Chapter Twenty Three: Leaving

"What happened?" 

Most of the students were unwilling to take such an explanation from the both of them and since Tong Yang had no need to direct the driver anymore, she had entered the back with the other students. 

"Are you sure you remember the address, this is quite some place." One of the female students that had accompanied them said while scrunching her nose at the dirty and wet environment. 

One had to know that most of them were extremely privileged kids and would usually have no reason to be in place like this normally. 

Seeing that her unclear words had the exact reaction she wanted, Tong Yang sighed as she shrugged. 

"I'm not sure exactly but that Auntie said some rich guy had helped Rong Yue pack out of their house." 

"Rich guy?" 

"Is she being kept?" Another person interjected immediately, their ears working on overdrive.