Ashen - Big Mom War (2)

*BOOOM* Ashen quickly came crushing down at Big Mom with his Haki-coated sword, which the latter countered with hers. As their forces collided, a colossal shockwave reverberated through the air and bolts of black lightning crackled and surged between them, despite their lack of physical contact. Both wielders were harnessing advanced Conqueror's Haki, unleashing an immense energy that could be felt for miles around.

"What the hell?! That little brat is actually that powerful!" Cracker exclaimed as he watched the clash from a safe distance, his eyes widening in surprise at Ashen's impressive display of strength.

Smoothie's eyes widened with shock as she watched the scene unfold before her. "Haoshoku Haki," she whispered in amazement, "he has it too, just like Mama and brother Katakuri."

"...Celestial Cleave!" Ashen shouted as he disappeared and reappeared on top of Big Mom. With a Conqueror's Haki-infused flying slash, he unleashed his intense blue flames.

Big Mom's fury was unleashed as she snatched up her beloved Napoleon with both hands. "You little fool!" she bellowed, her eyes blazing with a dangerous intensity. She launched a fiery slash at Ashen, but that was not enough. She called upon Zeus, and a bolt of lightning crackled to life in her hand. Without a moment of hesitation, she unleashed the full force of the devastating technique, simultaneously striking Ashen with both fire and lightning. "Maser Saber!" she cried, and then, "Indra!"

*BOOOM* As the attack barreled towards Ashen, he reacted quickly, drawing his sword and using it to block the blow. Despite his efforts, he was still knocked back by the force of the impact. Sensing an opening, Calvin sprang into action, moving in front of Big Mom and unleashing a flurry of haki-infused punches that sent shockwaves rippling through the air upon contact. "What a hard skin!" he exclaimed, impressed by the emperor's resilience. However, his momentary distraction proved costly, as Big Mom retaliated with a sudden punch, infused with both Conqueror's Haki and Prometheus flames. The blow caught Calvin off guard, sending him hurtling towards Ashen and leaving him dazed and nearly unconscious.

"Try to stop this…Ikoku Sovereignty!!" With a swing from her sword, she unleashed a devastating shockwave big enough to engulf both Ashen and Calvin, but this time Big Mom also unleashed her Conqueror's Haki, infusing with her attack.

"Shit!-*BOOOM*" In a mere instant, the ferocious explosion consumed not only Ashen and Calvin but also their cohorts who were waging battle alongside them. The scorching heat and blinding light emitted by the blast were so intense that they obliterated a massive chunk of the hill behind them, leaving a gaping hole in its wake.


"Huff…Huff…What a monster…" Ashen commented after taking damage from her attack, while Calvin lay crumpled on the ground, his body wracked with pain from the injuries he had sustained. Though he fought to remain conscious, it was becoming increasingly difficult as the pain continued to mount.

"…A-As expected from an emperor…" Calvin said as he slowly got on his feet 'Damn it…I think I broke a few bones on that last attack' he though while holding his rib from pain 'I can't let that slide!'

"I'm not over…" Big Mom didn't stop there and used a combined attack by Zeus, Prometheus, and Napoleon. The three homies assemble together, with Napoleon's gladius blade piercing through Prometheus at its base and Zeus at its tip, and Prometheus and Zeus merging their respective elements, forming several tendrils of lightning and fire that join in a large circular energy ring in between them. Then, by swinging Napoleon, Big Mom unleashes the energy in the form of a thin, highly concentrated laser-like beam that can pierce through flesh in an instant and culminates in a large explosion "Get him, Prometheus!! Zeus!! Napoleon!!".

"Yes, Mama!" x3.

The vicious attack was aimed directly at Calvin, leaving him with no chance to dodge. Ashen was too far away to intervene and the beam struck him with laser-like precision, piercing through his lower abdomen. The sheer force of the explosion sent Calvin flying through the air, leaving burns across his body, before everything went black for him.

"Calvin!!...Damn it, you fucking bitch!" Ashen quickly clashed against Big Mom to shift her attention from him.

*CRACK* Ashen quickly punched the air with his fist, cracking it while sending a massive shockwave, the earth groaned and trembled as it split open beneath Big Mom's feet, swallowing her whole. A look of stunned disbelief crossed her face as she plummeted into the gaping chasm, disappearing from sight.

"Huh?..." As she was falling down, she finally realized her situation and called upon Zeus for help "Zeus!!! Help meee!!"

"I'm comi—ARRGH!!" Ashen quickly cut Zeus into pieces when he heard that, it still wasn't able to kill him, but Ashen prevented him from saving her. Though Prometheus quickly went to help her in his stead.

"Mama!! I'm coming to save you!!" Prometheus shouted as he quickly flew down and carried her on his back.

"Whew! Maaama mama…Ha ha ha! Oh, Prometheus…My sweet little baby!"

"Oh, mama! I'm glad you're safe!" Prometheus quickly carried her up towards the battlefield again.

"You little brat! I'm going to kill you!" Big Mom's rage boiled over as she appeared on the scene, launching a surprise attack on Ashen, who was engrossed in cutting Zeus. She wasted no time, thrusting her Haki-coated sword, Napoleon, and extending its length from a distance, catching Ashen off guard and dealing him a piercing blow.

"Aghh!...Huff….Huff…I might have underestimated her so much" Ashen said while leaping back and holding his chest wound 'using normal attacks is useless against her, even my flames can't get through that thick skin, the only way to hurt her is by using Haki…I didn't expect this to be easy anyway' he though while gazing at Big Mom 'Without Conqueror's I would've ended up like Calvin long ago…'

After that, Ashen kept clashing with Big Mom for another half hour.

(Calvin's POV),

'Everything is black…did I lose consciousness?' I was confused about my situation before Suddenly, it all came back to me in a jolt of pain 'Ah, I was fighting Big Mom with Ashen before she knocked me out with that laser beam' I thought clutching my chest, the pain intensifying with every passing moment.

'I though I'll at least put up a good fight, how pathetic am I to be defeat that easily?' I felt a surge of anger when I thought about it, I could still feel Ashen and Big Mom fighting 'Like hell I'll go down like this!...Until we reach the pinnacle of this word, there is no losing, specially to an old hag'

'I will surpass everyone and clear the way for Ashen to become the King of Pirates! And I can't do that while sleeping in the battlefield'

*Lightning*-*Lightning* My body surged with an overwhelming force of Conqueror's Haki that radiated outward, causing Ashen and Big Mom to turn their attention towards me. Despite the pain that wracked my body, I managed to rise to my feet, determined to continue the fight. With a shaky hand, I wiped the blood from my face, gritting my teeth as I prepared for the next attack.

"You're awake?!" Big Mom looked at me in surprise "You little shit"

Ashen's lips curved into a smile before he spoke "You're finally up!"

"Sorry to have you worried…*SWOOSH*" With a quick burst from my feet, I lunged towards Big Mom at high speed before used friction to ignite my whole right arm with flames.

'Don't strain yourself, allow the unused Haki in your body to flow to your fist--Is what Ashen always say…I've been training for this forever' Using Geppo and Soru, I quickly redirected myself mid-air and let the Haki flow into my fist.

"Horaaa!!" I let out a loud battle cry as thick bolts of black lightning surged around my arm, tinged with a dangerous crimson hue. With a deep breath, I threw a powerful punch at Big Mom's face, feeling the force of the blow reverberate through my entire body. The lightning crackled and hissed as it made contact with her skin, the sheer power of the attack sending her stumbling back "Ragnarok!!".

*Lightning*-* Lightning*-*BOOOM* as my fist met Big Mom's face, I unleashed the full force of my Advanced Conqueror's Haki and Advanced Armament Haki while releasing a massive shockwave from my knuckles.

The impact had enough force to send Big Mom crushing to the ground.

"*SWOOSH*…Hahaha! That's what I expect from you partner!" With excitement etched on his face, Ashen turned to me, his expression filled with pride. Without wasting any time, he dashed towards Big Mom, who lay on the ground, still reeling from my attack "I won't fall behind!...I'll destroy you from the inside!"

With a fierce expression, Ashen swung his sword, aiming for Big Mom's chest. As the blade connected with her skin, a massive shockwave erupted, shaking the very foundation of the area. To my surprise, I saw Big Mom flinch in pain, a rare sight for someone known to be nearly invincible.

"BWAH!!" Big Mom threw a mouthful of blood while screamed in pain.

"Mama is bleeding!!" Prometheus shouted in worry.

"Mamaaaa!!" Zeus looked shocked.

"You little brat!" Big Mom's expression contorted with anger, but we didn't wait for her to regain her composure. Without hesitation, we launched another assault, determined to take her down before she could mount a counter-attack.

"Calvin, now that she's weakened!!" Ashen said as we both stood next to each other before we flew on top of her and launched a combination attack "Let's break her bones!"

We both gathered our power and attacked at the same time, unleashing a massive Haki-Infused blast.

"Supremacy Blast!!" x2.

*BOOOOOM* The blast was strong enough to create a massive hole on the ground while leaving Big Mom in pain.

"Huff…Did we get her?..." I asked while gazing at her from a distance, I was panting heavily from exhaustion and injuries.

"I doubt she go down with that" Ashen calmly replied.

Ashen's words had barely left his lips when Big Mom rose to her feet, glaring at us with fiery fury. "It's been decades since I've felt such pain," she seethed, her voice laced with anger. "You runts aren't half bad!" after that she proceeded to summon the power of her devil fruit, to use her own lifespan.

"I acknowledge your strength…I'll use one year of my lifespan" As she devoured her lifespan, her body began to rapidly increase in size, stretching and expanding until she towered over us all. Her hair became a writhing mass of flames, surging and flickering with a wild energy as she melded together with Prometheus. With a crazed look in her eyes, she leered down at us, her tongue lolling out of her mouth like a serpent, as if relishing the chaos she was about to unleash.

"She got bigger?" I looked at her in surprise as she was towering over us.

"Haha…Big Mom getting bigger, interesting" Ashen commented.

"You are serious about taking my throne, aren't you Ashen?!" Big Mom asked.

"Ah, I'll shape a new era…an era where you don't exist"

"Bring it on if you think you have a shot! I'll show you what it means to be an emperor!!"