Spade Pirates

This chapter is very fast paced since I wanted to pick up the pace and quickly reach Marineford (Ashen and Shiki will appear and fight/wreak havoc in the Marineford)

You might not enjoy this chapter that much, but I feel like it's necessary to build up to the Marineford War. Otherwise it would feel weird to just jump right into it.


A few months later…

Ashen was sitting calmly with the rest of the crew while reading the newspaper before a picture and a headline captured his attention.

"The new notorious pirate crew, Spade Pirates…Their captain, the new Supernova Portgas D. Ace refused to join the Warlords and defeated Vice-Admiral Draw…" Ashen read the news loudly, a smile creeping his face before he took a look at the list of his crew and bounties "Masked Deuce, Skull, Saber, Cornelia…Vice-Captain of the Spade Pirates Emma Helios?!!"


"Helios? Isn't that your last name Calvin?" Moria asked him. Calvin's facial expressions changed when he heard that, he quickly snatched the newspaper from Ashen and read it in complete shock.

"N-No Way, she actually became a pirate!" Calvin exclaimed, mouth opened from shock. His cigar fell from his mouth because of that "I thought she would forget about that after she grow up since she said it because of the emotional moment" he said, as he started sweating nervously, Ashen looked amused as it was the first time he sees him in that state.

"Hahaha! Lol...Like father like daughter I should say…" Ashen said with a smile as he put his on Calvin shoulder before he spoke again "You should be proud of her, she already has that kind of bounty before she even enters the New World"

[Emma Helios, Dead or Alive 105.000.000 Berries]

"…Sigh…After everything we've been through, I know damn well how dangerous the pirate life is, she could lose her life anytime if she's reckless. I just hope that captain of hers isn't some hot-headed brat"

'If he knew Ace's personality, he would've shit his pants'

Vice-Admiral Garp was roaming the Marine base while holding a newspaper in his paper. He had a serious look in his face while reading the headlines before he turned the page and his facial expressions completely changed.

[Captain of the Spade Pirates, Portgas D. Ace – Dead or Alive 275.000.000 Berries]

Garp had a shocked face before he snapped "That bastard! He became a Pirate!"

"This is a pirate who became powerful very rapidly recently" A marine officer stated while walking beside Sengoku who was holding Ace's wanted poster.

"D? Where is he from?" Sengoku asked upon reading Ace full name which has D in the middle.

"We can't quite figure that out…but even without a devil fruit he's a very powerful individual" (Before people jump in and say Ace would be weak without his devil fruit, you should probably read Ace novel. The dude is a genius awakening his Armament Haki during the fight against Vice-Admiral Draw without prior training or knowledge, no one does that not even Luffy. He just was too depended on his devil fruit)

"Gurarara! Such a dashing young man in the Grand Line." Whitebeard laughed as he read the newspaper in amusement.

"He refused the offer to join the Warlords" Marco stated, standing beside him.

"How long have they been at this? They're still young. They shouldn't rush."

Six months later…Yukiryu Island in the world,

Spade Pirates lead by Ace landed in a wintery island where it is constantly snowing. It has one volcano and several rock formations that resemble a dragon's body going in and out of the ground.

"Are you serious, captain?!" Cornelia asked, one of the Ace crew members.

"I have to see him…'Red-Haired' Shanks" Ace replied with enthusiasm.

"Don't worry guys, Shanks is pretty cool, I met him before…Besides, he's Luffy's lifesaver after all" Emma stated, and the crew made their way up the mountain and inside a cave where the Red Hair Pirates were camping.

"Spade Pirates?" Shanks was sitting on a boulder while surrounded by his crew members "The infamous super rookie came to say hello to me?" He said as he held his sheathed sword's hilt, before he released a strong burst of Conqueror's Haki directed toward Ace, when he did that the fire in front of him gained intensity, but Ace managed to resist his Haki.

Ace tried to look friendly while saluting him, but Shanks thought the way he did that was weird. The latter did not know how to react, so he looked at Beckman, Roo and Yassop to see how they feel. Since they did not seem to find Ace hostile, Shanks didn't attack him.

"It's not what you're thinking. My brother was always talking about you as his lifesaver…so I came to say thank you" Ace said.

"You're Luffy's brother? I didn't know that he had brother. Great, I'm glad to meet you!...Tell me all about yourself!" Shanks said as his mood instantly improved, before his eyes finally caught Emma who was standing behind Ace "Is that really you Emma? I I was really surprised to see you in the newspaper, it's been a while!"

"Shanks, it's been a while indeed" Emma said with a smile. She met him in Makino's bar when he was at Foosha Village a few years back since she was working there as well. The Red Hair Pirates were shocked to learn that she's none other than Calvin, the Ashen Pirates Vice-Captain's daughter.

"I bet that Makino is even more gorgeous than before...what do you think Captain?" Beckman said with a smile, he probably would've said the same thing about Emma if she wasn't around.

"Maybe…" Shanks replied.




"Alright guys, let's have a banquet!"

A While later,

"So, he's still talking about becoming the King of Pirates?" Shanks asked while holding a cup of sake in his hand.

"I guess that's his favorite phrase" Ace responded before he took a sip from his drink "I feel sorry for him because…I'm the one who'll become the next King"

"Yeah? You think?"

"First, I'll let the whole world witness my power"

"Oh? How'll you do that?"

"By beating the strongest man in the world!" Ace declared in confidence.

"You mean Whitebeard?"

"Yes…The entire world is my enemy. The Warlords, the emperors, the celestial dragons...I will beat them all. Once my fist has broken all the summits, I will put my flag on them" Ace declared.

"Do you seriously not want to meet you father?" Ace asked Emma, they were both standing in the ship's deck heading towards Whitebeard's territory. Ace considered changing the destination to Ashen's territory, but Emma refused.

"Ah, I feel like I'm not ready yet" Emma replied with a serious face 'I can't meet him yet at my current state…I need to get stronger before that and show him that I'm no longer the weak little girl he knew once'

Shortly after that, the Spade Pirates made it to an island that is a part of Whitebeard's territory. Coincidently they were able to meet Jinbe the Warlord.

"Hey, big guy. I wanna see the guy who goes by Whitebeard" Ace said to

"I cannot introduce a sharp young man like you to the old man!" Jinbe responded.

"Ace, be careful that's Jimbe the Warlord!" Emma stated, warning Ace to not let his guard down.

"Oh, a Warlord? Then I'd gain prestige if I beat him" Ace said as he got ready to fight.

"I'm not on the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates, but I owe him, so I'll fight you!"

"WRAAHH!!" Ace and Jinbe Immediately dashed at each other.

5 days later,

"It's been 5 days since they started fighting" Masked Deuce exclaimed in worry while watching the fight with the rest of the crew.

"They're both gonna die at this rate!"

"Tsk, we can't interfere, you know how stubborn he is" Emma said while nervously watching the fight. She was holding her sword sheath, ready to interfere if anything goes wrong.

After a few more minutes of fighting, Jinbe finally collapsed and Ace shortly after that, before a massive ship flying the Whitebeard flag appeared near the seaside.

"That's…the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"Which one of you wants to kill me? I'm gonna fight you as you wish" Whitebeard asked as he disembarked "I'll fight you single-handedly"

Ace who was face down on the ground glared at him in hostility before whitebeard slowly walked to his crew and with the simple action of thrusting his naginata into the ground he managed to send almost everyone flying away.


"What a power!" Emma remarked. Ace immediately got on his feet again facing Whitebeard.

"You guys ran away! I'll hold him back"

"Captain Ace, what are you saying!"

"You think I'm gonna run and leave you to die?!" Emma said as she unsheathed her sword.

"Don't interfere!" Ace gave orders as he immediately clashed with Whitebeard. The fight was overwhelming as Ace didn't stand a chance at all. And just as Whitebeard was going to deal the final blow, Emma finally interfered. She immediately ran towards them with her weapon drawn.

"ZA WARUDOOO!!" a Time bubble instantly showed up at their position, before time was slowed down in the said area. Unfortunately for her Whitebeard wasn't affected by it since his Haki is way stronger than hers. Emma ate the Chrono-Chrono Fruit that allows her to slow or speed up time in a certain area, she ate the fruit a year ago by mistake thinking it was a normal one "His Haki is too strong to be affected" (Lol, I couldn't resist the ZA WARUDOO!...Anyway, It's Wang Zhi fruit if you remember since he's dead the fruit reappeared a few years back, it's also a Special Paramecia as Wang Zhi was able to do things like opening a rift in the fabric of time to redirect attacks to other places. The slow and speed up time can't affect people who have a stronger Haki than the user, kind of like Law not being able to teleport Kaido and Big Mom)

"Gurararara! Such an interesting ability, but it's useless…You think something like that would work on me?" Whitebeard said as he approached Emma and hit her with the back of his weapon, sending her flying a few meters back.

"Damn it!" Ace cursed loudly seeing his crew getting defeated that easily "So this guy who contended for supremacy with him…I won't give up that easitly"

"Gurarara! Still some fight left in you? You are too valuable to die now boy. if you still want to run wild, run as wild as you want on the sea under my name" Whitebeard said with a smile as he offered Ace a hand "Become my son!"

"Screw you!"

Two years have passed since that, Ace joined Whitebeard and became the 2nd Division Commander, and his crew was integrated with Whitebeard's crew. His old crew-members worked directly under him, but as time passed Emma decided that she wants to build her own crew and start her own adventure.

"Are you really dead set on leaving and starting your own crew?" Ace asked Emma, hoping to convince her otherwise.

"Yeah, I'll be leaving tomorrow. I feel like this not enough for me, that if I stay here, I won't be able to develop that much anymore" Emma responded.

"I see, I won't stop you then. If you ever need help, you know I got your back"


Coincidently an incident happened on the Moby Dick that night as Marshall D. Teach, one of Whitebeard's must trusted crewmembers killed the 4th Division Commander Thatch, stealing his devil fruit and running away from the ship.

This incident pushed Ace to hold a grudge on his previous crew mate and set out on his own to follow him and bring justice to his friend Thatch. Since Emma was also going back to Paradise, she accompanied him.

Once they made it back to Paradise Emma decided that she wants to start recruiting her crew from East Blue, Ace helped her go back after they managed to get their hands on a Marine ship and crossed the Calm Belt. After that Ace went back to Paradise again searching for Teach, who now goes by Blackbeard.

After spending a few days in East Blue, Emma managed to find her First Mate, a famous pirate known by Klahadore or…

"Kuro of a Hundred Plans…I'm Emma, what do you say you join me? I'm starting a new crew"

At this point of time a young pirate by the name of Straw Hat Luffy was starting to make a name for himself as he entered the Grand Line.

A few months later, a major incident happened Banaro Island, as Blackbeard defeated Portgas D. Ace and brought him into the World Government, he was incarcerated in Level 6 of Impel Down before he was sentenced to public execution at Marineford. Because of that, Blackbeard managed to earn a position among the Seven Warlords replacing Crocodile who was defeated by Luffy.

Meanwhile, in the Saboady Archipelago, the Supernova desperately fought against the Pascifistas and Admiral Kizaru after Luffy punched a Celestial Dragon. The conflict ended with the separation of the Straw Hats.

After the government declared Ace's public execution, the Whitebeard Pirates got ready to go to war. Emma and her newly found crew decided to join on their side.

The Marines also did the same and gathered their forces on Marineford for the upcoming war.

[New World, Island Ship – Shiki's flying ship]

The ship appears to be a floating island with high trees as masts; its base is purely solid earth floating in mid-air with the ship's deck mounted on the top. The sails are all rectangular-shaped and Oriental looking, and the biggest one has Shiki's Jolly Roger on it. Long oars can be seen moving on both of the ship's sides and the figurehead is a massive golden Oriental looking lion.

The inside of the ship had a Japanese theme, with golden yellow and red colors dominating. Shiki himself dressed in traditional Japanese clothes.

After the big news of the upcoming war, Ashen and his main crew paid Shiki a visit. Drinking sake and chatting about their plans.

"Jihahaha! The old man is sure not going down from old age. Guess he's trying to die his at his terms" Shiki said while smoking a large cigar.

"Yeap, there is no way he would win this war, just the fact that those old monsters Sengoku and Garp are present makes it impossible for a dying man like him to win" Ashen stated.

"Garp and Sengoku, Hisashiburi dana…I guess I'll have to pay them back for what happened 20 years ago" Shiki said a wicked smile creeped his face "You're also going there right?"

"Of course, this is our chance to weaken the navy even if by a little without the need for us to suffer casualties. We'll take advantage of the chaos Whitebeard creates and strike down those government dogs"

A few days later and with the help of the Warlord of The Sea Boa Hancock, Luffy managed to break into Impel Down in an attempt to free his brother Ace. Blackbeard was also present and managed to recruit some powerful prisoner at level 6.

Unfortunately the navy already transported him to Marineford where his execution will happen, so now Luffy and the rest of the prisoners he freed including two previous Warlords Crocodile, Jinbe, Buggy and Emporio Ivankov have to make it to Marineford in time before the execution happen.