Imperial Jade

The store she entered was completely deserted and even two of the workers had their head on the wooden table and were sleeping. 

"Welcome! How can we help you?" A girl rushed to stand from a cuboid makeshift counter that she was sitting, it was clear to see that she was the accountant. 

"I'm here to buy raw stones," 

"Really!?" The girl exclaimed, shocked and it was only after some seconds that she realized that her reaction was off. 

"Sure, sure! You are are in the right place," she hurriedly added. As for the other two, they had woken up starlted from her loud voice. 

From the looks on their faces, it was clear to see that they didn't expect to have any customers and even Lu San looked at Rong Yue as he tried to communicate to her with his eyes. 

This store didn't seem like it would have any stone that was good.