Big Mom Children

"Searing Bust!" Oven unleashed a burst of intense heat that burns everything in its way.

Enel proceeded to fly at lightning-fast speed while using Soru to avoid it, leaving a trail of electricity in his wake. After that he channeled all of his electrical energy into a massive blast that covers the entire battlefield "Try stopping this, Big Mom son….Thunder Emperor!"

"Damn you and that annoying power!" Oven heated up all of his body while hardening his limbs to protect himself "Bring it on-!!!".

*BOOOOOM* The attack managed to hit him, dealing a lot of damage. Oven looked little bit shaken after that, so Enel took the opportunity and quickly flew down towards him and started raining him down with attacks.

He channeled electricity into his pitch-black staff and kept attack him at lightning-fast speed from every angle and direction.

"ARGGGHH!!...ENOUGH!!" Oven growled loudly before grabbed Enel from his left shoulder taking him by surprise. After that he immediately heated up his hand, burning off his skin before he pinned him down on the ground and then sent a barrage of heated punches.

*BAM*-*BAM*-*BAM* The punches were strong enough to crack the ground beneath them, leaving a lot of bruises and burns on Enel's body.

"AGHHH!!...Damn it!" Enel quickly concentrated all of his electrical power into the tip of his staff, aiming it at Oven's chest, before he released it in a powerful burst "Gigavolt!".

*Lightning*-*Lightning*-*BAAM* Enel didn't stop there and proceeded to attack Oven while he was still flying back from that burst. He immediately created a giant serpent made of electricity that chased down Oven and swallowed him before it exploded while shocking him.

"Damn it!..." Oven looked in pain while slowly trying to get on his feet again, Enel didn't leave him the time to recover and started spamming his 10,000 Volt Vari from a distance, sending streams of lightning bolts from his palm, one after the other.

Oven managed to dodge a few of them, and got hit with a few other ones, but he still kept moving forward. He picked up his naginata from the ground and jumped towards Enel.

"You're a one durable bastard!" Enel looked annoyed and proceeded to dash towards him meeting his attack head on.

"WRAAA!!..." Oven let out a loud battle cry while swinging his heated, Haki coated weapon with all his might.

Enel waited until his weapon was about to hit him before he quickly disappeared and reappeared behind him again at lightning speed, and then he proceeded to harden his leg while channeling his electricity into it before he kicked him down.

"Go to sleep!"

*CRASH* Oven was sent crashing down to the ground.

"If I want to be the left hand of the future pirate king, then I can't allow myself to lose to a mama's boy like you…I'm going to defeat you in a badass way"

On the same battlefield,

Calvin was facing Perospero.

"Looks like Enel is going all out…" Calvin remarked while observing his fight "Shall we also start?" he said while stepping in front of Perospero.

"You're the vice-captain of the Ashen Pirates, Calvin Helios…If you convince your captain to stop this nonsense already, I might just forgive you-perorin" Perospero said with a look of confidence "If mama hears about this, your captain will be a dead man" he said before he proceeded to lick the candy cane that he's carrying.

"A mere emperor won't scare us…*PUFF*" Calvin calmly said with his hand on his pocket, while taking a last puff from his cigarette before he threw on the ground "*Footsteps*…We are going to climb to the pinnacle of this world, nothing is going to stop us…Not you…Not even a damn emperor"

*SWOOSH* Calvin proceeded to lung at Perospero using Soru while releasing a shockwave from his feet to propel himself, his arms ignited in flames and coated with Haki.

"Very well then…Die!" Perospero stood calmly in his place before he created a large wall of candy to block his attack. The wall is strong enough to stop even cannon fire "Candy Wall!"

*Bang* Calvin's punch was stopped by the sturdy wall.

"What a tough wall…" Calvin stood calmly for a second before he sent a barrage of punches in an attempt to break it down, he used Hasshoken to release shockwaves from his knuckles while hardening his fist with Tekkai before impact.

*BANG*-*BANG*-*BANG* It took him a few punches before he created a crack on the wall and melted it down with his flames.

"*BOOOM*…How long are you going to hide there?!" Calvin kept flying towards Perospero direction, before the latter formed a bow and produced a dozen of arrows made of candy and proceeded to shoot them at Calvin.

The latter used his Observation Haki to dodge them and closed the distance.

"Stay in your place you damn squirt!...Candy Wave!" Perospero bound Calvin with his candy, immobilizing him "It seems you're only big talk…*BANG*-*BANG*" Perospero kept hitting Calvin with his candy can while the latter was stuck on his place.

'What the hell is this, I can't move' Calvin though before he dodged Perospero's can and released a shockwave from his feet to free himself "I should be careful with his devil fruit".

Calvin used Geppo with Soru to create some distance between them, before he sent several sharp wind blades using Rankyaku.

"So, you have some tricks up your sleeve--perorin" Perospero proceeded to create a candy blade and redirected Calvin's attacks before he created dozens of small, hard candies and launched them at him in rapid succession.

Calvin dodged them before he ignited flames in his arms using friction and proceeded to punch Perospero while emitting a shockwave. The latter simply used his devil fruit to create a sturdy armor around himself, blocking Calvin's attack effortlessly.

"Don't get cocky, I fought the likes of you before you were even born--perorin"

"What an annoying ability you have…"

On the other side of the battlefield, Urouge and Daifuku's fight was about to start, as the two of the were facing each other waiting for the other one to make a move.

"Your captain screwed this right up, now we'll bring it to ourselves and punish you for disobeying mama!!" Daifuku said while looking enraged at Urouge, but he was still very confident that he is superior to his enemy.

After that, he started rubbing his belly very fast.

"What is he doing?" Urouge stood on his place while carrying a huge pillar on his shoulder, he watched Daifuku's action in confusion "Does he have a skin disease or something?"

A few seconds later a light blue smoke started emerging from Daifuku's belt buckle "Go, Genie!" He shouted as a muscular blue skinned genie appeared, he has a pink long beard and hair.

"What's that?!" Urouge held his pillar firmly while getting ready to fight, he was still having the same usual smile on his face.

"Geniiie!" The genie said, as he started flying in all directions before he charged towards Urouge.

"HAAA!!...Maji Giren!" The genie said as he brought out a halberd out of nowhere and struck down Urouge with immense force. The latter used his pillar to block the attack, but the sheer force of the attack pushed him back.

"What a weird ability he has!" Urouge exclaimed. The genie flew away after that before he appeared behind him again and tried to slash his back, Urouge saw that coming using his Mantra and quickly parried the attack and swung his weapon at the genie.

*SWOOSH* The genie swiftly disappeared again appearing in his right side this time.

"Majin Saidan!" The genie swung his halberd down at Urouge with great force, creating a Flying Slash Attack.

"*Clang*…What a power!" Urouge remarked as he was blocking the attack before he threw the pillar away and tried to punch the genie. The genie swiftly dodged it and then he slashed him on the chest.

The two of them kept clashing for a few more minutes where Urouge received some injuries, as the Genie was faster than him, and he could also fly freely which gave him great freedom to move and attack from different angles.

After receiving enough damage, Urouge proceeded to convert it into physical strength, which resulted in his muscles expanding while his body grew in size "Inga Zarachi!"

"HAAA!...Majin Giren!" The genie attacked Urouge by slamming down his halberd at him. Urouge hardened his arms with Armament Haki before he used his palms to stop the halberd blade.

"What the hell is he trying to do?" Daifuku questioned while he was still rubbing his belly and observing from a distance.

When the genie saw that, he tried to retract his weapon, but Urouge responded by pulling him even closer before he grabbed his right shoulder, and then channeled his power into a swift powerful thrust with his palm, stunning the genie "Retribution!"

After that, Urouge jumped high in the air before coming down with a powerful smash that caused a shockwave.

*BOOOM* The genie's head was smashed to the ground. Urouge didn't waste any time and immediately charged towards Daifuku wo was taken aback with Urouge display.

"Damn you!...You mad monk!" Daifuku cursed out loud while he got ready to defend himself.

"That's actually my nickname!" When Urouge got close to him, he hardened both his arms and unleashed a barrage of devastating punches that left Daifuku shaken.

"I get it now…You can't summon that genie if you don't keep rubbing your belly, right?"