Chapter 2 You're Welcome

"So. You finally made it?" The receptionist asked, tapping her pencil on the legal pad she was using. "You know you didn't have to come in to work today. Right?" She smiled at Lucky Rival as he stood in front of her on the customer side of the office adjusting his right arm, cradled in a sling.

"Last night was fun." He grinned, letting a stack of gruesome photos land on top of the legal pad.

"Folder these. The new guy works fast. " He said.

"You like him, huh?" She giggled as she sifted through the images of yesterday's carnage.

"He showed up. He stayed. Gotta give him a little bit of a nod. The first day's the hardest. You know that. But uh," Lucky smiled. "You were shielded by that piece of pine and that ball point pen of yours. Weren't you?" He grinned.

"Shut up! Lucky. I stayed too." She wholeheartedly reminded him, sitting back in the chair, her mouth agape in disbelief of her boss.

"Yeah you did." He said, wandering away and blatantly easing backwards through the door with his name on it, a smile on his face directed at the cute brown haired woman sitting behind the desk, whom can't seem to come out of awe at his afternoon statement.

"I'll see you a later." Lucky Rival said, smiling while letting the door slowly close on his expressive receptionist.

Behind the closed door, he lifted his forehead from it, grimacing. He held the sprained limb close to his body, protecting it as he spun around. Stopping. Shocked by who sat in front of him.

Light tapping banged on the door and then it eased open. "Doctor Zack-" the receptionist whispered, "Is waiting in your office." She said.

"Thank you. Jan." Lucky said, stunned moreso than startled. The door closed softly behind him. "Hello Professor." Lucky began, going to sit at his desk.

"It's Zack. Lucky. I already told you I got my certification in a group that disbanded five years ago for spreading misinformation throughout the amateur cryptozoology sector about-"

"That's not why I asked you here Doctor Zack, to remember your mishaps. I need a steady hand."

"For what? It looks like you have your place set up the way you want it. You're known in the right areas without being bombarded with frivolous traffic. I've seen you in the news, Lucky Rival. You are no joke when it comes to cryptozoology yourself." The Doctor said, sitting still.

"Darteret is a lovely coastal town, Professor Zack."

The doctor, uncomfortable hearing his name used so professionally, shifted slightly in the customer chair.

"It has it's share of strange beings leaving tracks in the sand."

"So does Creek Dams and Lertsville." Doctor Zack reminded him.

"This isn't Creek Dams and it sure as hell isn't Lertsville. Darteret is where people on the interstate come for a dip in the ocean before continuing their journey. It's sea shell villas and coral night spots are the essence of tourism. Tack on the people and it's love by the water all day and all night."

"You love your little peninsula by the ocean." Doctor Zack quipped.

"Peninsula." Lucky, scoffed.

"What does your love of your home town have to do with me?" The Doctor asked.

Lucky Rival leaned forward placing his sprained arm on the desk without applying pressure to it and looked him in the eyes.

"Wanna know how I hurt myself? Professor?" Lucky asked, lowering his voice.

"No." The Doctor answered.

"A werewolf found it's way inside the hospital last night. And we played I chase you while you turn around and try to eat me." Responded Lucky, uncaring about Doctor Zack's answer.

"I know about werewolves." Doctor Zack said, giving Lucky Rival his undivided attention. "People believe they only come out on full moons. But you know."

"Yes. Doctor Zack. I know that's not true."

"What do you want me for? I mean I believe that everyone should bookmark the pages, sites they visit on their computers but they don't. Who does that? Me. I think cable reception is the best thing to happen to television but if you look at it, more and more lots are filling up with the satellite dish. No one is giving it a chance." Doctor Zack confides.

Lucky sits back. "How old are you Professor?" He asked.

"I'm old enough to drive." Doctor Zack answered.

"You've got the job." Said Lucky.

"Wait a second. Job?"

"If nothing happens tonight, you start in the morning. I should have this thing off by then. And that means you're on call. Check with the receptionist, she'll see you out with everything you'll need to know. I think you'll like the two-way radio. It tunes in to FM and AM. Just watch your battery though."

Doctor Zack almost leaped out of his chair. He leaned over the desk into Lucky's face. "I don't even live in Darteret!" He exclaimed.

Lucky isn't moved by the sudden performance.

"You do now." Lucky said, removing a keycard from his desk and giving it to the doctor.

"Your seashore villa on the opposite end of town is ready for you. Your house-"

"House." Doctor Zack echoed as he settled down while blankly accepting the villa keycard.

"Yes. House." Lucky reiterates, "Is in the last stage of renovating. A week. Maybe two. And you'll be planting vegetables in a rush to catch up with the end of the current season." Lucky snickered. "Although that's something I don't recommend."

"Why is that?" Doctor Zack asked, at ease, seemingly mesmerized by the person sitting in the office chair, that obviously can't hear.

"You've got your small things ransacking the shed that don't give a damn about rows of tomatoes or collards. Then you have your larger things roaming the yard possibly following the scent of another, these are the ones usually sighted and will grunt if disturbed. This is Darteret. Just like Creek Dams and Lertsville-"

"It's rampant with werewolves." Doctor Zack said, casually returning to his seat and comfortably crossing his legs.

"And no one really seems to know it." Lucky Rival said, silently continuing to welcome Cryptozoologist Zachary to the team.