" as of all the members present hear knew what we have to deal in future so without any more formalities. I would like the grandmaster blacksmith Maurya to come in front of the podium and inform us about the situation that has unfolded with him ", silviya says as the grandmaster blacksmith stand up from his seat.

With that maurya gets teleported to the center of the stadium. Like a court pole all the emperor's gaze is on him he then bows and starts saying, " as all of you know about the ancient sword Nerja used by the ancient hero sir James vale to slay the second demon king Kansa. The sword was kept in the great museum of the Ayodhya empire as a memento but by passing time the sword needs repair so sir Khoi came to me to repair the sword as only a tier -5 blacksmith like me can do that. After I repair the sword in its old form it suddenly started shining and a message came out of it. It says and I quote," the second demon king is still alive and is trying to summon the third demon lord ". After that, the sword suddenly burst and shattered into pieces, and just a second before that my demon slave to get vanished from my place ".

After listening to him. He gets teleported back to his seat and a loud discussion starts between the other members. After a full discussion, one member stood up and ask," if I may say something madam moderator ".

The one to ask is the demi- human named sarkar who is half wolf and human. He wore a golden dress with a coin logo embedded in the dress clearly stating his position. Seeing him Silviya said," yes your esteemed sir sarkar, the guild master of the demi-human merchant guild ".

" thank you miss silviya, I would like to ask his majesty Rudra about the news published by the late majesty Shane three thousand years ago that the second demon king is been killed and the body of the king was not found because the hero sir James self destroy himself with the second demon king. " sarkar said as a smile appeared on Narasimha face and a cold look appeared on Rudra face.

All the humans became infuriated by his question. Because the message behind the question is evident but they could do nothing about it .as it was the truth. Their empire had published that news and now that the second demon king is alive and on top of that a third demon king has appeared it clearly says that the empire had lied to everybody.

There is no choice in front of Rudra as he knew they had published that news and now it's come to bite him but fortunately, one human member stands up and says, " the remarks made by someone who can't even afford to slay a demon king even with there heroes says the importance. Yes the news was published by our late majesty Shane but

All the reports are made by seeing the proof and we do find proof of the remains of the flesh of the demon King left after the war .after doing the research we do find that that flesh belongs to the royal demon and I think I do not need to say this that only a royal demon can be a demon king so his late majesty Shane is right at that time by the way I am Mathur the guild master of human alchemy guild ".

This claim makes all the humans proud and they then look at the demi-human sarkar to counter this claim but seeing no counter they smile. Rudra to smile as a huge burden of taking all the blame for this situation would be too dangerous for his empire.

" of course, sir Mathur the reports are right and correct that sir James do kill the royal demon but where is the proof that the royal demon that had been killed is a demon king and not just the family member of the royal family " a lady's voice resounds in the stadium as when everyone looks at the direction they found a middle-aged elven lady.

" Pardon me miss moderator, I am yuka hellbender the guild master of warrior elven guild. From what I know that the royal family of demons has a certain number of family members and what does your late majesty Shane thinks that the one royal demon who dies there is the actual demon king and not one of the family members? And why do we even need the proof when the world message has itself cleared that the third demon king had born and from the words of the sir James he said that the second demon king is trying to summon the third demon king which means the second demon king had already escaped from sir James grasp and fled to somewhere and had done his task so it's is safe to say that the second demon king Kansa died when the third demon king get summoned "

This creates another buzz as the words by yuka are a hundred percent correct as now humans have no way to escape from the situation. Because of their wrong information, every empire had stopped their subjugation of the demon King. so this problem had arisen due to their wrong info and now every empire wanted to blame this empire.

" by listening to all the sides and their arguments and going through all the proofs. The human empire Ayodhya had published the wrong info and we all have to pay its price in of birth of the third demon king. So the vote will decide whether the human empire of Ayodhya will pay all the expenses incurred in the process of killing the third demon king and also cover all the losses made by different demon slave industry " .silviya says as the voting starts happening and as expected the votes came in against the Ayodhya empire. It is 30 to 20 the twenty votes are of the human members and the remaining are of others.

The fifty members of the world committee considered various important people such as guild masters and ministers of some very important bodies that help to run the empires.

Seeing this Rudra and their people lost their minds as Rudra stood up from his chair and says," this is bullshit, how and why do the mistakes committed by the previous emperor have to do with the current empire? I as a leader of this year's committee ask for the emperor's voting not the members voting ".

Everyone including the silent Mariya and Mahahans too became shocked by the Rudra words. The emperor's voting is a completely different matter and has a far more powerful impact than members voting. Because the vote now represents the entire empire and not just the members .one vote against the other empire means that those two empires will become an enemy.

The other emperors frown and start thinking about whether to vote against him or in favor of him. The Ayodhya empire is the second most powerful empire after the Kashi and also had great hubs and various trade meets so to have a conflict with the empire would mean great economic loss.

" There is no need for that emperor Rudra, I think now is the great time to inform you all about the forecast by the angel of destiny mother Amisha," mahahans said as he stood up from his seat and walk teleport in between the stadium.

Looking every eye on him he continued

" yes the forecast about all of this has been already done by mother Amisha and from then we start to look for the solution and also start investigating the place where the second demon king would go. And it was pretty simple to find him we all know that he can't hide on any continent so he has only one option to go and that is " he waits for to someone say the name.

" It's the unknown continents the Naraka

Where none species can survive " one of the members said.

" yes, the Naraka you're correct but we all were wrong on one thing and that is none species can survive but the truth is only one species can survive that harsh environment and that is the demon race " mahahans said, and as he expected great chatters start happening even the emperors are shocked.

" But lord mahahans, the records said that the demon too wore not spared from that environment they too get harmed, " one of the other members said.

" yes, the records are true but they wore partially true none of the demons died there because of the environment instead they all were killed because of the rebellion, so to say that demons wore not spared from that environment is false " the bomb dropped by him is too much for them to digest.

" the second demon king seems to find that and he takes shelter there. After searching for the traces of dark brahm energy we found him there but none of us can enter there so we wore tied by our hands. We start looking for alternatives and after searching for thousands of years we found the solutions to the problem but it seems we wore a little late as that bastard had already summoned the third demon king and the shield that we see on that continents is the result of the third demon king ", mahahans said and gives time to the people to digest this big chunk of information.