Mary Geoise

[Red Port, Red Line – New World]

Ashen gathered all of his forces and his fleet and moved towards Mary Geoise. It was finally the time for Ashen to claim the so-called Empty Throne that Imu occupies for herself.

After a few days of sailing Ashen and the rest reached the Red Port which is the usual way to either ascend to Mary Geoise using a lift called Bondolas or cross the Red Line.

Ashen and the rest quickly dealt with the marines and the port guards before they used the lift to ascend to Mary Geoise.

They were a lot of soldier and guards in clad armors, CP Agents and a few Marine soldiers which all have been dealt with very quickly before Ashen and the rest made it to the Domain of Gods where the World Nobles and their slaves resides.

Upon showing up and defeating the soldier, all the nobles entered a state of panic and tried to run away, but it was useless and with a simple burst of Conqueror's Haki Ashen knocked out everyone.

"So, this the land of 'gods'…" Enel commented while looking around the place, not particularly impressed by what he saw "Looks pretty normal to me"

"What a boring place to live in" Calvin said while walking beside Ashen. After everything they saw in the past 22 years of their adventure, this was very normal to them.

In the forefront, Ashen was walking majestically while constantly releasing his Conqueror's Haki and knocking out every person and soldier in sight. The ground and the buildings around him were damaged from the sheer force of his presence and Haki.

"Halt!--!!!" Dozens of guards tried to approach Ashen and the rest, but they immediately passed out, foaming at the mouth.

"Trash…" Ashen said while looking at them in disgust before he turned to his crew "Free the slaves and capture and break all the limbs of every last one of these dogs except for the children, then crucify them after that and let them die slowly and in the most painful in order to atone for their sins…"

"…you can keep anything valuable you find for yourselves"

Ashen gave orders and all the crew members except for the officers and the higher rankings went around and captured every noble that was present here before they gathered them and broke their limbs just like Ashen ordered and then crucified them in the town center.

They were hundreds of them and their cries and howls could be heard from a far. As for the children they were locked away, Ashen was planning to banish them to one of the four Blue Seas.

As for the slaves, they were all freed and they assisted in the fight against the Government soldiers.

In the meanwhile, Ashen, Shiki and the rest went to Pangaea Castle.

When they reached the castle gate, they were stopped by Commander-in-Chief Kong and Admiral Julius, Ashen's brother.

"I can't believe that I lived long enough to see the destruction of the Marines and the invasion of Mary Geoise" Kong said with his arms crossed "I still have a duty to protect the Holy Land, so none of you shall pass while I'm still alive"

"Don't overestimate yourself Kong, you're just a shitty old man now who's well past his prime. You got used to live such comfortable life with these good for nothing nobles" Shiki said to him before he unsheathed his twin swords and clashed with him.

"You've finally made it here brother, I don't know if I should congratulate you or not for this…" Julius calmly said as he stepped in front of him. Calvin knew the Admiral was no match to Ashen and he tried to take care of him, but Ashen stopped him.

"I'll handle it, you go ahead and deal with the Four Elders" Ashen said, before he approached Julius "You know resistance is futile? the Marine HQ is already destroyed and you're the only Admiral left"

"I know very well…I'm not here to protect the nobles or fight for those old men, I'm simply here because I knew you would show up" Julius calmly responded, then added "If you asked me 20 years ago I never would have imagined the both of us standing at the top of the world facing each other, you've changed a lot…Tell me Attila, what do you hope to achieve from all of this? What kind of world are you trying to create?"

"What kind of world I'm trying to create?...Well, a world where scum like Celestial Dragons don't rule, a world where the only thing that could grant you influence and power is your hard work and talent" Ashen responded "I can see that you are skeptical about you decision to side with the World Government, I can't blame you who'd want to serve such incompetent Government…"

"…I'm not usually this kind to my enemies, but I'll make an exception. I'll give another chance to decide where you wanna stand…" Ashen said while walking past him "…Just know that I won't show mercy if you stand in my way, little brother"

"Will you visit our homeland in East Blue after this? Father and our siblings miss you, you might get your memories back if you do that"

"We can talk about this after the battle is finished…"

Ashen proceeded to enter Pangaea Castle after that. Julius had his doubts about the Marines and the World Government for years, so him deflecting at this moment wasn't surprising for him, he also joined Ashen's crew against the Elders.

Law, Kid and Emma teamed up against Elder Shepherd Ju Peter, the one with blonde hair while Calvin and Enel confronted Elder Topman Warcury, the one with bald hair and a mustache.

Mihawk and Julius fought the bald samurai, Elder Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro and finally Moria, Urouge, Ian who managed to recover from his injuries and Queen fought the one with the long beard, Elder Marcus Mars.

As for the rest they kept away the CP agents as well as some Vice Admirals and soldiers that were present here today in Mary Geoise.

And at the same time Ashen finally found the throne hall after looking around for a while, since Pangaea Castle was very big.

Now the final battle that would decide the fate of the world was about to start.

"Finally found it…" Ashen was standing in front of closed throne hall doors before he slowly pushed them open revealing the Empty Throne, an extremely tall, ornamented red and gold throne that bears the symbol of the World Government, with golden armrests designed to look like lion head statues.

The throne itself is kept on top of a three-level red and white platform. On both the first and third floors, there are nineteen weapons planted on the ground.

Ashen walked in without a care, the first thing his eyes fell upon is the extremely beautiful woman sitting on the throne. She has crimson eyes and hair, a beautiful figure and she was wearing a long crown on top of her head. She's the Queen of the World Imu.

"'King of the Pirates' Ashen, you have been a pain for the past two years. I have to make a stop to you here today, I can't tolerate your actions anymore" Imu said.

"I could have blown the shit out of you using Pluton, but lucky for you I want to keep the place for myself" Ashen casually said while walking towards the throne, Imu stared down at him with disgust and disdain without uttering a word, Ashen flashed a mocking smile before he spoke again "Is it that time of the months...Nerona Imu?"

Imu's eyes widened in anger, and she released a strong burst of Conqueror's Haki directed at Ashen, the latter did the same.

*Lightning*-*Lightning*-*BAM* The Conqueror's Haki confrontation ended in stalemate.

"You have learned a lot after setting foot on that island…" Imu said as she got up from the throne and slowly walked down the stairs "How did a nobody from East Blue like you made it all the way here?"

She looked irritated saying that "You were the last person I expected to make it here after the Joy Boy's return…who the hell are you?"

Ashen smiled at her words before he responded, "Like you said, just a nobody from East Blue…" He said as he unsheathed Shusui "…Just so you know, I won't go easy on you just because you're a beautiful woman"

"You lowly human, I'll show you your place!"

"Hahaha! I never thought 'gods' are so moody…I'll let you witness the power of a sea conqueror!"