I Can Fit In

Since she was playing Solo, Rong Yue had to sometimes face people that had teamed up in two to a staggering number of seven to get to the main target. 

Like many video games that would be developed later on, this one had a main goal of players getting to the end goal of each level without being killed 

The hard part of the game was the fact that, your score and equipments would also increase with the number of killings and enemy defeating that you do. 

So while one could clear a level by hiding and tricks until they got to the main target like Wang Bo and Wang An,  their score level would be low.

The first two people that Rong Yue met were of two levels higher than them and Wang An shouted "Quick Hide!" The moment he saw them moving towards her. 

"Hiding would only make you weak." 

Before either of them could launch an attack, Rong Yue pressed two buttons on her control immediately annihilating the two of them and then advanced forward.