I’m Done.

Everyone, including everyone from the Wang family stared in shock as Qin Yichen got up from the high table and walked to where Rong Yue was standing. 

"Do you dare say you have more qualifications than her?" He asked again, his eyes cold and arrogant and the woman that had dared to talk before nodded her head hurriedly before shrinking into her seat. 

Rong Yue however shot a warning look at Qin Yichen in anger. She had clearly acted like she didn't know him, yet, this man was like a ghost that couldn't be gotten rid of. 

"Where do I know you from?" Rong Yue asked as she shot him a glare, Mo Fan who was sitting down with mouth gaping wide at his brother's action hurriedly ran down. 

"Little sister, please don't mind the Second Young Master, he was just trying to save you from being harrassed just now." Mo Fan hurriedly said as he stood between them.