" system takes the 100AP and upgrades me to stage -2 yodha," said ravan.

[ deducted 100 AP .....evolving to stage two yodha.....evolving will take two days please be on a safe place.....evolution started ]

As soon as the message popped up ravan closes his eyes and a bright red light started emanating from his body.

All the demons started looking at him as to what happened to their lord but a sudden voice of hades bring their attention back.

" do your work our majesty is trying to reach the next stage. No one will disturb him and keep your voice down as much as you can. Soldiers today's training is over both the group will stand at the border of the town and guard the place. I don't want any disturbance if any beasts try to even come close kill them without mercy am I understand " hades said in a sound that is not too loud and not go down.

As every soldier takes their position hades came and sit right next to the throne and start watching everyone. He then notices five demons coming toward him he then check their status as he is fond of his new power to see a brief description of everything.

[ name: ----------

Race: mid-ranked demon

Stage: stage -0 yodha

Occupation: tier-0 summoner/ tamer

Summoned(1/1): shrill

Tamed beasts (0/1): none

SEX: male

Age: 150 yr

Stats :

Str: 55

Agi: 40

Vit: 600/600

Int: 70

BE: 60/60

Special skill :

A)summons-up: a special skill that helps the summoner to have multiple summoned beasts.

B)Tamer's star: a talent that improves to tame the beasts ans can help to understand the beasts work only one the beasts who have high intelligence.

( a special demon that is rare, if given time can become very strong) ]

[ name: shrill (summoned beasts )

Grade: stage-0

Summoner: --------

Stats :





BE: 50/50

Skills :

Slash, dash, bite.

(a normal summoned demon beast, nothing special ) ]

[ name: ----------

Race: mid-ranked demon

Stage: stage -0 yodha

Occupation: tier-0 ranger

SEX: female

Age: 150 yr

Stats :

Str: 45

Agi: 60

Vit: 600/600

Int: 60

BE: 60/60

Special skills :

Arrow mind: a legendary skill that can control the arrows in any way possible.

For self arrow no range limit.

To control others' arrow range of 50 meters.

( a special demon that given time can become very strong) ]

[ name: ----------

Race: mid-ranked demon

Stage: stage -0 yodha

Occupation: tier-0 potioneer

SEX: male

Age: 150 yr

Stats :

Str: 25

Agi: 60

Vit: 600/600

Int: 80

BE: 60/60

Special skills :

Herbs eyes: can instantly know the type of herbs and their properties and can enhance the properties of the herbs by 10℅ .

( a special demon that has gotten the knowledge of brewing potion a very talented potioneer) ]

[ name: ----------

Race: mid-ranked demon

Stage: stage -0 yodha

Occupation: tier-0 merchant

SEX: male

Age: 150 yr

Stats :

Str: 48

Agi: 54

Vit: 600/600

Int: 80

BE: 60/60

Special skill :

The mouth of greed: a very special skill that enchants the person to fall for the price traps and also loses the bargaining capacity. Only beings who have high mental capabilities can counter it.

( a talented demon that has an inbuilt talent for the merchantry. Loves to have money ) ]

[ name: ----------

Race: mid-ranked demon

Stage: stage -0 yodha

Occupation: tier-0 shapeshifter.

SEX: male

Age: 150 yr

Stats :

Str: 20

Agi: 30

Vit: 600/600

Int: 80

BE: 60/60

Special skills :

Shifter: can change in any things from living things to non-living things. Consumes a very less amount of BE to maintain the form.

( a special demon with a talent for shape-shifting. Have the unlimited potential) ]

Hades again became surprised by seeing their stats. They are the real deal

As they all come near to him they to seat in front of ravan and start looking at him. After that, they all nod in the direction of hades to which he nods and they all close their eyes and start meditating.

As this scene was unfolding in the village. Baali was searching the entire territory for making the map he mark all the locations of the place which has minerals and beasts territory. The formless subordinates are very helpful in this thus he named them vin, sin, din, gin, rin, ein, tyi, kin, rishi, and qin.

As he was resting on a tree and marking the things on the map he suddenly heard from rishi through telepathy.

" master, you need to come here we have found a peculiar situation and we need your intervention " rishi said.

" Where are you now," baali said as he had told them to remain in their formless form and to just view the things and not interact with them.

" to 2km north of your location, we all are here," Rishi said.

" Okay, I will be there in a few min " with that he jumps from the tree and then vanishes before reaching the ground.

After a few min, he found his subordinates standing in front of the caves. The cave does have a peculiar design it has large four pillars in front of it but it is in broken condition. He also saw several trails of blood like someone has dragged someone's body.

He then reaches close to his subordinate and said," Is this some beast territory you guys called me for seeing this? Is he some strong beats like stage -2 or stage 3 ".

" greetings master and no this is not some beast's territory. We don't know what to call them for that you have to go inside. We had gone inside to see and find some very interesting things " vin says.

"Ohh, is it like that okay then qin you stay here if worst came and we don't come out of this cave after 5 hours. Then go and inform the majesty others follow me " baali said as his interest to piqued up that he entered the cave.