The crumbled kingdom

It reached a time when everything was gone. The great achievements that made Mumbi kingdom be one of the most admired kingdoms were gone. Citizen's daily activities greatly depended of transport. Due to transportation cost increment, it was indeed difficult to transport commodities from one region to another. Though farm products were already in low quantity; the little harvested couldn't be transported due to unaffordable cost. For decades, agriculture was a dependable source of revenue. Most of agricultural products required a special vessel in transportation. Not only did the cost increment affected agricultural sector but it also affected other sector. The ministry for transport made series of meetings but they couldn't undo what already happened. The only was king Giza was going to solve the problem was going back to his late father's way of thinking. King Giza hating his late father with passion, couldn't even think about considering that.

King Giza was ready to see his kingdom suffering as much transport is concerned but not revisit his decisions. A lot of lives were claimed prematurely due to delay in rushing the patients to medical institutions. Plenty of accidents were recorded and majority of victims died while waiting for ambulances to rush them to hospital. The king was aware that there was a need for a quick action but he was too cruel to believe that his citizens were suffering severely. Majority of affected citizens were low and middle class earners. The rich had no problem at all. These were individuals who were using personal car. They could afford fueling their vehicles wherever they wished. To them the punch wasn't really severe.

Everything in Mumbi kingdom was scrambled. As it was a normal for citizens and companies to apply for loans in order to sort their financial crisis, they no longer had that opportunity due to high interest rates. The high interest rates wasn't really economically favorable. Majority of companies ended up spending their entire profits on loan payments. For the companies to be able to pay the loans, they had to do retrenchment that truly frustrated lot of families who's bread winners were among the unlucky employees. The retrenchment wasn't an option rather it was the only thing that could have enabled the companies escape the bitter debt recovery actions.

On the other hand ordinary citizens who wished to get the loans for personal use were terribly frustrated. There are those who wanted to take their children to school, universities and colleges; but their dreams were shuttered by the unaffordable loans. The future of those young men and women just became unachieved dreams. The effects of less educated individuals in the kingdom couldn't be felt immediately; it was something that took a while for it to be noticed. Almost all learning institutions were experiencing loss of students and pupils.

So many lives were prematurely claimed. Patients couldn't afford medical expenses. A good number of them just lost their dear lives while their beloved ones watching helplessly. Even for those who at least could afford medical expenses, were shuttered by inadequate medical equipment at the hospitals. The institutions were not able to successfully apply for loans since they couldn't even qualify due to more unbearable laws enforced by King Giza. Mumbi kingdom mortuaries were full to capacity. There was an emergency of building more and more mortuaries since the immortality rate was rapidly growing.

Agricultural sector wasn't left unaffected. In fact, all their efforts were just shuttered within a spar of a moment. The kingdom declined the issue of provision of fertilizers free of charge to all registered farmers. Those who couldn't afford purchasing the fertilizers were given an option of paying in installments, but again the rates were so high such that they couldn't be left with any profit after paying all installments. Most of them decided to shift to organic manures. They prepared their own manures.

All eyes globally were on Mumbi kingdom. In a period of three decades, king Giza already facilitated lost of thousands of LGBT's lives. They were being killed each and everyday. Even some who weren't really homosexuals but were just seemingly, were not spared either. It reached a point whereby, for one to entirely avoid being suspected to be a homosexual; he or she had to condemn and participate in humiliating them before brutally ending their lives. As a result, Mumbi kingdom was declared unsafe for LGBT community. Things got worse when king Giza declared war against all LGBT advocacy institutions. The respective officials and sponsors were arrested and eventually killed. King Giza was a ruthless murderer, he never cared about what was going to happen due to his cruelty. At that time, he had a son who was a homosexual. His son was fifty years at that time. He wasn't on his father's side. King Giza was ready to end other people's lives but he couldn't even dare question his own son. His son was cross dressing while attending public functions but king Giza was still proud of him despite of his desire to kill all homosexuals in his kingdom. King Giza only had a single child who was the one homosexual. He couldn't kill his heir. Though he already knew that prince Mwanga was going to undo everything, still he had no option apart from just protecting him from any kind of harm. His head was the next one to carry the crown.

Mumbi kingdom was indeed a best destination for all profit oriented investors globally. Thousands of investors chimed in to assist in Mumbi kingdom economic growth. Plenty of them set up industries, hospitals etc. They provided job opportunities to millions of citizens in the kingdom. Due to unfavorable environment for LGBT community and practice of female circumcision, they couldn't continue operating in Mumbi kingdom. They began withdrawing their investments one after the other. In every investment withdrawn, hundreds of thousands of jobs were lost. Poverty was starring millions Mumbi citizens. The economy was terribly going down. Mumbi kingdom was on it's way to a terrible bankruptcy. It was very clear that no kingdom was ready to support Mumbi kingdom in any way. All kingdoms urged their citizens who were Mumbi kingdom to return home, since to agreement that was signed by king Nuru the late King Giza's father was no longer respected.

Tourism sector was affected in all angles. Tourists were afraid of loosing their lives due to reckless killings that were being reported on daily basis. They chose to join solidarity with all LGBT organizations globally. It was very clear that for the economy to grow and the kingdom retain all of it's investors, the king had to stop homophobic attacks. The king had to assure all LGBT members their safety. King Giza was ready to rule a poor kingdom instead of decriminalizing homosexuals.

After all, there was nothing left in Mumbi kingdom that could possibly attract tourists. All forests including national Parks and game reserves were terribly interfered with. The king cut all the trees hence destroying thousands of wildlife's habitats. These innocent animals and birds flee out and most of them ended up in neighboring kingdoms while some got killed by angry citizens. Even marine life was greatly affected. Famous fish ponds that were indeed tourists attraction dried up due to insufficient supply of water. There were no more attractive springs that uses to attract hundreds of thousands tourists annually.