King Nuru's prosperity

Mumbi kingdom had plenty of challenges in transport sector. Road network wasn't really good. Indeed the roads were seriously in bad shape. King Nuru had to start by renovating all roads. It was indeed unbearable seeing new vehicles being damaged by bad roads. It was indeed unbearable seeing citizens moving in and out of health facilities due to infections caused by dust. Again, king Nuru wanted to end controllable accidents caused by bad roads . He had to expand all roads at least to be broad enough so as to make it easier for road users avoid collisions. Pedestrians weren't locked out. King Nuru had to construct fly overs all over the cities just to ensure their safety. It was reported that the number of pedestrians who were dying as a result of reckless drivers was drastically increasing. Not only expanding the roads but he also extended them such that all places became reachable. This was indeed a boost for farmers. The king ensured that, all roads were well tarmacked.

With good roads, still there was a challenge. Vehicles were there but majority of citizens hardly afforded the transport cost. Good roads had no use to them since they still had to walk kilometers away due to high cost of transport. After serious consideration, king Nuru decided to lower down transport cost. He ordered an immediate decrease of fuel. He also promised to deal with anyone who would have gone against his command of lowering down transport cost as well as fuel price. It was not really good in terms of revenue generation but so long as it was going to enable Mumbi kingdom citizens to have a smooth running of their daily activities, it was pleasant before the eyes of the king. With a reduced transport cost and good roads, citizens needed variety of transport means. Air and water means were there but the most used mean was road. Water and air means were mostly used by wealthy citizens, citizens who already had enough for themselves. Therefore the means were well taken care of even before king Nuru's regime. He only had to do something to isolated citizens who were living a hand to mouth kind of life. The kingdom ordered modern lorries, buses an pick ups. This was to make it possible for individuals to transport bulky goods, durable goods, perishable goods, delicate goods as well as the most precious goods e.g. gold with no problem.

It happened that, the kingdom had a large number of youths as compared to that of aged citizens. As everyone knows, youths are indeed an asset in every sector. The kingdom indeed depended on youths who were considered to be the future leaders. This group of individuals needed support. Due to inadequate job opportunities, the king had to come up with a plan for them. He asked his council to organize a youth forum that was going to be used in empowering them. Entrepreneurship was indeed a best solution for the youths. Just as he urged everyone during his first speech. He once again urged all youths to venture into entrepreneurship. Of course it couldn't be realistic without more plans. Local banks and other lending institutions had to offer affordable loans to those youths. The low interest loans indeed helped millions of youths across the kingdom. Every youth was indeed happy and at least they were able to provide for themselves.

Agriculture being the backbone of the kingdom's economy. Had to be boosted indeed. The king had to get his representatives to the ground and learn each and every obstacle faced by farmers. There were plenty of challenges that were hindering production of high yields. For years, farmers were just farming without any advice from the leadership. They were doing everything locally without any expectations of high yields due to lack of tools. The king wanted to change the narrative, he never wanted to have peasant farmers in his kingdom. After all, the kingdom was importing goods from other kingdoms. It was the time for Mumbi kingdom to uplift it's very own farmers and buy everything locally. The king indeed believed that his kingdom had the capacity of producing sufficient products that can feed his citizens as well as exporting to other kingdoms. He wasn't wrong, it was just a matter of providing farmers with adequate farm equipment and a good advice. The king had to make sure that there was a balance in crop growing. He advised the farmers to actually grow crops that can do well with their soil. Having a coincidence of variety of crops doing good at almost all regions. He asked each one of them to specialize on at least a single type of crop. This was for the sake of improving the quality of the yields. The kingdom having a varying weather conditions across it's regions, it was very possible for farmers to produce every kind of crops collectively.

After that, he made sure that all farmers were registered. The registration made it easier for them to get any kind of assistance from the kingdom. The most important assistance they got was provision of fertilizer. The soil had to be enriched with minerals. King Nuru provided all registered farmers with fertilizer for their farms. Indeed he was determined to see improvement in agriculture sector. Considering that the kingdom was providing the fertilizer to it's farmers free of charge, all farmers were really working hard not to fail their king. The farmers again needed modern equipment. The king purchased every equipment needed by those farmers. He wanted to make sure that everything was running smoothly right from farm preparation to produce selling.

As he promised them initially, he had to keep his promises. The kingdom bought all food products from local farmers before even considering to order anything from outside the kingdom. It reached a time when Mumbi kingdom started to export agricultural products to other kingdoms. That was a clear depiction of how nourished agricultural sector was. One thing that made the king gain more trust from farmers is the fact that, both local and imported products had the same price. This hindered the kingdom from buying local products because of their relatively low price rather the kingdom was buying because it was it's duty to support it's citizens. It never bought the products and just end everything that way. Those who had more than needed products were assisted by agriculture minister in reaching international potential customers. The ministry had to report to the king everything it did or it was intending to do. After annual tax calculation, agricultural sector was at top three in the list of the sectors that were generating high revenue. In return, farmer's lives really improved.

As the agricultural sector was really doing good, the king was as well working on security improvement. He had to ensure that his kingdom was safe all the time. It was very necessary to have a tight security across it's borders. That was an initiative of ensuring that no illegal persons would get a chance to get into the kingdom without proper documentation as well as following the right procedure. With such a tight security across it's borders; the kingdom had to maintain and improve it's public relations with other kingdoms. Good reputation as always has been the core element when it comes to peace, love and unity. Mumbi kingdom had to ensure that it was in good terms with all it's neighboring kingdoms. It was very clear that all kingdoms needed each other in one way or the other. Mumbi kingdom wasn't producing petroleum products therefore it had to import from other kingdoms; other kingdoms had to import food products from Mumbi kingdom as well. Therefore good relation was indeed very important. It wasn't really necessary to have inter kingdom wars, therefore king Nuru mobilized other kings so as to have a collective control of any insecurity incidence. He wanted to have harmony. The idea really helped all the kingdoms. For this to be realized, the king had to ensure that all security personnel were undergoing proper training and indeed were having what it takes for one to be considered fit in protecting others and the kingdom at large. The king provided defense forces with all equipment they needed, their safety was indeed as important as that of other citizens. With all that, citizens had a part to play; their cooperation was indeed necessary. King Nuru urged his citizens to never hesitate raising an alarm in case of any security threat. That was the only way they could help in fighting insecurity.

It wasn't a guarantee that every one was going to be loyal. There are those who never saw a need of having a peaceful kingdom. To them, peace was just a meaningless term. King Nuru had to ensure that the judiciary system was bold enough to handle all crime cases. It was indeed necessary to have qualified and verified judges and lawyers. Individuals who were ready to have zero tolerance in crime cases. Individuals who were ready to make fair judgments always.

Leaders weren't left untouched either, king Nuru maintained his vow of zero tolerance on corruption. He had to eliminate all corrupt officials in his council. These were individuals who were busy pulling him down. They were indeed frustrating each and every effort he made. Most of them were there since the reigning of his late father. They were close allies of his late father, In one way or the other they were tempted to believe that; king Nuru was going to rule just as his father. They weren't ready to embrace the fact that, king Nuru was leader and not a ruler; he was totally different from his late father. It reached a point when king Nuru had to sack all of them. He never wanted to have self centered individuals in his council. Though having being in his late father's council, they were expected to help him in service delivery; unfortunately they were not. This was a clear indication that his late father was corrupt as well because as the say goes; birds of same feathers flocks together. Seeing all former council members behaving in a similar way; made him believe beyond the shadow of doubt that his late father was not a good ruler.

Not only dealing with corrupt individuals, he had to deal with those who were good at making hate speeches. Anyone who made a hate speech, was referred as an enemy of peace. That's the fact indeed, there were those individuals who for the reason best known by them; were back stubbing the king. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how successful he was in development; still there were some citizens who felt that he was not doing enough. Those citizens were incited by sacked officials. The king had to come up with a solution that was going to end such kind of madness. He promised a severe punishment for anyone who would have been caught manipulating innocent citizens. Though it wasn't easy for the king to fully save his citizens from manipulators, at long last he succeeded. Again, majority of the manipulators were the former regime's council members.

King Nuru declared war against discrimination. He had to make all his citizens understand that every human being is very important. He had to show them how bad discrimination is when it comes to peace, love and unity. Several incidences were reported to him concerning discrimination of some groups of people. It was clear that there were some who deserved it according to the kingdom laws. Referring to LGBT community, the law stated that same sex was a crime. It was considered to be unholy and unnatural. These individuals were indeed troubled. Arising of homophobic groups within the kingdom put their dear lives at risk. Hundreds were publicly humiliated and physically hurt. A lot of LGBT members lost their lives as a result of homophobic attacks. Situation got worse when these individuals were being banned from attending religious functions and a good number of them lost their jobs because their employers weren't ready to have criminals as their employees. Indeed it was unbearable for LGBT members. Homophobic attacks weren't from other people only but also their family members were attacking them as well. These individuals needed help. There are those who ended up committing suicide due to depression and hopelessness. The king was not really quick on decriminalizing same sex marriages, he took same time to do that.

In his council appointments, he appointed a fine gentleman who had all merits of joining the council. He was a hard working person and indeed loyal. He had a lot of constructive plans that were a clear evidence that indeed he was going to be an asset to the council. The king presented his name to the council for any comment. He couldn't believe when the gentleman was considered unfit to join the council because he was an LGBT member. After hearing plenty of complains from affected citizens without making any necessary steps, he finally witnessed discrimination in his own council. It truly angered him, he never wanted to consult anyone. He just gave a decriminalization order. It was to be done immediately. There were mixed reactions from citizens especially those who were very religious. They blamed the king for legalizing a 'sinful' act. A lot of questions arose. The king was asked to explain how these individuals were going to secure their generations. The king being extremely wise, he decided to give them an explanation. He recorded a voice message that was to be shared all over the kingdom. He wanted to make sure that 100% of Mumbi kingdom citizens would receive it.

"dear my delightful citizens, I'm aware that currently you're indeed mad at me. Due to misunderstanding I'm not surprised. I'd wish to start by explain what you've been asking me to do so more often. As you're all aware, my kingdom is a freedom one. All of you are free to do anything as long as it doesn't interfere with humanity. Their generations are non of your business. LGBT individuals were born that way, and there's absolutely nothing can be done to change them. You should stop questioning them. It's indeed very wrong to discriminate our very own brothers and sisters. They do have the capacity as you all do. They can succeed in any profession just as you can, they are just as you are. The only difference they have is their sex preferences; this have got absolutely nothing to do with you. They've never paraded themselves alongside roads naked! Have they? A time has come for everyone to embrace the fact that, all human beings are equal. No one has a right to discriminate the other on basis of sexual preferences. This has to come to an end. I do believe that 99.9% promised to work with me. You promised to support me in making this kingdom a better place for everyone. LGBT members are part of 'everyone'. It's high time for all of you to bury your sexual preference differences and work together as a team. Remember team work enables common individuals produce uncommon results. As you expect me to keep on making your lives better and securing good life for the coming generations; you need to do me one favor. Stop discriminating LGBT members from today. From today same sex marriages are legal therefore, LGBT members have a right to work anywhere, enroll to any learning institution, travel to any region, live anywhere and marry any adult. Thank you very much my people, I love you very much!"

Due to their unweaving support they already received from their dearest king, it was easier for them to believe him though not all of them were ready to end their discrimination but at least almost everyone was. From that moment, discrimination was considered to be a crime. At long last, LGBT community gained it's freedom.

Mumbi kingdom was made up of various tribes as well as foreigners from different parts of the world. King Nuru had to discourage any kind of tribalism and racism. He never wanted to see individuals being recognized by their tribe or race. He never wanted a situation of individuals being served differently due to their tribe or race. The king never had a hard time in this because already there was unity. Tribalism and racism cases were very rare.

It reached a point whereby men were occupying almost every position. Women were nowhere to be seen. This situation never pleased the king, he needed to have all genders in his council and in other positions as well. His thoughts were never received well by those men who thought that women were not suppose to occupy any office. Those men believed that, women were suppose to remain at home and look after their children. They tried to threaten any woman who dared to fight for their rights. The king had to do something in favor of all women. He set a side special offices for women. He also vowed to support them by encouraging them to gather themselves in development groups. He assured them that, after registering their groups; they were going to be granted soft loans. Indeed that was a strategy of making them gain confidence and never believe that their right place was the kitchen. He wanted to make them have confidence of facing those men who thought that they can't do anything good. After some time, majority of men came to realize that women had the capacity to work even much smarter than majority of them. All women across the kingdom gained respect that enabled them work with more potential.

By that time, women were safe from any kind of mistreatment. Something had to be done on children protection. Children were suffering a lot. There are those irresponsible parents who never valued their children. The law stated clearly that child labor was a crime. Adults were aware of that particular part but they deliberately chose to ignore it. It was indeed sad for young boys and girls to be introduced to work instead of going to school. This was done very secretly. It's like these young boys and girls were threatened against speaking about it. Majority of them were telling lies, they never admitted that they were working instead of going to school. It took ministry of children sometimes for it to fully understand what exactly was going on. It was made very clear that employing an under age was an offense. Anyone found guilty of such offense was suppose to pay dearly. At least those who were responsible for employing under age or manipulating them to chose working instead of going to school were brought to book. At all cost children's rights had to be followed. It wasn't an option rather it was a must for everyone to observe children's rights. Irresponsible parents had a hard time during the reign of king Nuru. The king was not trying to please anyone. He was on a mission of making the kingdom a better place for everyone. All those who found themselves on the wrong path, had to move to the right one for them to avoid king Nuru's consequences.

Still on human rights, the king was fighting against female circumcision. Female circumcision was a rite than kept in practice for millenniums. It was considered to be an extremely important rite of passage. By them, Mumbi kingdom never saw anything bad on it. They really embraced it. Even females never thought that it was against humanity. Though, those who practiced it couldn't be really blamed rather a blaming finger was directed to those who manipulated those females. Having a good number of ladies in his council, the king paved a way for a campaign against female circumcision. The campaign spread like a wild fire. Again, for the second time king Nuru sounded crazy. He first started by decriminalizing same sex marriage and again he was in the process of criminalizing female circumcision. A good number of elders never agreed with him. They vowed not to just let him destroy the culture that lasted for hundreds of years. Of all the changes he made, stopping female circumcision was an extremely hard task for him. He faced opposition from all corners. Three quarters of his council were against his stand. Even majority of female citizens weren't ready for change. To them, there was no problem with it. In fact they asked king Nuru with due respect to stop interfering with Mumbi kingdom traditions.

One will wonder about what exactly made them reason that way. Mumbi kingdom citizens believed that, the rite had some connections with spirituality. By doing it, they believed that they were pleasing their gods. Again, they were made to believe that there were several consequences for those who would have gone against the tradition. This made them stick by it even though they knew how bad it was. One of the most bad things about it was the spread of infections from one person to another. There were no medical precautions, after all those "doctors" were not people who studied medicine. They were individuals who claimed to have been chosen by the gods of their land. They were never bothered by any health risk. Apart from infections, those who were yet to go through the process were highly discriminated. The discrimination made them wish to go through the process just for the sake of gaining their fellow female acceptance. All these ugly incidents and dark believes never ended well with king Nuru. He had to fight restlessly. The laws of the land had to be changed with immediate effect. A severe punishment was introduced for those who would have dared to go against the law. Within the king's council there was a council member who seemed to have unweaving support for female circumcision.

This council member wasn't afraid of the king. He claimed that he was only afraid of the gods of his ancestors. Though he couldn't explain how female circumcision was connected with gods of his ancestors. In real sense there was no such connection but those who were supporting it were just connecting it to spirituality so that people will be afraid of avoiding it. He promised the king that he was going to circumcise his daughter. Since the king wanted to see success in stopping the practice, he chose not to punish that particular council member. The council member was indeed stubborn. The king wasn't aware that his council member already made arrangements for his daughter's circumcision rite. It's believed that gods were on king Nuru's side. Indeed they were. What happened actually forced the council member start campaign against the rite. The council member had a meeting with the king on that particular day. He actually excused himself claiming that he was indeed sick. The king was very sorry for him and promised to pay him a surprise evening visit at his home. That particular council member called the traditional doctors to perform the rite. It started very well but in the process, the girl started bleeding uncomfortably. She was drastically getting weak and weaker. Within a short period of time the girl was no more. It was indeed a sorrowful moment for that particular council member. Just as promised, at evening the king's motorcade was heading to the council member's home. The king was welcomed by bitter screaming. "I never thought that my council member was very ill, what exactly happened to him?" the king wanted to know. He was indeed surprised when he leaned that it was a the council member's daughter who actually died in the process of circumcision. He was indeed angry. He promised that, anyone who was involved in the preparation was going to face the law. The position of that council member was at risk. After the burial of his only child, he went back to the palace and sincerely apologized for such a horrible act. Again he learned that the rite had nothing to do with the gods. For the sake of the love he had for his daughter, he vowed to support the king fully in putting it to an end. With his support, the king's desire of ending female circumcision came to pass.

As the king was fighting for female rights. He was as well dealing with the issue of drug abuse. Drugs were being sold almost everywhere. Every city had uncountable number of drug lords. It reached a point where more that 50% of Mumbi kingdom citizens were using hard drugs. This was a real development hindrance. The use of drugs had plenty of effects. Majority of youths became addicted to drugs. A good number of them even failed to fully pay back the loans they were given initially. Their businesses were dying day by day. No matter how hard they tried to stop and control their financial crisis, nothing could successfully be done. They eventually gave up and closed down the businesses. How were they going to earn a living? That was a question that was in every sober minded individual. The youths had no other option apart from creating criminal gangs. They started stealing from people day and night. There was no safety in Mumbi kingdom. Plenty of murder cases were reported. The gangs were deadly and indeed ruthless. As a result, hundreds of them were gunned down. Those who got a narrow escape vowed to take revenge. The situations was really getting worse.

Not only youths but also middle aged Individuals were suffering. Thousands of marriages got dissolved as a result of irresponsibility. Both men and women were busy on drugs. No one was there for the other. The number of divorce cases skyrocketed and it was indeed unimaginable. The king only targeted the sources of those drugs. He knew that by ending the supply; his citizens would have nothing to take. He did exactly. He arrested all the drug lords who forcefully revealed exactly where they were getting them from. That is what helped Mumbi kingdom citizens. Fortunately they were somehow sober again. Majority of those who were not really affected mentally by the drugs, resumed to their businesses. The king had an extra ordinary love. He urged banks and all lending institutions to actually grant them 25% of what they borrowed as a another loan and just amount it to the initial loan of each and everyone respectively. Despite of all those ups and downs, king Nuru still had faith in his people especially youths who were considered to be the future leaders.

Generally, king Nuru wanted to prepare a responsible future generation. A generation that was morally up right. Due to technology, a good number of under age begun gaining interest in pornographic materials. These young boys and girls were busy on pornographic websites wherever they got a chance. It was indeed bad for them. They were losing focus on their studies hence putting their future lives at risk. Parents were advised to educate their children concerning effects of watching them but these kids weren't even paying attention to their parents. Pornographic materials had plenty of effects especially on young boys and girls. These are the individuals who were actually learning contents that was above their age. They were learning things that were suppose to be revealed to them at the right time. Majority of them ended up practicing what they were seeing on those websites. Obviously they found the whole thing very interesting and that marked the beginning of their moral decay. It was unbelievable seeing young boys and girls who actually were below adolescent age, having sexual partners. It was amazing hearing some of them talking about love. War against pornographic materials had to kick off. New rules were implemented and all online activities were carefully monitored. The blocking of those websites at least helped those who were yet to gain access to digital gadgets. To those who already got hooked up by those websites, they were just being advised to stop whatever they were doing, because already some of them were in serious relationships at that early age. They needed series of talks for them to realize how badly they were messing up with their own future lives.

Due to such learning negligence. The king had to work on the entire ministry of education. He began by sacking the minister for education who was still supporting the tradition of education for boy child only. He never admitted it but his actions were speaking in volume. In Mumbi kingdom, girl child wasn't really valued of course during the reign of king Nuru's late father. While boys were attending school, girls on the other hand were being taught how to care for their husbands, children and everyone at large. They were being prepared to be responsible wives. The minister was indeed aware of what was going on but never made any efforts of stopping it. He just wished that king Nuru should at least value his late father's council members who were still in his council. Indeed he was valuing them a lot but they had to adjust their respect for humanity. Though the number of girls in schools was gradually increasing, there was still a lot to be done in order to have a 100% girl child enrollment to learning institutions.

Majority of parents who were questioned for failing to take their children to school claimed that they were not able to raise the school fees. There was absolutely nothing done to those who defended themselves with that. Almost everyone claimed that was a reason. The king had to deal with it. He introduced free education system. All parents had no option apart from sending their children to school. Within a short period of time all schools were full to capacity and the need for construction of more schools raised and the king through minister for education had to do the necessary. He was blocking all possible reasons for parents not taking their children to school. This was a great achievement as much as girl child was concerned. There was no reason for any parent to deny his/her girl child right for education due to inadequate money. The quality of education was indeed a concern. All learning institutions had to be supplied with modern leaning tools. With all efforts of ensuring that every child was going to school, quality education was the king's desire. From low to higher learning, everything was running smoothly due to that.

Even though everything was done but still there were few mischievous learners who decided to make it hard for their fellows to stay in learning institutions. At some point, bullying was too much such that some learners started to drop out of school. It was so sad seeing innocent learners forcefully serving their fellows in schools. They were going through both physical, spiritual and emotional pains. There are those who were attacked and beaten up due to their weakness or due to their stubbornness in doing what they were being forced to do. There were cases of rape. LGBT learners were being sexually assaulted and there was absolutely nothing they could do about it. Some learners were hindered from attending their religious worship sessions. All this was done just for fun. It was indeed a cruelty of the highest order. All those who were at the receiving end of bullying, were terribly emotionally affected. These acts left permanent scars in their lives. The innocent LGBT learners who were raped were as well forced to do some unimaginable things, obviously they began to be afraid of everyone.

Not only LGBT learners were on the receiving end of bullying. All new comers were severely suffering. There was an issue of drugs. Some were forced to take drugs. This was against their wish but they had nowhere to hide. In the process of being forced to take those drugs, most of them became addicted and the bullies stopped forcing them to take the drugs rather they started enjoying them just like their bullies. This was some kind of recruitment. It was unbearable and the king had to intervene and put the mischievous learners to their places. The king ordered the minister for education to come up with more strict leaning etiquettes that were to be observed strictly. The minister ordered all leaning institutions to expel all bully students.

A new urge to help girl child emerged once again. A good number of young girl were victims of early pregnancies. The rate at which these girls were being suspended due to pregnancy issues was indeed alarming. It was not really clear exactly who's fault it was. Though both parents, teachers, victims and the boys were equally responsible for these unplanned pregnancies. It was the responsibility of all parents to have a talk with their young girls and boys. These parents were the ones to offer a basic knowledge concerning morality. They were the ones to warn them against any form of temptation. Not only that, it was parent's obligation to provide these young ones with adequate sanitary towels. This was suppose to make them not ask anyone else to supply them with those basic needs. Failure to which, resulted to these young girls finding an alternative way of affording those mandatory needs. To whom did they turn too? Their fellow male learners.

Majority of boys always waited for those opportunities when these innocent girls were in need. They took advantage of them and request sexual favors from them before actually helping them. It was indeed risky but the girls had no option. As a result, majority of them were getting pregnant in the process. This again was parent's fault. If at all they were educating their young ones; those boys would have had the intelligence of helping their sisters without necessarily having to demand sexual favors in return. Though teacher were to be blamed but not as much as the parents. Teachers were suppose to be very close to these girls such that instead of the girls thinking that their fellow male learners were the only ones to seek help from; they would have considered their teachers to be their saviors. The blaming game wasn't helpful at that moment. The king though the minister of education had to introduce lessons for all sexual related topics openly so as to make sure that the boys and girls were aware of the dangers they were exposing themselves to. Again parents were urged to be the forefront players in the initiative of ending early pregnancies.

Mumbi kingdom was not a religious kingdom. It's leadership wasn't attached to any religion. Over millenniums, Mumbi citizens were worshipping their gods freely. Though there were some traditions, but they were just a primary belief; but other religions were still there and all citizens were observing their ancestral traditions. The most important thing was peace. King Nuru wanted to have a peaceful kingdom, a kingdom that had no misunderstandings. Again despite of freedom of worship, he had to ban all religious practices that were against human rights. He discouraged citizens from involving themselves in religious activities that were going to endanger their fellow's lives. He had to urge all religious leaders to be cautious so as not to allow any kind of manipulation within the worship parameters. The king was aware that there were individuals who were hiding their bad wills under the religious umbrella. He vowed to deal with any humanity violation lawfully. The king was not ready to forgive anyone who would have gone against humanity in the name of religion. Though up to date, no one knows which was king Nuru's religion because he never relied on any of them. Indeed he was a king of everyone. No one ever claimed to have got some special favor because of belonging to a same religion with him. King Nuru chose to be a universal leader.

Due to his universality, he cared for all his citizens. In health sector, he did great improvement for all his citizens. According to the statistics made, it was determined that thousands of his citizens were infected with HIV. It was very worrying considering that, it was a infection that was being transmitted from one person to another by a mean that was truly unavoidable by many. It was very clear that majority of Mumbi citizens were not fully aware of the disease. It was a disease that was claiming lives ruthlessly. A campaign was indeed necessary, because citizens needed to understand how the disease was being transmitted and what were some of the safety measures. The campaign had be conducted with an immediate effect. Individuals were afraid of being tested. They had to be encouraged to gather some confidence and get tested. They were reminded that, being infected wasn't the end of life. The most important thing was that, all citizens were encouraged to use protection during intercourse and also avoiding sharing of sharp objects. The king promised to provide free protection particulars in every health center. This was going to protect them against all sexual transmitted diseases at large. The citizens were really delighted by the king's decision.

Not only using protections but also he still urged them once again to go for testing. He promised to supply anti virus drugs for free. He urged all those who were infected to visit their nearest health centers and start taking the drugs. The king was determined in seeing all his citizens having a long life. He never wished his kingdom to be a home of premature deaths. Premature deaths was going to affect the lives of all citizens at large. Indeed the king delivered what he promised.

The king did everything he can in every sector and environmental sector wasn't left behind. Indeed there was a need to conserve the environment. Due to lack of proper knowledge concerning the importance of clean environment, citizens weren't really keen on environmental issues. Pollution of every kind was an order of the day in Mumbi kingdom. Again due to hardship that was being experienced by some Mumbi citizens, polluting the environment for the sake of putting something on the table at the end of the day wasn't an issue to them. All they cared was earning something for survival. Conservation of forest was the most important issue. Forests being the water catchment areas needed a strict protection against illegal human activities. The king had to ban various activities for the sake of forest conservation. An alternative way of producing raw materials needed for woodwork needed to be sought. The demand of wood products was indeed high. Plenty of innovations were made and all kind of furniture were being produced locally by Mumbi citizens. Majority of them were individuals who attended vocational trainings. Indeed woodwork created job opportunity for thousands of people majority of them being youths. All in all the king never thought that, deforestation should be allowed for the sake of job creation. It was clear that after sometime, Mumbi kingdom was going to experience a severe rainfall shortage that would have resulted to a long lasting drought; leading to death of people and all animals at large. With such a severe drought, the economy was going to be unbearable. Automatically, prices of basic commodities were going to shoot up even much higher leading to poverty.

Not only that, forests were home for hundreds of wild animals and birds. A prolonged deforestation was going to destroy their habitats. The destruction would have created conflict between human beings and those wildlife creatures. The creatures would have started attacking domestic animals and human beings due to lack of food. Deforestation was going to cause extinction of several wildlife species together with unique and rarely found trees. King Nuru wasn't ready to see such a thing happening especially while still in power. Due to that, the king banned cutting down of trees recklessly. Whether the individuals were going to use them in producing valuable products or not. He argued them to seek recycling as an alternative way of getting their raw materials. Therefore he urged investors to chime in with various recycling ideas so that alternative materials for woodwork could be available. The king banned burning of charcoal as well. He urged his citizens to come up with a cooking alternative.

Air pollution was as well a concern. Not only fighting for forest conservation but also he had to consider the effects of polluted air. Of course trees were the source of fresh air, but the rate of air pollution was indeed alarming. There were clouds of toxic smoke in the sky. The air that citizens were breathing in wasn't safe for mankind. A good number of citizens were suffering from respiratory diseases. Even the temperature was gradually increase due to destruction of ozone layer. Though other kingdoms were as well contributing ozone layer destruction, but king Nuru had to deal with his own kingdom first; before considering to summon other kingdoms on the same. Banning of charcoal burning was a way of stopping air pollution. He gave the citizens an alternative of using gas cookers. At first he was seen to be unrealistic but as the time went on, they just had to adapt the new way of cooking. There was need to bring all companies that were emitting excessive smoke to closure. There was absolutely no need of banning charcoal use if the worst sources of air pollution were left untouched. All industrial company owners were asked to check their machines more often. The king promised a ruthless dealing with negligent owners.

As much as air pollution was a concern, the same applied to personal hygiene. It was common to see a household with no toilet. Indeed this was a challenge when it came to environmental conservation. A new rule regarding households had to be implemented. Toilet became a mandatory thing in every household. The age of flying toilets was no more. King Nuru wanted to see changes all over the kingdom. Toilets would have been useless without a proper sewage disposal plan. A number of strategies were made in ensuring that sewage was properly handled. The same was done to garbage collection. As a result, Mumbi kingdom was in good shape as much hygiene is concerned.

All these developments were highly supported by industrialization. Every solution that included industrialization really made an impact. The recycling of waste products was effective due to recycling industries. These industries were responsible in providing new materials out of those wastes. Availability of cooking gas entirely depended on industrialization. The king ensured that there was a firm responsible for that. As well as garbage and sewage handling. The king ensured that locals who were financially stable, were permitted to set up industries, such permit encouraged innovation.