Trouble at school

Rong Yue woke up to the aroma from her mom's cooking, since they didn't have to manage ingredients, Rong Yue's mom had made them a feast the previous night when she got back from the store. 

"Hmmm, this is the life I need." She murmured happily as she skirted around the room like a real kitten. Although she wasn't anywhere near how much she had made in the previous life, she was a lot happier. 

Firstly, she knew she had everything to be great, there was no uncertainty for her. Also, she was certain that people like Tong Yang couldn't harm her in this life. 

"Little Loli, set a reminder to take my mother for a check up at the best hospital next week." She told the robotic system as she undressed. 

Unlike yesterday, she didn't have a off day but she had every intention to talk to their hall master on not having to bear with evening classes at all, times like that needed to be used on making money not on studying what she could recite while sleeping.