The Sea in Turmoil

[New World, Elbaf]

Underground prison - somewhere on the island…

Ashen was sitting on a chair in front of a massive prison cell. There was around a dozen prisoner locked in and chained up with sea stone, all of them were high ranking officers and the children of Big Mom.

The most notable ones are, Katakuri, Cracker, Mondee, Counter, Opera, Cinnamon and Galette, the rest were either dead or never came with Big Mom in the first place, except for Oven and the ones who attacked Ashen prior the war, they were all captured by the marines lead by his brother Julius and transported to Impel down.

Ashen calmly observed the prisoners, they all had a look of defeat in their faces, specially Katakuri who failed to avenge his brother's death. Moreover, he witnessed the death of more without being able to do anything about it.

"Yaaa…You already know me very well, so I don't need to introduce myself" Ashen casually said while holding a sandwich in his hand, before he took a large bite and continued speaking "*Munch*-*Munch*…*Gulp*…How about you work for me, and I'll free you and forgive you for attacking me? More so, you would be under my protection. I might even save your brothers from the navy if I ever got the chance…sounds good huh?"

"Screw you" Katakuri replied in hostility as he gazed at Ashen with hatred "You think I'll forgive you for what you've done?"

"Hey, stop acting like the victim. You're the ones who attacked me first and then declared a war on me, What I did was just self-defense" Ashen stated, then added "I expected you to be stubborn anyway…If that's the case, then you can all rot in this cell"

Ashen said before he finished his sandwich and got on his feet "You have all the time to think about it, let me know if change your mind"

A few days later,

The news of Big Mom's defeat on the hands of Ashen Pirates shocked the world, as the second half of the Grand Line, the New World was plunged into chaos. Everyone was trying to take control over the territory of the previous emperor.

[New World, Wano Kuni, Onigashima]

"Linlin lost? that little punk?!...*Gulp*-*Gulp*-*Gulp*…Blaaah! Screw this, I'll smash his head to pieces if I ever lay my eyes on him!" Kaido shouted his lungs out while drinking from his giant bottle of alcohol. He took a closer look to a bounty poster before his veins bulged in anger "Bring me more drinks!".

"Linlin! Oh, Linlin! How come you got beaten?!...*Sob*-*Sob*…even though I hated that old hag, we knew each other for so long" Kaido said crying loudly before he smashed the empty bottle of alcohol on the ground "You've been taken down by…that upstart brat so easily, I didn't know you this weak!"

"K-Kaido-sama…you should stop drinking already, it's been days!" One of his subordinates said in worry, but Kaido replied with a growl.

"Get lost!"

"Kaido-san, I think it's time for us to move…" King said as he entered the room and calmly approached his captain "This is our chance to take over her territory"

"Don't be a smart-ass King, Kaido-sama already know that" said Queen, as he showed up behind him.

"Then we should get moving soon, we can't let that demon devour everything"

[Somewhere in the New World],

"Did you the read the newspaper oyaji?" Marco approached whitebeard "That kid Ashen took down Big Mom, he's strong on top of being crazy-yoi!"

"Gurarara!...not bad, I didn't think that hag would meet her downfall in such a way. But This crafty punk…" Whitebeard read the news in amusement "…Defeating Big Mom in Elbaf, he sure knows more than just fighting"

[Paradise, Marine Headquarters, Sengoku's office]

"How can this happen, ending decades of reign of Big Mom…we underestimate this kid too much, this is the first time I see someone rise to power this quickly" Sengoku stated as he took a closer look at Ashen's wanted poster.

"Yeah, I had a feeling that I would regret not capturing him and Shanks back at Water 7. Seems it was true, who knows what his next moves could be" Vice Admiral Kuzan stated while sitting on the couch near Sengoku's desk.

"Emperor or not it doesn't matter, we only need to capture these evil pirates and bring them to justice" Admiral Akainu exclaimed, while sitting on the opposite side of Kuzan "Just give me the word Sengoku-san".

"We can't recklessly start a war against an emperor, he's someone strong enough to defeat Big Mom in one on one. Other than himself, he has a set of powerful crewmembers and subordinates…" Sengoku stated, while going through the posters of Ashen Pirates top commanders.

"East Blue has birthed a troublesome individual"

[New World, G-6 Marine Base]

"Hey Julius, did you hear the news?!…your brother defeated Big Mom and became an Emperor of The Sea!" A fat somewhat muscular young man declared, while rushing into the room.

"Attila?!…" Julius was shocked at the news.

[Vice Admiral Julius, nicknamed 'The Punisher' – Promoted from the position of Rear Admiral after helping in the capture of four Big Mom officers]

"Yeah, I just got the newspaper, here!" he said, before he threw the newspaper to him.

"N-No way…he actually did it, that bastard! H-Hahaha…" Julius read the newspaper in excitement, as his eyes fell upon his new wanted poster, he was amazed at how much his bounty increased "Three and a half billion…I was planning to beat him up until he gave up being a pirate. But there's no way I can do that at my current strength" Julius cracked a smile while clenching his fists from excitement "I'm going to get stronger…strong enough to fight him!"

"Only the Admirals can face the Emperors. If you hope to defeat your brother, then you should aim to become as strong as them" The young man stated.

"I guess I cannot laze around if I want to do that…Time to catch some pirates!"

[New World, Water outside Totto Land],

A massive vessel flying the Red Hair Pirates Jolly Roger was sailing away from the archipelago.

A tall red-haired figure with a missing hand was holding the newspaper with a serious look in his face "An Emperor of The Sea, huh…"

"What a shock, I never thought that bastard would actually win against her" Lucky Roux exclaimed while holding a large piece of meat in his hand "We need to pay him back for destroying our ship"

"Still can't accept we lost to him…" Hongo said.

"*Puff*…Well, we still got our hands on a copy of Big Mom's Poneglyph" Benn Beckman stated, as he took a puff from his cigarette "There was no resistance since all of her army was decimated by that demon…how convenient"

"It was worth the risk, if Big Mom won and found out she would have chased after us instead" Shanks stated as he put away the newspaper "We are going to get serious from now on, this time I'm going to be the one catching up to you…Ashen"

A few hours later…Whole Cake Island inside the Whole Cake Chateau room of treasure.

"So that's the Poneglyph, good thing it still here" Urouge said while looking at the large, mysterious stele "Hoi, are you sure the Red Hair Pirates were here?" Urouge asked Charlotte Brulee who looked at him in fear, before she proceeded to reply.

"I-I'm sure of it…they were here before you, they also made me take them to this place and they took a copy of the Poneglyph"

"Ashen will not be happy if he hears this" Yamamoto mentioned before he turned to Urouge and spoke "How are we going to move this thing anyway, Urouge-san? I don't think my devil fruit power would work on it"

"Let's see…"


[Hachinosu – The Pirate Island, New World]

Inside the prominent large, skull-fashioned building, reside a powerful pirate captain who took over after the Ashen Pirates abandoned the island to hide from Big Mom.

"Silver-Axe-sama!!" A man came rushing in with a look of horror in his face.

"Huh? What the hell is going on? Why are you yelling?" Questioned a massive man almost four meters tall, he's wearing a set of armor that covers his entire body while resting a massive silver axe near him.

[Former member of Rocks Pirates - Silver-Axe, Dead or Alive 1.643.500.000 Berries]

"Huff…Huff…We are in trouble, a ship flying the Jolly Roger of the Ashen Pirates just appeared in Rocky Port!" The man informed Silver-Axe. (Since it was revealed that Rocky Port is in Hachinosu in the latter chapters, I changed it instead of it being in a different island)

"This quickly?!" Silver-Axe looked stressed upon hearing the news "Fuck! I was sure that old hag would win, and I'll get to keep this place for myself...Whatever, gather everyone we'll fight them off!"

Near Rocky Port… The vessel that was flying the Ashen Pirates Jolly Roger docked on the port as three figures made an appearance, Ashen, Enel and Ian.

"This brings back some memories" Enel said, as he recalled the memories when they raided the island and defeated Wang Zhi.

"Yeap, we should clean this place before more pirates shows up" Ian said as gripped his metal bat and cracked a wicked smile.

"Get ready Zeus!" Enel ordered his homie Zeus, who he managed to tame in the past few days. Unlike Prometheus he was pretty dumb and quickly got swayed away.

"Hai Enel!" Zeus replied with enthusiasm as he flew near him.

"You morons sure got comfortable in our island" Ashen said as he gazed at the hundreds of pirates who surrounded them in the port "Out of the way weaklings!"

"S-Shit! Ashen, you're outnumbered surrender yourself!" One of them said with a terrifying look in his while pointing his sword at Ashen.

"Do you want me to incinerate them, Ashen?" Prometheus asked with wicked smile, as he was waiting for Ashen's order.

"No need…"

*Lightning*-*Lightning*-*BOOOM* With a powerful burst of Conqueror's Haki, every single person in the port lost his conscious.

"I'll take care of the fodders. You take care of the boss!" Enel said as he and Zeus and made his deep inside the town and started cleaning the pirates.

"I'll protect the ship then!" Ian said as he thrusted his metal bat in the ground, and sat crossed legged in the middle of the port

"Good…" Ashen quickly jumped on top of Prometheus and flew on top of the town, quickly making his way towards the big skull building.

A few seconds later…

A massive figure stood in the middle of the field near the skull building. He was surrounded by dozens of pirates.

"Silver-axe!!" Ashen yelled, while soaring over the island.

"Ashen wait!...we can talk this out!" Silver-axe said nervously, as tightened his grip on his silver axe weapon.

"There is nothing to talk about, you stole my island, you have to pay for it!" Ashen declared as he jumped off Prometheus and launched himself downward, as thick black lighting with red hue and purple flames engulfed his entire right arm "I was going to hold back so I don't cause damage. But fuck it I don't have time to play around…you really pissed me off!"


"Cosmic Annihilation!!!"

*BOOOOOM* With Ashen's ultimate punch, he decimated Silver-Axe along with the pirates with him, while leaving large destruction on the area.

"Never mess with the Ashen Pirates…you fucking nobodies"

[At Hachinosu in the New World…]

[The 1.643.500.000 Berries Bounty pirate and the former member of the Rocks Pirates, Silver-Axe…]

[And his Silver Axe Pirates…]

[Were annihilated]