Dealing with her

As soon as she got home, Rong Yue was stunned by the knitted dresses her mother had made in the time she was in school. 

One had to understand that while there were machines, knitting with her hands to make three different dresses for her was quite a feat and she wondered why she had never paid attention to this her mother's skill in the past. 

"Mother, how did you make all these in the hours I was in school?" She asked curiously, as she walked into the kitchen, the aroma of lunch calling to her. 

"I thought you would stay back in school since you aren't working anymore. I only made dinner." Seeing that she was hungry, Rong Xia hurriedly explained and left the piece she was working on to join her in the kitchen.

"Go and wash up, I'll make some noodles for you to eat until it's time for dinner." If they ate the dinner they were supposed to warm up now, they would still get hungry later in the day. It was better to make some quick meal for her now.