The Demon's arrival...Marineford is on fire!

After Blackbeard arrived at Marineford, he and the rest of his crew clashed with Whitebeard which ended with Whitebeard's death after his final words, declaring that the one piece is real. After that the Blackbeard Pirates covered Whitebeard with a black cloth, which Blackbeard entered much to the confusion of those watching.

After a few minutes, Blackbeard stepped out and revealed his newly acquired power. Shocking the entire world after taking Whitebeard's devil fruit power, and using it to create a tremor that destroyed the top of the HQ building.

"Zehahaha! Look, all you people of the world!" Blackbeard said, as darkness wrapped his right hand, and a tremor bubble wrapped his left "Behold me and my power!"

"I can feel the power coursing through my body!...What a power! It feels like I could control everything in the world at my whim!"

"With this, I'm now the strongest man in the world! Zehahahaha!"

Just as everyone though it couldn't get worst something else showed up.

"Hey!...What is that?!" A marine soldier exclaimed pointing at two large objects flying on top of Marineford.

A few seconds later, the objects became clearer, and everyone down at Marineford was able to identify them.

"Masaka!...That's two pirate ships!" The marines looked in horror at the flags of the ships and the pirates looked equally surprised.

Sword of Xebec and Island Ship.

"Those flags…Ashen Pirates and Golden Lion Pirates!!" Sengoku stated in shock, he and the rest of people couldn't believe what they were seeing "Why are they here?!"

"Why is another Yonko here?"

Shiki was using the power of his fruit to make Ashen and his ship float in the air and they made it directly to Marineford without worrying about any obstacle.

"Zehahahaha! That's an unexpected appearance" Blackbeard said while laughing amusingly, no one expected the appearance of another Yonko especially Ashen, and he was with a legendary pirate from the old era on top of that.

"Arara! Someone out of the ordinary just showed up" Aokiji said.

"These damn pirates keep showing up one after the other" Akainu said.

"Brother?!" Julius looked in complete shock as he didn't expect his brother to take part of this war at all.

On top of the Sword of Xebec Ashen was standing thoroughly on top of the ship's figure head before he cracked a smile and jumped down.

"Who dares to call himself the strongest man in the world at my presence?" Ashen asked with a grin as he was flying down toward Marineford at an extremely high speed like a meteorite.

"Captain, I think he means you" Van Augur said to Blackbeard while calmly looking at the sky. Blackbeard looked closely before he saw that Ashen was flying towards their location and started panicking.

"Ashen, you bastard. I still can't forgive you after all these years" Oven said as his forehead veins bulged in anger, and he started releasing heat from his fists.

Blackbeard already knows and witnessed Ashen's true power. He was strong enough to clash with prime Whitebeard evenly, though none of them fought seriously but he still knew better than to provoke someone like him yet.

"Hey guys, get away from that demon quickl--!!!!" Before Blackbeard even finished giving his orders Ashen attacked them mid-air.


With an awe-inspiring display of strength, Ashen channeled his power into his right arm, infusing it with a potent combination of Advanced Conqueror's Haki and Ryou. Purple flames danced around his clenched fist, blazing with an intensity that seemed to consume the very air. Simultaneously, he harnessed the raw energy of Hasshoken and Rokuogan, further amplifying his might. In a single, decisive motion, he unleashed his devastating attack. The force of his punch rippled through the atmosphere, creating a colossal sphere of crackling Haki that pulsed with a destructive energy. The shockwave surged downwards, obliterating everything in its path, leaving naught but awe-stricken witnesses and a trail of devastation in its wake.

"Cosmic Annihilation!!!"

*KA-BOOOM* The shockwave of the attack destroyed half of what was left of Marineford while taking out hundreds of marine soldiers and even pirates who were close enough to the attack.


"--What kind of attack is that?!"

Purple flames engulfed the entire area as the whole Blackbeard's crew was one shot, and they were barely keeping their consciousness as they got blown away and fell on the ground.

"H-He one shot the entire Blackbeard's crew!!" One of the Whitebeard's pirates exclaimed.

"Whenever that demon shows up something big is gonna happen" Marco stated.

"This guy is troublesome…He keeps creating trouble each time he shows up" Sengoku said while looking at him in hostility, he was still in his golden buddha form.

"Damn it!" Blackbeard cursed loudly as he threw a mouthful of blood and fell on his knees. Ashen landed on top of his back.

"Be a good boy and don't get in my way…I'll let you go since you're not my target" Ashen said as he patted Blackbeard's head before he changed his gaze to Kizaru and then used Inferno Jet Steps to launch himself at him, closing the distance in an instant.

Ashen didn't want to waste any time and quickly attacked him.

"Arara…long time no see Ashen, maybe we should have a rematch?" Aokiji said as he tried to block Ashen's way, but he was stopped by Shiki.

"Don't get in the way, ice boy" Shiki said with his twin swords drawn.

"Golden Lion Shiki, what does a legendary pirate from the old era doing here with a Yonko?"

"I'm not here to chat with trash like you!" Shiki said coating his weapon with Advanced Armament Haki and Advanced Conqueror's Haki and attack him.

Kizaru looked taken aback by Ashen's actions and quickly leaped back in light speed. Kizaru was faster than Ashen, it was a fact since his devil fruit is gives him that advantage…but Ashen can easily counter that using his future vision.

"SCREEESH!!...that move again, be more creative Kizaru" Ashen proceeded to see the next 20 seconds in the future.

"Yasakani no Magatama!" Kizaru leaped in the air and crossed his arms in front of him and used both hands to fire a torrent of deadly light particles.

Ashen easily deflected them using his sword before he thrusted his sword at Kizaru. The latter dodge in light speed, but Ashen already foresaw that and knew exactly where he was going to dodge.

In an instant, Ashen jumped in the air and proceeded to channel hot blueish-purple flames into his sword while infusing it with Advanced Armament Haki and Advanced Conqueror's Haki, leaving a trail of fire and black lightning with red hue.

After that he sent an extremely powerful and fast sword slash towards Kizaru that illuminated sky.

"Celestial Cleave!!"

"Oh!..." Kizaru looked surprised as the sword slash hit him and sent crashing into the ground. Blood dripped from his mouth as his facial expression changed.


"You think I'm going to stand idle watching that Ashen?!" Akainu said as he tried to join Kizaru against him, but he was stopped by Ashen's crew.

"Don't try anything funny magma dog" Calvin said as appeared along with Enel.

"Yahahaha! Kizaru is going to get fucked…in it is our job to prevent you from stopping that" Enel said while laughing amusingly.

Shortly after that Ashen's entire crew showed that.

"All of Ashen Pirates officers are here!"

Calvin Helios.



Gecko Moria.


Ian Inaki.

Yamamoto D. Tora.

Diana Rose.


"I can't believe the old man is dead" Moria said while glancing at Whitebeard's dead body. Urouge closed his eyes and did a little prayer for him.

"I won't forgive these guys!" Yamato said, tears in her eyes. She got attached to Whitebeard through reading Oden's journal and her last encounter with him, and she knew exactly what kind of man he was.

"I'm here to bash heads, whoever wants to reunite with their fallen comrades…bring it on!" Ian declared while swinging his metal bat.

"Let's make sure no one interfere in brother Ashen's fight" Yamamoto said.

"That's the plan" Diana was holding a long rifle 'The Giant Queller'.

"Don't forget about Shiki, he's also part of the plan" Amber mentioned, while turning into her Zoan Awakening Mode while holding two Axes, Hono-nen fu (Flame Blaze Axe) imbued with flame dial and Raijintou (Thunder God Axe) imbued with lightning dial.

Upon awakening, Amber's Human-Beast form undergoes a physical transformation where her size increases, her body becomes slimmer, a dark flame forms a "mane" down her back and arms, and a stream of floating fire wraps around her shoulders. (Same as Lucci awakened form)

(Image of her Zoan forms)

Back at Ashen and Kizaru's fight,

Ashen didn't stop and quickly dashed at Kizaru again who was still lying on the ground and haven't recovered from the previous attack.

"We won't let you!" A few dozens of marine soldiers lead by marine Captains tried to interfere, but they were knocked unconscious by Ashen's Conqueror's Haki.

"Don't get in the way trash!"

Kizaru took the chance to fire a laser beam from his index finger at Ashen, but the latter used his future vision and dematerialized the area where it was going to hit him, letting the laser beam go right threw him.

"Why should I stand idle while you do that?" Kizaru tried to form a long sword made of light, but before he got the chance to finish it Ashen already attacked him again, only this time he left everyone in complete shock of what happened next.

An arm flew in the air and blood drip like a river from Kizaru's right shoulder.

"K-Kizaro-san…lost his arm!!"

"Hoi hoi, how could he be so reckless?!" Aokiji looked very shocked as well.

"That fool" Akainu looked at him in disdain.

"Damn it! How did we let this happen?!" cold sweat dripped from Sengoku's forehead, as his eyes widened in shock at the scene of Kizaru losing his entire right arm. The Admirals, the strongest weapons of the marines, were going to lose today?

Sengoku wanted to interfere and fight him, but there was Blackbeard as well who now wields two of the strongest devil fruits in the world.

"Zehahaha! We are going to witness something crazy from that demon…" Blackbeard said as he and his crew got on their feet again, wiping the blood from his face before he clenched his fists "I can't let him steal the whole show from us…"

"Zehahaha! I'll make the world witness my strength. And we shall start with…sinking Marineford into water!" Blackbeard declared while laughing manically before Sengoku showed up on top of him and used a powerful shock wave that blew him away along with his entire crew again.

"A building can easily be rebuilt! But the island of Marineford is located virtually at the center of the world!" Sengoku said.

"Fleet Admiral…"

"To protect the people of the world who are threatened by rampaging villains, it's important to them that we are here!...Justice that comes from humanity will never perish!" Sengoku's speech was restoring the moral of the demoralized marine soldiers "Don't claim to be able to sink this place so lightly…You little punk!"

"Zehahaha! Such noble beliefs! Looks like all the villains are gathered here today, Whitebeard, Ashen, Shiki and me, huh? Fleet Admiral-san!" Blackbeard said as he slowly got his feet again "Well then…Hoi! Defend this place if you can!"

Sengoku thrusted his palm towards Blackbeard, generating a shockwave.

"Zeha!!--*CRACK*--" Blackbeard proceeded to punch the air in front of him, cracking it and stopping Sengoku shockwave.

"--B-Blackbeard has…"

"--…Stopped the shockwave of the Fleet Admiral!"

"Let me give you a hand, Captain!...Wiiihahaha!" Burgess moved to help Blackbeard before he was punch away by Garp.


"I'm a navy soldier, too…I have a duty to defend Marineford!" Garp declared.

"Hmph…You washed-up old farts! Take a good look!"

Blackbeard said as he grabbed an entire area, by grabbing and pulling on the air around him as if it were tangible, and rapidly shifted it. Using this, he tilted the entire island of Marineford and the sea around it, destroying buildings and sinking ships.

"That little shit, I told him to stay calm" Ashen said.

"Zehahaha! What a wonderful power!"

"You just put on another great show!" Devon said.

"But I can't control the power very well!" Blackbeard stated.

"Hey, Captain! If you aren't careful, we'll lose the ground we're standing on too!" Burgess informed him.

"Blackbeard, you bastard!" Sengoku looked furious at his actions.

"Whitebeard would be horrified to know this punk is using his power!" Garp said.

"How was it, 'Buddha' Sengoku?! Garp the hero?! You think you can stop me?!" Blackbeard asked them, before continued speaking "Your time ended with Whitebeard's death! Zehahahaha!"

At the same time Kizaru and Ashen continued their fight, things didn't look good for Kizaru after losing his arm. His face went pale, and he started panting heavily as exhaustion from the blood loss and the pain finally took a toll on him.

"He-Hehe…I guess fighting a Yonko one on one is not an easy job after all" Kizaru said laughing nervously.

"You look like shit. I should put you out of your misery" Ashen said to him before he cracked the air using a combination of Hasshoken and Rokuogan, generating a powerful shockwave that split the entire ground in front of him.

"What's that? It looks like Whitebeard's attack!" Someone exclaimed.

Kizaru was forced to dodge, but again it was useless since Ashen can see far into the future and knows exactly where he will dodge.

Kizaru tried to hit Ashen by shooting a powerful massive laser beam from his feet.

*SWOOOSH* In a swift move Ashen dodged it and closed the distance, his swords crackled with black lightning as he was using Conqueror's Haki, before he used his awakened power to shoot a fire column from the back towards Kizaru, propelling him into Ashen.

Kizaru was taken by surprised and without being able to even react, Ashen proceeded to send a powerful vertical sword slash. The former managed to deflect it but Ashen attacked immediately after that again, closing the distance and swinging Shusui at Kizaru's neck.


'Huh?...Why is the ground upwards?' Blood splashed everywhere as Kizaru's head rolled on the ground, leaving the entire world who was watching the broadcast of the war in a complete shock.

"Jihahahaha! As expected!" Shiki had a look of satisfaction in his face.

Ashen gracefully landed near Kizaru's dead body before he put his sword back to its sheath.

"The Admirals and the Yonko are nothing compared to me…Let that sink into your subconscious, weaklings"