and imposing axe with a sleek, metallic silver head that crackles with electric energy. Its handle is made of sturdy, dark wood and is wrapped in strips of black leather for a firm grip. Honō-nen fu is the same except that its head ignites with intense flames instead.

"Franky can fix the dials if they break, me and Enel can regenerate them with our devil fruit powers so it shouldn't be a problem"

"There is also the devil fruit you stole from the government ships" Calvin reminded Ashen.

"I'll give it to Franky then, anyway, don't let anyone know or come near this place for now"

A few months later,

After Mesagi and Don Chinjao left, they were 1000 pirates currently residing on the island. Essentially 4000 survived the battle, but I had them fight each other in a battle royal to further clean out the weak ones, though I promised them gold and money for them to be willing to do it willingly and not by forcing them, and money was not a problem after all as John's treasure amounts in billions. So, these 1000 pirates were the ones who survived after all that, the elites so they were no push over, they could even fight trained marine soldiers.

And when I say pirates, I mean pirates by the true means, ruthless and fearless which is what I need to conquer the new world.

At the center of Hachinosu, Ashen and Calvin were sparring together. They only used pure Haki, no weapons no martial arts and no devil fruits.

"Don't force it out, let your Haki smoothly flow into your fist!" Ashen was trying to teach him emission, while he himself was using the same concept to try and have his Conqueror's Haki flow into his limbs and infuse it with his attacks on top of Armament Haki.

*BAM* Ashen punched Calvin in the face sending him crashing into huge boulder.

"Phew!...Let's take a break!" Ashen said, he reached his towel and wiped sweat before he drank some water.


"I still need a little more time until I grasp the technique" Calvin said resting near Ashen.

"Or a life and death fight to push you, Haki blooms the best while fighting strong enemies"

"Huh? Moria, you're here!" Ashen noticed Moria who was watching their spar from a distance.

"Kishishi! Captain is strong as ever!" Moria said while approaching them, followed by a dozen zombies.

"Hey, your collection is growing" Ashen exclaimed while looking at the huge figure following Moria, he's a zombie Wang Zhi "Captain John, Wang Zhi, if we go on like this we might reform a zombie Rocks crew…Wait that sounds like a pretty cool idea, I might go after Silver Axe after this, if only we know Rocks body location, but he should be a skeleton by now" Ashen started seriously considering the idea.

"Bwahaha! I can't image the reaction of Garp, Sengoku, Rayleight seeing something like that!" Ashen was amused at that thought.

"You're planning something crazy again, aren't you?" Calvin asked him.

"Well, crazy means fun" Ashen said with a grin before Amber showed up, she was carrying two large axes with her "Our spar is over, Calvin, go train by yourself. There is someone else that needs my beating".

"Captain…" Amber stood in front of Ashen hesitantly.

"We'll start training with the weapons first" he said while unsheathing Shusui "Come at me with all your might"