Big Bad Wolf

As soon as Rong Yue got back from school, she plopped down on the sofa beside her mom who was knitting while watching some drama. 

"Ahhh! I'm so exhausted." She groaned out earning herself a sympathetic look from her mom. 

"Did you guys do any special activity today?" Rong Xia asked carefully not sure if that was the right way to put it. 

"Mmmm, my teacher had me teach some juniors some topic during my break and study session time." She explained while her mom smiled happily. 

That meant her daughter was good! 

In the dramas she had been watching recently, she had watched some that was also done in school settings and could vaguely understand what it meant to be an outstanding student. 

Previously, she knew her child was doing okay and anytime she showed Rong Yue's result to people, they would usually praise her daughter. But watching the whole school settings and test scenes in dramas made her understand even better.