I’m Not A Thief!

Idle days passed quickly and soon, it was already Friday, originally, she was supposed to go out with Sun Li to see what it was that the little girl loved to do after school, however, she had flaunted her study sessions twice this week and had to wait behind for this day own. 

As for Rong Yue, she strolled leisurely out of school, instead of going the way she used to usually, she took another route. 

After numerous attempts, Rong Yue had finally made it easy for one of the people from the Anxi association to reach her.

They had fixed a meeting for evening today and she had to change her appearance back to the boy she had registered as. 

Just as she turned by the alley to the left side of their school, Rong Yue saw about six to five men gathering something. Her brows furrowed as she wondered what exactly they were doing. For security reasons, she turned, making sure that her steps were light and quiet so that they wouldn't spot her.