Little Firefly Is A Phoenix

Rong Yue's brows raised in surprise as she saw the three men that were outside the building immeditately they stepped out. She shot a glance at Sun Li who flushed in embarrassment. 

"I was worried after you were gone for an two hours and i hadn't seen you." she explained hurriedly making Rong Yue look at her time.  The whole time, she had thought that she had spent less than two hours when it had really been four hours. 

"Brother!" Sun Li finally called out and rushed to her first brother's embrace as all the strong front she had been putting on the whole time shattered. As for the other three that had seen more of the harsh relaity of this life, they simply watched her with slight envy as Sun Yan rubbed soothing circles on her back. 

After a while, she eventually stopped sobbing, yet, she was too embarrassed to raise her head making her other two brothers chuckle.