Settling Matters

For Rong Yue, the next few days were incredibly tight, the qualifying stage of exam was in one week and she and Wu Hao had only finished their final revision today.

"You are exhausted, are you sure you don't want to get some rest after this?" Wu Hao asked as he packed his books into his bag. 

"Once I go to the capital, I would be lying to myself if I say that I would come back home often, that would be too much and now is the only time I have to do this, besides, Song Jian is assisting," she explained as she got up. 

The both of them always met up at a library that was close to the heart of their city, like this, Rong Yue could have Lu San run things up until the time that she wanted to leave. 

After some more words, Rong Yue and Wu Hao said their goodbyes and separated. Rong Yue got into the already waiting car that Lu San parked right in front of the library.