The Red Dungeon

Chapter 2

He slept for nearly 24 hours. The reason for this is that bringing someone back from the dead can deplete the vitality of the person being revived.

The morning came.

He was awoken by the sound of his alarm.

Beep, beep, beep, beep

He grabbed his alarm clock in order to turn it off and get out of bed.

It was just another ordinary day. He got out of bed and started his morning routines, which include washing his face, brushing his teeth, eating breakfast, and taking a bath.

His phone received a message just as he was about to wake up.


It was a message from the Hunter Association.

The Hunters Association is a government-funded organization that guides and controls hunters across the country to ensure that they do not abuse their authority.

Additionally, it is a location where many hunters purchase their hunting supplies and sell the magic stones and other useful items obtained from the monsters.

They had summoned him to raid the dungeon. It was a D-rank dungeon.

"Yeah, yeah." he mutters to himself.

He was almost finished preparing for the raid when his sister arrived.

"Brother, are you okay?"

She was worried because when she got home, she saw her brother sleeping and he didn't even touch the food she had prepared.

"You don't have to go; just rest for today," she added.

"I'm fine. I'm full of energy because I slept a whole day yesterday. " He said jokingly to her.

"Hmmm... okay. I believe you, brother. Take care always," she said solemnly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine; you trust me, right? He said as he patted his sister on the head.

"Yes, without a doubt." She said.

"Oh no! Look at the time. I'm going to be late for school. "See you later, brother!" she says as she walks out the door on her way to school.

"I'm going to get ready as well."

He decided to leave as soon as he finished his task and finished preparing for the raid. He unlocks and locks the door.

The dungeon was only a ten-minute walk away from his apartment. He noticed a familiar face as he walked down the street.

She is a small black-haired girl. Her eyes are brown, and her voice is lovely.

She is a C-rank healer by the name of Shaine Duran. She is well-known in the community due to her talent and as Jarred's childhood friend.

"Good morning, Jarred," she said.

"Good morning, Shaine," he replied.

"Are you going to raid today as well?" he inquired.

"Yes, the association has summoned me." She answered.

"I see."

They decided to go together as their places of interest are the same.

A few minutes have passed, and they finally arrive.

A fully armored hunter approached them, a massive shield behind his back and a mace in his hips.

"Perhaps the hunters' association summoned you two?" he speculated.

"Yes," they both answered.

"All right, my name is Ben Aquino, and I'm a C-rank hunter and tanker, as well as the raid's party leader. Nice to meet you."

"My name is Shaine Duran, a healer, and his name is Jarred, a damage dealer," she introduced us.

Given who Jarred was and how useless he was, Ben had a disgusted expression on his face as he looked at him.


Jarred noticed the way Ben looked at him.

Following that, other hunters arrived and introduced themselves.

"My name is Jacob Mendez, and I'm a D-rank hunter and tanker; it's a pleasure to meet you."

He spoke with a lot of energy and loudness.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Mike Santos, and I'm a D-rank hunter and archer."

He smiled as he introduced himself. He's a very appealing man.

"My name is Caleb Santiago, and I'm an E-rank hunter and tanker. It's a pleasure to meet you."

A typical hunter with a great physique like Ben.

"I'm Joe Rodriguez, a D-rank hunter, and an assassin. It's a pleasure to meet you."

He wore a black face mask over his mouth.

"Hi... Ashley Martinez here, a D-rank hunter and battle mage. It's a pleasure to meet you."

When she introduces herself, she was a cheerful person with an energetic voice.

"H-Hello, I'm Wendy Dickson, an E-rank hunter, and support mage; nice to meet you."

A young lady who is very formal. She bowed and said in hushed tones. She is a shy-type person.

Three tankers, three damage dealers, two mages, and one healer are present. There were nine hunters in total, including Jarred and Shaine.

Shaine and Jarred introduced themselves as well.

They had just finished introducing themselves.

The others begin talking about Jarred behind his back, and you can clearly hear them.

"Jarred Rivera, I believe I've heard that name before; where did I— oh!" Jacob exclaimed to Ben.

"Yeah, it's him." he sighed as he nodded to Mr. Jacob.

The other hunters heard it as well and began whispering behind his back.

"We'll be fine, right?" Wendy asked, worried about the raid.

Fortunately, Shaine was not aware of the discussions about him because she would protect him from them, which Jarred did not want.

He didn't take them seriously, as he always did, instead dismissing them as if he hadn't heard them.

Ben, their party's leader, looked at the time and said,

"It's time, let's go!"

They entered the dungeon, led by Ben and followed by the other hunters. Shaine and Jarred were the last to enter.

When all of them entered the dungeon, the worst possible scenario happened; the D-rank dungeon that they thought was a Red Dungeon.

The hunters had no idea the dungeon they were entering was a red dungeon.

There are ranks in the dungeon; from the weakest, E rank, D rank, C rank, B rank, A rank, and S rank, the highest rank.

With these ranks, hunters can enter dungeons with less risk because they know which dungeons they can enter within their capabilities.

A red dungeon is a highest-ranked dungeon. An S-ranked dungeon is nothing to be concerned about. Inside of the red dungeon is a normal dungeon, like any other dungeon.

This dungeon is dangerous because, according to the person who miraculously survived and escaped from it, it was the boss monster.

According to him, the monster they faced was a demon, not just any demon, but a noble-class demon, though this demon was the lowest noble class and still wiped out his entire team.

He lived, but his right arm was severed, his right face was burned, and his right ear was severed.

That hunter is now retired, and shortly afterward, he committed suicide as a result of trauma.

This dungeon has a less than 1% survival rate.

"We've got a problem; contact the Hunters' Association, it's a Red Dungeon!"

He explained what had happened to the hunters' association.

One of the association's executives declared an emergency and dispatched a rescue team.

They travel to the location of the red dungeon.

They are powerless because you cannot enter the dungeon until the boss is defeated.

They had no choice but to wait.
