I ask you…Do you want a TOTAL WAR?!!!

Holy Land, Mary Geoise…

The Four Elders were in a state of panic as they were standing before Imu-sama, the queen of the world behind the shadows.

Imu proceeded to slowly walk up and sit on the throne, crossing her legs before she gazed down at the Four Elders with her crimson eyes in disappointment who were bowing to her on their knees.

"I thought I was clear about that person, the last thing I wanted is another Pirate King" Imu said to the Elders, she was extremely furious, but she did not show it from the outside.

"My apologies, we will fix this" Elder Topman Warcury said.

"We have put up a new plan and amassed all our forces, this time we'll get him for sure" Elder Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro added.

"If this plan of yours failed, we'll have no other choice but to use it" Imu calmly said. Cold sweat dripped from the Elders foreheads when they heard.

"Our forces will also be present, if we use it, we will suffer from casualties as well" Elder Shepherd Ju Peter said objecting.

"I don't care, the very existence of that man cannot be tolerated…"

"…Its time to wipe him out of history"

The Four Elders held another meeting between them in a private hall later on, calling upon a specific person after that.

"What could possibly be the reason of my presence here at this time?…Elders" Questioned a tall man of advanced age with light long hair and beard that together shape a crescent moon. He was wearing black round-framed glasses and a dark colored coat and boots.

[Saint Figarland Garling of the Figarland Family and the Supreme Commander of the Holy Knights – Formerly known as a "champion" on God Valley]

"It's time to mobilize the Holy Knights"

Cross Guild Operation Base,

"GYAAAAAHHH!!! Damn it!! That bastard found the One Piece…just as I was going to do that, he snatched it…that damn demon!!" Buggy's eyes popped out from shock as he was reading the news, he was extremely angry at that since he wanted to find the One Piece first.

"Calm down Buggy, there is no use getting worked up about it" Shanks said to Buggy, he was with his officers. Mihawk, Crococdile, Buggy and Katakuri were present as well.

"Screw you!! It's your fault, if we do as I said and went after the Man Marked by Flames before that bastard, he wouldn't have gone to Laugh Tale!" Buggy responded before Crocodile grabbed and squeezed his head while pointing his Hook at his neck, Mihawk and Katakuri were doing the same thing.

"…'Do as I say?'…" Crocodile's forehead veins bulged in anger.

"It seems to be a misunderstanding…" Katakuri said.

"…you're not the boss here, were just keeping you around as a figurehead leader to draw the attention out from us" Mihawk added.

"Dahahaha! Let's calm down everyone!" Shanks said in a laid-back attitude.

"Don't interfere in this Akagami, this guy needs a beating" Mihawk said to him.

Shanks quickly turned serious after that "I believe we're here to discuss a plan?"


A few months later…

[Pirate Paradise, Hachinosu – New World]

The island was busing with activity, pirates from all over the New World arrived here to join the King of Pirates and Shiki's fleet whether they are rookies who just entered the New World recently or veterans who have been sailing for years.

It was the case not only for Ashen and Shiki, but the same for Shanks and Buggy with all the people who have anything against Ashen or Shiki joining them or just people who don't like the way they handle things.

Trafalgar Law was the first one to seek Ashen, mainly because of his knowledge about the history of the world and the D. clan. Ashen agreed to tell him everything in exchange to join him which the former did not hesitate to agree to thus the 3,5 Billion Berries Captain became a part of the alliance.

A few days after Ashen became the King of Pirates, Eustass Kid and Emma Helios arrived at Hachinosu as well. Emma came to reunite with her father, though it was not as emotional or heartwarming as everyone thought knowing the events that happened in Egghead and the death of Luffy.

Emma was very upset at everyone even her father Calvin, but after spending a few days with him she slowly opened up to him and understood that what happened was not personal, but she still bared hatred for Ashen for killing Luffy and was not willing to forgive him. Ashen understood how she felt and was okay with it, she also decided that she would be helping them in the upcoming war.

While Calvin was against it since he thought it would be very dangerous for her, she insisted on doing so and he eventually gave up and accepted her decision. As for Kid of course he didn't come here to join him but to stupidly kill him and claim the One Piece and the Pirate King title for himself.

If it was anyone else, he would have been dead the moment he tried that, but Ashen saw a lot of potential in Kid so he beat him up every day for the past few months until he convinced him to join his crew until Kid was strong enough to defeat him. He would go on to become one of his officers and a Demonic Captain while still keeping his previous crew under him, effectively making the Ashen Pirates a crew of four Conqueror's Haki users excluding Chinjao who is an ally / subordinate crew.

Aside from the Worst Generation captains who joined Ashen, Scratchmen Apoo and the remnants of the Blackbeard Pirates joined the Cross Guild, including Jesus Burgess, Avalo Pizarro, Laffitte, Catarina Devon, Vasco Shot, Oven and his siblings and Doc Q with the exception of Van Augur who believed that Blackbeard's defeat and him joining the Ashen Pirates was work of fate and Shiryu who saw Ashen more deserving to be his Captain than a clown.

These two would also become Demonic Captains after proving themselves.

As for Shiki he has Queen and Basil Hawkins as a part of his crew.

As for Katakuri, he was one of the founding members of the Cross Guild along with Crocodile and Mihawk. Boa Hancock made an alliance with them with the sole purpose of destroying Ashen who killed her first love Luffy.

Apart from all of this the Laboratory that Ashen was building for York was complete and using the technological knowledge in Memory Archive Crystal found in Laugh Tale, the place became another Egg Head in no time.

The place and the projects that happened there were top secrete and only a few high-ranking crew members knew about it. The place was also highly defended.

Queen and Franky also were part of the scientific team with the exception of Queen being a crew combatant in Shiki's crew as well. With their combined efforts and using the little Lunarian blood they had as well as the knowledge of the Ancient Kingdom technology, they managed to create the ultimate Clone of Ashen himself, a Seraphim with the body and technology that was used to create the Iron Giants from the Ancient Kingdom, making his durability many times greater that even the Seraphim themselves.

The Seraphim S-Demon that was an exact copy of a younger Ashen with the exception of the big size, the white hair, the black wings, brown skin and star shaped pupils. He's using a sword as well, the same twin Graded swords 'Eclipse' and 'Limbo' that Ashen used and found in Sky Island back in Paradise.

Ashen made sure that S-Demon had more degree of autonomy and free will since he planned to make him the leader of the rest of Seraphim, but of course its still under the total control of Ashen first, then Ashen's most trusted officers and then York, Franky and Queen. It was the same case for the rest of the Seraphim, S-Shark, S-Panther, S-Hawk and S-Bear who York managed to reverse engineer them and remove the Elders and the Marines control out from them.

(Here's a picture of him, he looks like Seraphim Crocodile without the scar…Leave your suggestions of what devil fruit it should use, preferably a Paramecia from a dead or alive person)

Ashen was also planning to retrieve Pluton from Wano after his war with the Marines, Cross Guild and the Red Hair Pirates and after York and the rest create the same energy source that the old kingdom was using, he will be able to power it.

The whole world was holding its breath as a massive war unlike anything that ever happened before was approaching. Both the World Government and the two pirate factions were amassing their forces in anticipation.

There was the biggest party at Hachinosu right now, a celebration for Ashen becoming the King of Pirates and for the crew making it to Laugh Tale and finding the One Piece.

"Let's party till dawn!!!..." The thousands of pirates made a big toast.

"…To the Pirate King Ashen!!!..."




While Ashen and everyone was celebrating, Kid appeared out of nowhere challenging him for a fight.

"Today I'm gonna beat your ass for sure, Ashen!!" Kid said as magnetic energy surged from his left metal arm.

"Come on, today is a celebration!...let's party!!" Ashen said raising his cup.


"I want nothing to do with this crap, I'm here for your head!!"

"Ohh, is that the brat with the Conqueror's Haki that you told me about?…Puff…" Shiki asked with a smile while blowing some smoke from his mouth, he was sitting next to Ashen. Aside from Ashen's crew and Law, Ashen also informed Shiki about what he learned and found in Laugh Tale.

"Yahaha! He's so energetic!" Enel said while looking at Kid in amusement.

"Remind me of someone" Calvin remarked, he was talking about Ian who used to duel Ashen every day in a similar way.

"There is no way I'm similar to this brat!" Ian said.

"Just give up, there is no way you would take down the captain with your current strength" Moria said to Kid with a smile before he drank from his cup of alcohol, all the main crew members were gathered near the large Skull Building outside and having a banquet.

"Hahaha! You want to defeat me? Don't be stupid, you're decades earlier to do that!--*SWOSH*--" Ashen said in jovial manner before he disappeared and reappeared behind Kid, punching him with his Conqueror's Coated fist and sending him crashing into a building.

"Hoi, Killer! go take care of him!" Ashen turned to Killer and said.

"He's very stubborn and doesn't lessen at all" Killer said, while sighing loudly before he, Heat and Wire carried Kid away.

"Hahahaha! Jaggy is so funny!" Yamato exclaimed while drinking with Emma who was sitting next to her while Law was calmly sitting alone.

"How childish" Law commented on Kid's behavior.

"As expected from the King of Pirates, only someone with his statue can defeat a 2,5 Billion Berries Pirate with one punch" Shiryu said with a large cigar in his mouth.

"Being smart and cunning wouldn't do you any good if you don't have enough strength to back it up…Teach was a prime example" Van Augur calmly said while sitting next to him.

"Puff…I guess so" Shiryu responded.

While everyone busy drinking and having fun, Ashen proceeded to take the speaker and made a speech that was heard everywhere across the island. He spoke about the upcoming wars against the World Government, the Cross Guild and Red-Haired Shanks who became allies and about his grand plan.

"I in any case, have no intention of bowing or coexisting with this World Government, but rather confront it and destroy it, dragging down those self-proclaimed gods from their seats in the Holy Land, if need be in terms of complete and most radical extreme…the total extermination of anyone working with them and related to them…"

"…I'll bring about an era where us pirates will rule this world, where it does not matter where you come from or who you are, only your strength and your value will matter!..."

Ashen spoke while gradually raising his voice while addressing the thousands of pirates who were listening in excitement.

"I ask you…Do you want a TOTAL WAR?!!!"

"YESSS!!!!!" The thousands of people who were listening replied in unison while raising their weapons to the sky.

"Do you want it, if necessary, more total and radical than anything that we can yet today even conceive?!!"


"Well then, pirates, rise up, and storm, break loose!...Let the Great Eclipse begin!!"

In a few days the biggest incident of this century will happen on Ascendance Valley Island in the New World, where all the leading factions of the world would clash in one place in a repeat of the same scenario that happened in God Valley 39 years ago, except this time in a much greater scale and possibly a different outcome…

…The Marines lead by Garp the Hero, the Holy Knights lead by Saint Figarland Garling formerly known as a 'champion' on God Valley, Red-Haired Shanks and the Cross Guild lead by Buggy, Crocodile, Mihawk and Katakuri, the Golden Lion Shiki and The Pirate King Ashen.