The system (1)

With a gasp, Jarred opened his eyes.


He noticed his scattered belongings, a familiar white ceiling, and a faintly unpleasant fragrance.

"Wait, is this my room?"

Jarred awoke in his bed, drenched in sweat.

Even though he came from an area that was extremely dangerous, he was in great health and had no injuries.

"What am I doing here?" I should be in the dungeon. "

Jarred tried to recall what had happened while touching his head with his hands.


Then, Jarred recalled everything that had happened, including the demon, the statues, the death of his comrades, the commandments, the tests, and his sacrifice on their behalf.

He was sad and afraid at the same moment, and tears streamed from his eyes.

Thud, thud, thud, thud.

"Are you awake, Brother?"

He was suddenly called by his sister, who had just knocked on his door.

Jarred immediately brushed away his tears before responding.

"Yes, I am awake."

"There are people out there looking for you."

'..? '

He paused for a moment before answering. He wondered who would come to his house, and he didn't have many friends who would be concerned about him. Except for Shaine, of course.

"All right, I'll be there in a minute."

Jarred changed his clothing and cleansed his face fast.

He noticed two men in suits as he opened the door.

"Are you Jarred Rivera?"


The man in the suit assessed and calculated his strength as he stared at him.


"Is there something wrong?"

Jarred gave him a curious glance.



"We are representatives of the Hunters Association."

"My name is Kevin, and this is Mark, and we'd like you to tell us what happened in the red dungeon."

Jarred revealed almost everything to them.

The commandments as well as the demon king. He also told them about the statue, his fallen friends, and his sacrifice on their behalf.

What he didn't tell them was about the book that had protected him and the strange message.

Jarred was also questioned about how he managed to survive, but all he could say was, "I honestly don't remember."

Kevin also informed Jarred that he was discovered within the dungeon by them. They didn't take him to the hospital because he was fine and nothing was wrong with him.

Fortunately, Jarred's sister was present when they carried Jarred to their home.

"That's all."

Then Kevin signaled to his partner to get ready with a nod.

"Thanks for your time."

They said their goodbyes to each other.

When the two men from the association left their house, Jarred's sister approached him.

"Is everything all right, brother?"

Hana looked worriedly at his brother.

"You seem depressed."

"Don't worry, everything is fine."

Jarred said and hugged his sister tightly.


Hana pushed him pretty quickly because she was embarrassed at the moment.


Jarred was confused as to why his sister had pushed him away.

"I-I should get ready and start cooking dinner."

"Wait! Can you see anything in front of me?"

He directed his finger to the one in front of him.

"What are you talking about, brother? Are you trying to be a comedian rather than a hunter?"

Hana laughed loudly at him as she mocked him.

"You brat, you..."

Jarred raised his fist, as if about to hit her over the head.


Hana screamed jokingly and ran away from him.

Am I the only one who sees this, then? '

What he saw was a game-like system status with all of the character's information.

Name: Jarred Rivera

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Level: 1

HP: 250

MP: 100

Strength: 5 Agility: 5

Vitality: 5 Intelligence: 5

Class: Warrior

Unique Ability: none

Skill: none

Stat points possessed: 0

'Stats, skills, inventory, and other such things. It looks like a computer game.'


A message appeared in front of Jarred.


You have completed the requirements for the 'Secret Quest: The Weak Who Wants to Be Strong.'

[The Weak Who Wants to Be Strong]

???'s blessing bestows upon you a unique passive skill.

???'s blessing will ensure that you will never lose heart and will always feel brave.


1. Stat points +3

2. Random box

Stat points +3 received.

Jarred automatically received the stat points and they were added to his status window.


While thinking, Jarred touched his chin with his right hand.

"I think I should use my remaining stat points to increase my strength."


His strength has increased to 8, which is what a typical E-rank hunter should have.

Jarred wanted to put his newfound strength to the test. That's why he grabbed and tried to lift their sofa.

He grasped it with both hands and lifted it upwards.

"Brother, what are you doing to our stuff?!"

Hana instantly reprimanded her brother Jarred as she noticed him raising the sofa.

'The difference between 5 and 8 of strength is something.'

"Are you listening, brother?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry."

He smiled as he scratched the back of his head and apologized to her sister.

"Stop what you're doing and let's go eat, brother."

After they were done eating, Jarred went to his room and lay in his bed.

He opened his status window and then quickly opened the second reward, which he had not done earlier because his sister had distracted him.

Random box received.


"What is this?"


The next day,

Because of what he saw the last night, Jarred woke up early in the morning.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Jarred used his hands to feel where the alarm clock was in order to turn it off.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

[Last night]

When he opened the random box, he found a worn-out scroll.

"What is this?"

He was confused and puzzled at the same time. He had not anticipated such a reward.


You received the weapon scroll.

"Weapon scroll?"

Please rip it in half to activate it.


A materialized weapon appeared in front of Jarred after he ripped the scroll in half.

It was a sword.

Jarred was given the weapon known as the Tailbone Sword.

Tailbone Sword (Rare)

-The tailbone of a humanoid lizard was used to create this weapon.

-Additional +2 strength and agility stat points when in use.

-It possesses the attribute of the Lizard, which has a poison effect when the target is cut by this weapon. Reduce your HP by 1 HP every 5 seconds.

This is the first weapon that he obtained for free and the first weapon with great stats.

Jarred became emotional and teary-eyed at that moment.

Weapons, armor, and other hunting equipment are all quite pricey. The cost of any item is determined by its grade.

Equipment is classified into five categories.

Normal was the lowest, followed by Rare, Unique, Legendary, and Mythical, which was the highest of all.

However, Mythical grade equipment has yet to be discovered, and no one presently owns such equipment.

Even Legendary grade equipment is difficult to come by. Only a few high-ranking officials possessed such equipment.

The artisan uses the carcass of the monster and mystical stones to make the hunters' equipment. You can also obtain weapons after defeating the monster or discovering a treasure.




Go to the abandoned warehouse near the gas station that is currently under construction.



Time limit: None

'What is this?'


Jarred opened the door and he saw Hana lying on the sofa while playing with her phone.

"Hana, I'm going out for a little while."

She looked at her brother, and noticed what he was wearing; jogging trousers and a jersey.

"What are you up to, brother?"

Hana then averted her gaze and proceeded to play with her phone.

"I'm just getting some exercise."

"Um... alright."

Jarred gazed at her for a few seconds, then walked away.

"Why are you staring, brother?"


Jarred shook his head.

He thought that for now, he didn't have to tell his sister about the things that were happening to him.

His sister may be worried because he was just in the dungeon that nearly wiped out his teammates.

He walked out after opening the door.

Fortunately, as he was leaving his house, he noticed a cab approaching and instantly called it.

"Near the gas station that's under construction, please."

"Come on in."

He opened the door and gets in the cab.

He arrived a few minutes later.

"Thank you very much."

Then, he paid the fare.

Jarred pushed open the cab door and got out.

He looked around to see whether there was anyone else besides him.

He quickly proceeded to the abandoned warehouse after making sure he was alone in order to complete his quest.


-Quest has been completed-


1. Stat points +3

2. Dungeon key(Normal)

"That's it?"

Jarred was both perplexed and suspicious of what happened at that time.




Since you obtained the Dungeon key(Normal), an additional quest has been opened. Please use the key to enter the dungeon.

In front of Jarred, a door emerged out of nowhere. He was stunned and fell with his butt.

As soon as Jarred got to his feet, he noticed something.

"Hmmm. a keyhole? Wait. This means-."

Jarred quickly opened his status window and collected his rewards. He began by receiving the stat points and distributing them to strength +2 and agility +1.

He also received the second reward, which materialized in his hand.

Jarred used the key to unlock the door. He was struck blind as soon as he opened the door because of the blindingly brilliant light that flowed from it. He closed his eyes.

Jarred opened his eyes and find himself in a meadow surrounded by nothing but rocks.

He then realized that he was inside the dungeon.



Defeat 100 Star Wolves.

Reward: Stat points +5, ?? skill.

Failure: Death

Time limit: 1 hour.

"Defeat 100 of what?!"

"In just one hour?!"

Jarred's mouth dropped agape and his eyes widened; he couldn't even beat one Star Wolf, much less a hundred of them.



Jarred could hear rumbling from a distance. It felt as though something was on the move. He then glanced in the direction of the sound and saw the Star Wolf approaching him.

"Wait a minute, isn't it too huge for a Star Wolf?"

Star Wolves are creatures that generally reside in E-rank dungeons and are extremely weak. However, Jarred was recently able to slay one Star Wolf while still being hurt by it.

How much more, given that a Star Wolf has grown three times larger than it normally would. Is Jarred even capable of defeating it?

Jarred accessed his inventory to get his weapon.


The Star Wolf growled and then jumped out over Jarred, to attack him. He avoided its strike, but the Star Wolf's power and speed were extraordinary compared to normal ones.

Jarred was shaking as he avoided the attack.

I am incapable of stopping it with that strength and speed.

Even though it had only been a few minutes, Jarred could feel himself starting to sweat and he mumbled to himself in fear.

But, thanks to his passive skill [The Weak Who Wants to Become Strong], his countenance transformed instantaneously and he was prepared for combat.

Jarred positioned himself while holding his sword. The Star Wolf charged toward Jarred and was going to attack him.


"Haa... haa... haa..."

He slashed the Star Wolf in two in an instant. Even he struggled to believe what has just happened. He moved so quickly that it seemed as though a powerful hunter had taken possession of him.

'W-what the heck happened?'

"Did I really kill it?"

Jarred couldn't believe what had just happened.

"When did I get so powerful?"


You level up.


Jarred opened his status window.

Name: Jarred Rivera

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Level: 2

HP: 250

MP: 100

Strength: 12(+2) Agility: 9(+2)

Vitality: 5 Intelligence: 5

Class: Warrior

Unique Ability: none

Skill: none

Stat points possessed: 2