"This is the last time that I will announce this, listen to it very carefully and think.

Surrender to us, by that our beloved king will leave you all, except for that summoner person and that person who claims to be king. i..." one of the generals shouts. He has green armor like all the hera tribe members but the difference would be the stars embedded on the armor chest.

He has a big golden star which shows his position as he were repeating the sentence. He got cut off in middle by hades who says," enough of your bullshits. My blades are crying for blood". He then turns to his soldiers and looks at ravan who understands what he wants to say so he allowed him to speak.

Hades then inhales air and then shouts," look at those mororns who think that they have already won the war .even before starting the war that is not confidence that is overconfidence. That is overestimating of there own talents and underestimating others. Never became like them today this is the first battle of our empire give it all because this battle will be entered down into our history and you all have got the chance to become the legend. Who wants to become a legend, WHO? "

As he said that he activates one of the special skills the general aura which makes all the soldiers stronger. The soldiers getting the surge of power

shout in unions," WE ". hades then look back at the enemies who now have boiling anger in their eyes. The hera king then shouts," know your place barbarians, I want all of them dead no mercy kill each one of them just like they did to it my son. ATTACK ".

Getting the single army of ravan to shout their battle cry. " FOR THE EMPIRE, CHARGE " . said hades and shevi. The soldiers shout," GLORY TO the EMPIRE " . as both sides of the army charge toward each other.

Hades ran towards the army with blades in his hands as he is the first from his side to reach towards the enemy. He then takes a huge jump and lands in between the army formation and starts slaughtering them. He is a killing machine his blades cut through the armor and bodies of the enemy like a hot knife cutting butter.

Seeing the easiness of hades the soldiers charge but in formation, they move forward and clash with the enemies. Shield collides and blades start swinging everywhere but the hera army finds the difficulty to tackle the tanky veer army. As veer sena takes the role of the impenetrable wall the bhala sena charge from both sides making a half arc. one arc is controlled by shevi and the by her vice chief of the bhala army. They start killing the soldiers and started moving toward the hera royal army.

Seeing this one of the generals scoffs at hades. As hades were about to cut one more soldier in half a mace came flying toward him. He easily deflected the mace and look toward his attacker.

He sees a man standing in front of him who has the same color skin as the hera tribe people. His height is almost the same as hades himself and that man had worn a beast skin in place of armor. He had a big mace which he recalled back and start looking at hades. The soldiers step aside as this was now not their battle as they went to engage with others.

Hades look at the status of the man standing in front of him. He gets the feeling that this would be a nice battle not great but a good one that will satisfy him and make him use his ability in actual war.




( warrior)


AGE: 160 YR



STR: 130

AGI: 100

VITALITY : (1200/1200)

INT: 50

BE: 120

(the enemy is at the same stage as the host so other information such as skills and special skills is not available). ]

" moris June, am I right," hades says as he to got in the stance to fight but instead of attacking him. He starts playing mind games.

Moris became surprised as to how this guy whom he never met know his name. But this has nothing to do with the fight so he tosses that factor aside making hades' mind trick fail. He can feel that fighting with this man will reignite his battle spirit which he had lost many years ago after defeating his rival in the katur vs the hera mine war.

" Tell me, your name warrior this is my way of showing respect to the dead souls because a dead one can't speak their names, " moris said as he stomp his leg on the ground which create a shockwave that swept away the remaining soldiers who were battling in the area close to them also the cracks appear on the area where he stomped the foot.

Hades is impressed by his strength this shows that he has some brute strength and is specialized in fighting styles that demand a lot of brute strength. He then smiles and said," haha, don't worry you will learn my name before I give you death, now enough of these talks come and show me what you got ".

Hearing the taunt of hades moris scoffs and with that he takes a dash toward him with mace in his hand. The mace started shining which shows that unlike previous attacks this one is a skill used to attack.

Hades wants to feel the power behind this strike so he decides not to use the skill to counter it. He simply raises his blades for the clash and with that, the mace collides with the blades creating a powerful blow that pushes hades several feet back. Smoke arises from the part of the blades where the mace hits. Moris then laughs and taunts hades to come.

" he sure has a power, " hades thinks as he uses blood transformation and covers the entire blades with a red coat of blood increasing the attack and defense of the blades. It takes a total of 40 BE points but this is more than enough for this job. With that, he too dashes at moris to trade some blows.

Moris too again use his skill and both the warriors traded several blows. After some blows, hades found the opening he block the attack of mace which was aimed at his head, and with another blade, he try to slash moris's leg but to his greatest surprise, the blade did not leave a scratch on moris skin let alone to cut it. Taking the opportunity of the surprised hades moris headbutts him causing hades to fall several steps back again.

" hahaha, what happens now warrior where is that arrogance that you have shown me earlier? Is this all you got? Is this your pathetic power? The power on which you think highly of yourself." moris said and then spit out to show his disdain. At least his rival manages to put a simple cut on his body but this guy He's not been able to put a simple scratch on his body let alone a cut.

" shevi was right about you, huh, so you were born with that toughness. The diamond breaker moris June" hades says as he looks at moris and stands back up.

Of the far end of the battlefield on the side of ravan marut says," so that is the diamond breaker, moris June. The guy who has this ability from birth to have a skin harder than any metal and also a few special ones who can learn and use skills despite being only a stage -1 yodha. ".

Ravan nodded as he look at his skills of moris as he was a stage higher than him so he can easily see all the information.

[ THE BASHER: helps to concentrate the energy to give the higher attack power that can only be used with weapons (5BE/strike) ]

[ THE HARDENER: make the entire body of the host as hard and sturdy as the strongest metal With giving high durability too ]

[ SONIC BASH: a powerful strike that releases the full power of the host in attack to damage the enemy and also stuns the enemy for 3 sec (60BE) ]

[REMOVER: a very rare skill that doubles the stats of the host for five minutes, it uses the life force in place of BE. 1min costs 200 vitality ]

" hades have to be smart with this one, in one on one battle hades has little chance to win and has no chance in a contest of strength but this is the war and here hades is the worst enemy for him, " ravan says he then looks over the advancement of shevi. Who bravely rallies her troops and reaches the innermost circle of the enemy where she met her opponent general.

" marut, it's time to move let's go and meet with that king, " ravan says with a smile as marut orders the army to move forward and start rallying towards the hera king.

The soldiers that came near to them are easily slaughtered by the marich who is having his best life with the other summoned beasts of other summoners

And the fortunate ones who escaped from the clutches of beasts were slain by the marut army.

" Well, I admit that I am no match to you in terms of brute strength but my friend in war I am the unstoppable warlord, " hades said as he shove his blades into the ground and raise his hands.

Moris could see a red light coming out of the hands of hades seeing this as a bad sign he again ran towards him with the base.

The moment he was about to bash him.

His instinct told him to take his head down and trusting his instinct he do so.

As he lowers his head to avoid the attack after that he looks back to see a soldier drop dead on the ground he became confused as to what happens.

Again as he was pondering his instinct screamed to move aside and he do to find another soldier drop dead on the ground.

He hurriedly looks back at hades to find some small red needles hovering over his head. The needles are so small that it's difficult to see them individually but in a group it's can be easily identifiable.

" well then my friend lets the real battle start, " hades said as he uses the blood of all the dead soldiers to create this needle barrage as this is not blooded on his own the cost of creating is also low it takes a total of 30BE.

moris then became serious because he can see and feel that his hardened skin are of no use in this situation. These needles are so thin and small that they can easily go into his flesh through small openings but this was not making him afraid of the fact that the one in front of him is the actual ancient blood demon species that he had heard only in stories.

He taught it to be the myths but seeing one in actual flesh made him scared. he chooses not to cower in fear but face the opponent as he always wants to have a fierce battle and now god has given him the chance to push his body and his limits.